Chapter 332

"I found the whereabouts of the elder sister, I went there to investigate first——Ding Wushang."

Lao Ding is a strong man in the martial arts primordial state. Although the increase in lifespan is not comparable to that of immortal cultivators, it is not comparable to low-level warriors like Tong Fei.For the past ten years, Ding Wushang has basically been outside to investigate the news of the elder sister Su Daoyu and the old heavenly master.

Not long ago, I finally got a clue, but I may not have the confidence, so I sent a letter to Wu Chong before going there.

The meaning is very simple, just tell Wu Chong that he will do this.

The choice of whether to go or not is entirely on Wu Chong's side.

Wu Chong, who had just left the customs, looked at the letter in his hand, and finally decided to go over and help.

He can ignore other things, Su Daoyu must be saved.

Another point is that his "Eighteen Combos" just now still failed to break through the shackles, and the realm was still the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, but there was an extra +19 behind.This also confirmed the guess in Wu Chong's heart. He can add points all the way now, but the direction must be off.This route of only increasing strength without increasing lifespan is obviously different from the direction formulated by Wu Dazhang.

If the strength accumulates along the way, what about being invincible in a horizontal push?
Will it turn into loess after ten thousand years?

Although he still has thousands of years of lifespan, such things as the life of a dog cannot be neglected no matter what, and he must make plans as early as possible.

"Come on."

Wu Chong walked to the front hall, heard his voice, and soon two little Taoist boys ran over.

"Go prepare some materials, I want to draw symbols."

After distributing the materials needed for Huapi, he went out.

Since you are going to go out, some necessary things should be prepared in advance.

After half a day.

Wu Chong returned to Jinghai Palace and left after leaving a 'human skin incarnation' in the palace.With Nascent Soul +19, the power of human skin sorcery has also increased. Now the human skin avatar he created is already close to the broken level, which is enough for Jinghai City to watch over.

After changing his image, Wu Chong entered a dense forest according to the location recorded by Ding Wushang, and walked slowly along the rugged path.

The world fusion has already been completed, and the current Daqi is actually in the Shimo Great World.

The passage he is walking now has been walked by countless people in the past ten years.

It is no longer a secret at the beginning of the fusion, and now the ten countries in the world have trade relations with the outside world.World fusion has been used by people in this world.

After walking along the rugged path for two days, the energy contained in the air became more and more active.If the powerhouse of Daqi is here, the breakthrough will definitely be easier.Of course, the bottleneck of the card will also be stuck, and the bottleneck will not disappear just because the environment is changed.In addition, there are more and more black insects in the air. This is a kind of insect that ordinary people cannot observe. Wu Chong has also tried to study it.But he found that these bugs are only a kind of gas in essence, but at a higher energy level, giving people a feeling like a 'worm'.

According to the location recorded by Lao Ding, Wu Chong walked for a while, and slowly left the main road. He didn't know how Ding Wushang got the information at the beginning.

The surrounding trees became more and more dense, and the road began to become intermittent, as if someone was walking.

There is a tavern.

A building suddenly appeared on the road ahead.

It was deserted for dozens of miles, and it was unknown who built the building here and who was making money.

Wu Chong pushed the door open and walked in. He thought that there was not much business in this place where the birds don't shit, but he didn't expect to find that the business was extremely hot after he came in.A group of gangsters were punching and drinking inside, and it was not surprising to see Wu Chong come in, but a few people in the corner gave him a second look.

"Are the guests staying at the hotel or eating wine?"

The coquettish proprietress came over and stepped on the edge of the table where Wu Chong had just sat down. Her slender thighs were half exposed, causing several people nearby to spill the wine in their bowls.

"What do you have here?"

Wu Chong pushed his legs away expressionlessly, and put down the things behind him.These people in the tavern seem to be eating and punching naturally, but in fact their attention is not on themselves.Instead, he glanced in three directions from time to time. The lonely swordsman who glanced at him when he entered the door was one, the proprietress was the second, and the other was a beggar who had been dozing off in the corner.

These three people are all 'higher beings'!
Four realms exist!

It's dangerous outside, and I met so many masters as soon as I went out.

Fortunately, he is +19 'same level', and he will be a little bit resistant to danger.

Wu Chong behaved normally, but he was sensed by these three people as soon as he came in. As a being of the same level, he rushed in rashly, and he was naturally noticed.This woman was here to test him.

"I have three or two dollars for black water wine here, and I need one and a half dollars for snowflake silver"

The woman waved her hand to disperse the crowd of onlookers, and sat down opposite Wu Chong.

It's just that Wu Chong was embarrassed when she heard this.

He is not familiar with this routine!Fortunately, he is not inferior to others in the head of Wu Dajia. He slapped the table, glanced at the woman's chest, and said with a righteous face.

"Two steamed buns, pack them up."

These words stunned the woman on the opposite side and everyone who was observing secretly, and one person couldn't hold back and rolled off the table.

"Are you entertaining me?"

The woman's face was frosty, and she felt that Wu Chong's purpose must be the same as theirs. Otherwise, why would such a strong man appear in this wilderness?
Wu Chong didn't bother to pay attention to this woman anymore, he grabbed a person from the side and started asking for directions.

He came here just to rest his feet, and to inquire about Lao Ding's news by the way.This guy came over a few days ago, and the last clue is this road. If he wants to find someone, the best way is to ask for directions.As for why this group of people gathered here and what purpose they had, he didn't bother to ask.Nothing more than that.

"Have you seen this man?"

He unfolded the portraits, the paintings were from the Zhenwu Sect, the images were very realistic, much better than those painted by the imperial court.

"You court death!"

The ignored woman was furious, and she stretched out her left hand towards Wu Chong and grabbed her.Between the shots, a layer of fluorescent-colored power appeared on the back of her hand.The power of the four realms, the divine power of blood!
It's just what level Wu Da is in charge of, can the strength of +19 bear it?
The woman's speed looks fast to others, but in his eyes it's like a turtle crawling.He stretched out his right hand and grabbed the woman's wrist, and twisted his five fingers vigorously, only to hear a 'click'.

This master at the same level as him had his arm broken. At the same time, he raised his right leg and kicked the opponent's abdomen with a 'bang'. There was an instant silence on the wall.

Seeing this, several other people all stood up, the swordsman in the corner drew out his knife, and the old beggar woke up from his sleep.

Want gang fights?
A sneer appeared on the corner of Wu Chong's mouth.

Just when he was about to 'reason' with this group of people, the picture in the inn suddenly distorted.

Everyone in the inn froze, and the scene quickly faded like an old movie. Weird ripples rippling past. Under Wu Chong's gaze, the woman who made the move, and all the onlookers in the inn, took a look. In a way he couldn't understand, it disappeared out of thin air.

It's like a paper man whose grave has been burnt, turning into specks of dust and blowing away.

(End of this chapter)

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