Chapter 316 Ye Xuanyang's 'Experience'

"Everyone has their own circumstances."

As for why he became stronger so quickly, Wu Chong didn't intend to explain to him any more. The relationship between the two of them hadn't reached that level yet, so he simply dealt with it.

"The national teacher is right, it is Ye who is petty."

Ye Xuanyang adjusted his mentality before he started talking about the business.

"I just came here to find out what happened in the capital that day, and those black bugs. I can feel their emotional impact on everyone in the capital."

Recalling the experience of going to the capital that day, Ye Xuanyang still has lingering fears.

That kind of invisible bug, just like the inner demon, will amplify the 'desire' in everyone's heart, and finally put it into action, just like the prelude to the end of the world.

Wu Chong briefly described the matter of going to the capital, which is well known in the world, but it is more convincing to say it from his mouth.


Wu Chong recalled his experience in Shangjing that day.

When the eyeball monsters came, especially after Wu Yilong was killed, there were indeed a lot of bugs.But those little things couldn't get close to him at all, and they were naturally melted away by the strength around him.He also asked the eyeball monster he fought with about this matter. According to the eyeball monster's description, this thing was not released by him, but a natural phenomenon.

The same goes for night monsters and pollutants.

It is the energy manifestation of the upper world, just like some poisonous gas that is not found on the earth on other planets.From this point of view alone, the world they are about to integrate is not a decent world. The old master and the others said that the world has fallen into the abyss, and they must have guessed from this point.If it was a sacred world, how could natural phenomena be so terrifying.
Wu Chong briefly explained to Ye Xuanyang.

"natural phenomenon?"

Ye Xuanyang was dumbfounded for a while.

This kind of thing that is close to despair is actually a natural phenomenon.

What kind of ghost world is the world they are about to merge with!
For the time being, this general trend cannot be reversed if he is unwilling.Suppressing these negative thoughts, Ye Xuanyang turned his attention to the secret script written by Wu Chong next to him.

"What are you doing?"

The lifeblood of the four top powers has been collected by you, and you have placed them randomly like garbage, so the whole world is here.

Seeing Ye Xuanyang's question, Wu Chong smiled and said.

"I created martial arts."

He didn't talk about cultivating immortals, otherwise it would be troublesome to explain.

"Create martial arts?"

Ye Xuanyang became interested.

Collecting martial arts from all over the world, and then using the four major broken martial arts as a reference, the martial arts created must not be weak.At least it is the same level of Broken Martial Arts!Ye Xuanyang, who practiced hard all his life, failed to penetrate the secrets of the shattering level. Now that a large number of exercises are in front of him, his butt can't move all at once.

"I once also created a sword technique."


Wu Chong was a little surprised.

When he was in the capital, he had also communicated with Zen Master Liaochen and the others. These few people who stood at the top of the world must have done similar things.The experience of these two people at that time did give him a lot of reference.

Later, Wu Chong asked many people one after another, and found that there were very few people who created Daqi's exercises, and most of them were relying on the legacy left by their predecessors.Occasionally there are new martial arts, but they are all 'micro-innovations'.After changing the skin, the foundation is still someone else's.

Doing it all from scratch is a thankless task.Basically, no one does it, and the pay and harvest are not equal.What Wu Chong didn't expect was that Ye Xuanyang did it too. He can only be said to be the leader of scholars who want to rebel.

Many people have a lot of money, but their brains are still active.

Although Ye Xuanyang's experience is not as good as Zen Master Chen's and the two of them, he can still share it.

"The Burning Sun Sword Art is just a martial art of the Martial Soul Realm."

Speaking of which, Ye Xuanyang stretched out his hand and circulated a scorching breath into the palm of his hand, and briefly demonstrated it.

The skills are not bad, it is indeed the martial arts of the Wuhun Realm.

"How did you do it?"

Wu Chong originally planned to meet Ye Xuanyang simply because of the meeting at first, but now he is really interested.

"The first step is to ensure that the exercises don't kill people."

"Is it guaranteed to die?"

Wu Chong nodded, the idea was the same as what he thought.No matter how earth-shattering your kung fu is, the first step must be to be able to practice it, otherwise you will die as soon as you practice it, and no one will dare to try it no matter how powerful it is.

"How did you do it?"

"Based on the eight main veins first, and then gradually strengthened after perfection."

Ye Xuanyang spoke very carefully, it can be seen that this old man is very experienced in creating martial arts.

It is a person who has concretely 'done a job'.

"After that?"

"Spread it out and find someone to practice."

The best way is indeed a mouse.

If you don't practice it, how can you get the real way!
There is no advantage in this world for you to take advantage of, they are all using you as a guinea pig.You think you've missed something, but you don't know that what others want is you to pick it up, so that you can risk your life to help others perfect martial arts!

After you get the magical skills, you will become famous, and others will complete the test of the skills.

If you fail, you will go crazy and die in Huangquan. Others will learn from your failure experience, take it back and modify it, and continue to spread out.

"After more than 100 people died, the first draft of the exercise was formed."

Ye Xuanyang described every step with Wu Chong in detail, including how to attract people, how to correct the collected mistakes, and so on.

"I collected these mistakes and omissions and various cases of obsession, and revised a new version based on this, and then continued to distribute it." The data in Ye Xuanyang's mouth are all living lives.This old man was born in this world. If he changed to a world of science and technology, he would have a proper Ph.D. in biochemistry.

"Back and forth like this, after three rounds, not many people will die."

"Wait until the tenth round, and the exercises will be considered finalized."

"In the remaining 20 years, the swordsmanship has just been developed."

After speaking, Ye Xuanyang has already demonstrated his Burning Sun Sword Art from beginning to end.Wu Chong has also seen it. This level of martial arts can be seen through at a glance with his current reserve of martial arts knowledge.

"Good idea."

Wu Chong nodded.

Ye Xuanyang's way seems to be to trick the little white mouse into being fooled, to constantly adjust the skills, and finally heap up a correct way with human life.

Pity those 'Children of Destiny' who thought they had found a leak, and I don't know how many survived.

"It's all your choice. I just set up a stall there, and I didn't take the initiative to sell them. They bought it on their own initiative." As if seeing Wu Chong's thoughts, Ye Xuanyang also specially explained. .

Wu Chong waved his hand, he is not a nosy person.

"I think the martial arts that the national teacher wants to create must be thousands of times more complicated than my Burning Sun Swordsmanship. This top-notch martial arts is by no means achieved in a day."

After talking for a long time, the old man finally started to get to the point.

He is one of those broken-level martial arts on the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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