Chapter 312 Reading Books and Accumulation

"Forget about these silly things, I have a question for you!" Wu Chong waved his hand, interrupting the new emperor's courteousness.

"Senior, please speak."

"Where is your royal arsenal? I'm going to have a look."

This was not a whim, Qihuang had asked him before he died, if he could learn this immortal technique.

Wu Chong said yes.

But in fact, he deceived Qihuang. His current realm is all piled up from panels, and he can practice it by himself, but it is difficult to pass it on to others.Yan Jiudu, his direct disciple, is only a nominal name, let alone other people.

So he is going to take some time to sum up his existing strength, and really create his own "Cultivation of Immortals Cultivation Technique" that belongs to Master Wu!
Establish a school and become a king and ancestor!


Xindi's expression changed.

For Daqi, the royal arsenal is the most important forbidden area.There are only a handful of people who can enter in the past, and they are the core of the core of the royal family. This is also the main means for the royal family to grasp the ascending channel.

But now that Wu Chong has asked, it is definitely not to prove his opinion.

Instead, notify.

If he, the new emperor, is not sensible, this master will most likely replace him with an obedient person.

I heard that King Jinghai is a dog raised by this master
The new emperor agreed to Wu Chong's request.

No promise.

After arranging an old eunuch to lead the way for Wu Chong, the new emperor left on his own.

He also figured it out.

Wu Chong is an unruly person, and he doesn't care about his reputation, he doesn't care about monsters or national teachers.It is impossible for such a person to be used by him who only cares about real things.After understanding this point, the small thoughts in his heart faded away.

royal arsenal.

Wu Chong flipped through the martial arts notes here, and looked at the signature below, feeling a little emotional in his heart.Many of the materials in it were left by the previous Emperor Qihuang.From today's standpoint, Qi Huang can definitely be regarded as a genius, the kind that is rare in a thousand years.

That heaven-defying formation was conceived by him.

In this kind of world, earth energy, manpower, and faith are used to the limit.

Based on this alone, he is enough to surpass his ancestors. If it is changed to other worlds, his life may be completely different.It's a pity he didn't have a choice.From the beginning, he embarked on the road of divine power and martial arts, and he couldn't escape by the time he realized it.Not only him, but also the three major sects under the royal family, all of them follow the path of divine power and martial arts.That is to say, there may be some other secrets on the side of the Zhenwu Sect. This can be seen from the fact that the Zhenwu Sect dared to jump out alone to rebel.

After dismissing the old eunuch who led the way.

Wu Chong found a place to live in Zangshu Pavilion and prepared to study slowly.

This time, he plans to systematically study the divine power and martial arts of this world from beginning to end.Then use this as a basis to create his own "Cultivation Method".

The next half month.

The news related to the changes in the capital city faded away.

All parties in Daqi settled down again, and several ambitious vassal kings also died inexplicably in their own territories.The most vicious alien races were also bloodbathed.The Rage God Sect, which was preparing to revolt, also suffered a merciless blow. After losing two states in a row, it fell into dormancy again.Those who survived were driven out of the territory and lived a wild life like savages.

The turbulent period of the new emperor's accession to the throne was passed in this way.

Wu Chong didn't bother to care about the changes in the outside world, he believed that the new Emperor Qi was sensible.

He just read half a month of books in Zangshu Pavilion with peace of mind. With his Nascent Soul-level strength, he still read for half a month. One can imagine how many books are stored in the imperial secret library.Since the founding of the country by Daqi, they have been continuously collecting classics from all over the world.The documents of those foreign countries and small countries in the process of Daqi's expansion and after the destruction of the country were also collected.I don't know how many orphan and absolute copies there are.Such a large number of books can only be seen in this place.

Many of these books are not martial arts secrets, but Wu Chong still read them.

Every book represents a piece of wisdom, and many of the former Qihuang's formations borrowed from these classics.

If Wu Chong wants to compile powerful exercises, he must absorb these wisdoms.

The systems are different, and the ideas can be used for reference.Every process from nothing to something is full of predecessors' exploration and deserves the respect of every latecomer.

Stones from other hills, can learn.


Wu Chong put down the last book in his hand, looked at the sea of ​​books behind him, and his spirit changed slightly.

In the past, Wu Chong also thought about some martial arts, and had some "modified products". Looking back now, he found that many "modified products" were incomplete. They could only be regarded as a single technique and could never become a "classic".

Walking out of Zangshu Pavilion, I saw the old eunuch who had been guarding outside for half a month.

"Master, are you out?"

The old eunuch who was dozing off was wondering why the sun was gone, and when he looked up, he saw the Master of the State Teacher coming out of nowhere.The whole person was terrified, and immediately stood up from the chair on the ground, sweating profusely.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, Wu Chong's status has been emphasized many times. Now Daqi, basically no one does not know the existence of the National Teacher, and even more knows that the National Teacher is the most powerful person in the world. The boss of the world.

Although they don't know how to save the world, it is definitely right to follow the will of the above.

"I'm leaving first, and I won't see Emperor Qi."

He knew this old eunuch, and when the new emperor came to see him, this old eunuch was with him.It can be seen that the other party is only in the palace,

From Qihuang's attitude of sending the old eunuch to serve him, it can be seen that the new Qihuang respects him. This kind of obedient and sensible Qihuang is the best for Wu Chong.

Saved a lot of trouble.

As for the Qihuang throne, he never had it from the beginning.Being an emperor is a lot of work, and every morning, he manages countless things, big and small, and he also has to fight with the people below, guard against powerful officials, and beware of assassination.

Forget about this kind of life.

Back then, he just wanted to be a quiet king of the mountain.
"Congratulations to the national teacher."

Upon hearing this, the old eunuch immediately knelt down and kowtowed respectfully.When he looked up, Wu Chong had already disappeared.

The old eunuch who breathed a sigh of relief dared to get up from the ground.

Then he quickly turned around and went to report this important news to Emperor Qi.

"Let's go! Did the national teacher say where to go?"

Qihuang, who was reviewing the memorial in the imperial study, stopped the brush in his hand, and hurriedly asked.

"No, Master Guoshi didn't say much, he just came out to meet the slave and then left." The old eunuch hurriedly replied.

That should be fine.

Qihuang heaved a sigh of relief and his spirits lifted.The mountain that has been in my heart for so long has finally left.

(End of this chapter)

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