Chapter 310 'Eating' the World

"The red-eyed troll?"

Looking at the strange young man who changed into a living person before his eyes, Wu Chong tried to ask a question.In order to confirm the authenticity, he also made a special trip to scan the other party with his spiritual sense, and found that it was real, not some illusion of a demon.

"You are very strange, I hope I can mate with you, so that I may be able to produce better offspring."

The strange young man said this very politely, and it was the content of his words that made Master Wu's hands a little itchy.

"Do you mind my appearance?"

The other party seemed to be able to read some of Wu Chong's revealed emotions, and after feeling Wu Chong's disgust, he showed some strange expressions.

"Why does a strong man like you care about such superficial things?"

Although he couldn't understand it at all, in order to get Wu Chong's consent, he still twisted his body.The newly formed body twisted and deformed again, and when it was frozen, his appearance became a young and beautiful woman again.

Protruding and warped, with a hot body.

It is very in line with Wu Dadang's aesthetics.If the other party had used this dignified appearance when he first appeared, Master Wu might really have compromised.But now that he has changed into a living person in front of him, no matter how I think about it, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Just imagine, a man who was talking to you one second, is rolling on the same bed with you the next.

this screen.
"Or someone you need to know?" The eyeball monster on the opposite side changed again.

This time, it turned into an image very similar to the elder sister Su Daoyu.The difference is that this image of 'Su Daoyu' is dressed in a cool white dress, and the brows are much colder than Su Daoyu's. Compared to Su Daoyu's 'Sa', this woman in white is 'cold'.

"Where did you see this woman?" Wu Chong asked.

One of the reasons he came in was to save people, now that he met the clue of 'Su Daoyu', he naturally wanted to ask.This place is different from the outside world. Simply searching by yourself is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. It is much easier to ask the locals.

"It's not far ahead."

As if aware of Wu Chong's emphasis on this appearance, the eyeball monster retained the appearance of a woman in white.

"How did you get there?"

"Just think about it, that place is lower than this place."

The eyeball monster is very cooperative, and I don't know if it is greedy for Wu Dadao's body.

According to the other party's method, Wu Chong raised his foot again and found that he really moved.I fantasized about moving in my mind, and the figure actually flickered.After a few dodges, Wu Chong saw a comatose woman in white.

The environment here is no longer the coal mine passage he came in before, but has become an underground secret room.

The earthy yellow brick wall is airtight, and there is a lamp on the left and right sides.The oil lamp above was jumping, and the shadows reflected flickered.Looking around, Wu Chong found that the secret room didn't even have a door.

I don't know how the woman in white got in.

Wu Chong stepped forward to help her up, and only then did he see the woman's face clearly.

It is indeed exactly the same as the change of the eyeball monster.

It wasn't the big sister Su Daoyu, but a stranger who was [-]% similar to her.

"This person, could it be that Senior Sister Su's long-lost relative?!"

Wu Chong shook the other party, and found that the other party was in a deep sleep, showing no sign of waking up.

"Can you mate with me?"

The voice of the eyeball monster sounded at the right time, calling Wu Dadao, who was thinking about how to save people, back to reality.


Wu Chong refused without even thinking about it. There seems to be something wrong with the eyeball monster's brain. Although it is covered with a layer of human skin, its thinking logic is still the same as its previous race.

"Why? What else is more important than reproduction?"

The puzzled question of the eyeball monster, combined with the face of the woman in white, made Master Wu couldn't help but want to make a move.

"Is there a way to prevent this world from falling into the abyss?"

Wu Chong took a deep breath. He still needs to understand the logic of the world outside the cave through this local.

"There is no way."

The eyeball monster shook its head. Its starting point for this race is very high. After such a short period of time, it has learned a lot of human habits.

"The strong world is very attractive to the weak world. The big eats the small and eats the rice. This is the survival rule of the world. Didn't your world 'eat' a weak plane before?" The eyeball monster said a Even the people of this world don't know about it.

The world where Daqi lives has once 'eaten' a weaker world.

28 state domains!
A flash of inspiration flashed in Wu Chong's mind, and he instantly thought of the 28 states that Daqi regarded as a 'pollution treatment site'.

The history of the 28 states is broken, and their martial arts suddenly turned into a monster style. It is said that a long time ago, the 28 states were just a pure martial arts world, and the people in it were amazing. External skills, no matter how powerful you are, you can run rampant in the world with a little bit of internal skills.

Until one day, the world painting style suddenly changed.

Inexplicably, there are more such things as "night monsters" and "pollutants" in the world, and martial arts have gradually become weird, and the source is the sacrifices at Daqi's side every time. The heavens and the underworld in the 28 states, and the martial arts they practiced were all thrown by Daqi.

Now Daqi is also facing the same situation, a bigger world is pulling it, making it start to slide faster.This situation is the same as it used to be in the 28-state domain.This kind of world-level rule can be blocked by non-human power.Or Wu Chong at this stage can't do it.

"What's the world like over there?"

Since you can't resist it, you have to find a way to deal with it.

Wu Chong also had some people who cared about him. He planned to return to Jinghai City after the crisis was resolved, and take a trip to the temple to pick up Lian Xing from the 28 states.With his current strength, he is not afraid that others will know this little secret about him.

"It's very vast, and our family has not visited many places."

"Are there many strong ones?
"Many, but those who can enter this level of passage are also a privileged class over there, belonging to higher lives."

Wu Chong noticed the eyeball monster's words.

He was talking about this level of passage. The passage he reached through the cave earlier was 'bumped' out when the Rage God and the Ancient God fought.Later, the old Tianshi and his group all entered the cave, but none of them saw the passage. This may be the essential difference between him and others.

"Is there any difference in this channel?"

"The level of life is different."

The eyeball monster didn't say mating anymore, but changed the way.It looked at Wu Chong, and its appearance reverted to the original man. This image should be its original appearance.Just like an ID card, his 'human' image is like this.

"Since you don't want to mate, let's communicate in another way."

Circles of powerful aura emerged from the eyeball monster.

"it is good."

Wu Chong put down the woman in white, and the two changed places with a thought.The eyeball monster wants to communicate with him, and he also wants to communicate with this native.

I'm about to blend in soon, and it would be great if I could get acquainted with the opposite environment in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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