Chapter 368 The Way to Cross the River

In the camp burned by the war, several elephants stared blankly at the bats and scorpions in the middle.

There was no problem at first, but the thick arms and legs of the bat and the scorpion were not quite in line with common sense, which caused their elephants, a race that naturally had an advantage in body size, to appear a little thin in front of each other.

"From today onwards, everything in this place must follow the rules of our Black Wind Village."

The scorpion spirit, who has transformed from agility and poisonous attributes to a muscular monster, stepped on the bluestone square slab, and stepped on it. He left a footprint on the stone slab that could not be stepped on by an elephant, and the two large pliers in his hands were even more black. It is oily, and the tail on the back is like a steel rope. Every time it is whipped, a deep hole will be left on the ground.

The bat monster next to him squatted on the side, holding the leader of their giant elephant camp in one hand.

The mammoth spirit was carried by the bat monster.

Since when, the painting style of the spirit world has gone astray.

"do you understand?"

The bat spirit held the mammoth spirit in one hand, and slapped the mammoth spirit in the face with the other hand full of contempt.

The mammoth looked humiliated.

Their Daxue Temple has a long history, and they have ancient inheritance forces in many small worlds.People like them have practiced the Dragon Elephant Art of Daxue Temple since they were born, and when they are broken, they will enter the spirit world.With the foundation of Dragon Elephant Kungfu, he incarnates as an ancient mammoth in the spirit world, and has an absolute advantage innately.

Before the emergence of the Black Wind Village, the most powerful in this area was their Daxue Temple.

Even the green snake spirit with 800 years of cultivation would not dare to provoke them, because they have inheritance.It's different from the wild martial artists outside!
But today, their pride was looted by two bandits from Heifengzhai who had never heard of it.

And set rules for them.

At first, the mammoth spirit must have refused, and he used his own strength.As a great monk for 600 years, coupled with the innate bonus of the mammoth, he thought that the battle that was a surefire battle turned into what it is now, and he himself was captured.


The mammoth spirit took a deep breath and confessed.

The situation is stronger than the person, he has no choice.

"After three days, remember to pay the tax." The mammoth spirit was left aside, and the bat spirit and scorpion spirit went out swaggeringly.

These are the forces that think they are very powerful.

They have beaten several of them these days, each of them has some background, and they were very proud at the beginning.

After using the master's method of "convincing people with virtue", they suddenly discovered that communicating with people can be so simple.Afterwards, before the entire Heifengzhai communicated with people, they would greet them with a big mouth.

After subduing the mammoth spirit, the area on the river side has been completely occupied by Heifengzhai.

Accompanied by the expansion of Heifengzhai.

The few masters naturally made a lot of money from it, and Wu Chong didn't bother to care about it.As long as his own supply is sufficient, he can operate as he pleases.With the assistance of pure spiritual energy and thoughts, the magical skills of several masters have been further deepened, and each of them has made great progress.

The strength of the second master green snake spirit and the third master wild boar spirit is infinitely approaching the level of a thousand-year-old demon.

The following group of people are also equivalent to 800 years of strength.

Now, apart from King Toad, the heads of Heifeng Village have also gained fame.After reaching this step, the group's ambitions slowly swelled up, and they began to set their sights on the other side of the river that they had never dared to think about before.

"Quickly report to the master!!"

Ma Hou returned to Heifeng Village and said to the guard at the gate.

"Let's say I found a way to cross the Shirakawa River."

Behind him was a small yellow croaker and a small black fish. These two fish were flying in mid-air. To them, the air in the spirit world was like water, without any constraints.

"Native nest."

Little Heiyu looked at the environment of Heifengzhai indifferently, with a hint of sarcasm flashing in his eyes.

"After seeing that King Toad, just take care of it. Not everyone can change the rules of the spirit world. These ignorant people from the lower world will appear every year, and I'm used to it."

The little yellow croaker said lightly.

The strange thing is that the two of them were talking next to the horse monkey, and the horse monkey who was only one step away in front couldn't hear it at all.

The spirit world has always been chaotic.Everyone knows this. When Wu Chong first told Scorpion and Bat that he was going to establish order in the spirit world, they thought he was crazy.

It's not that they are ignorant, but there are precedents.

They are all 'higher beings' from the lower realms, how could they like chaos?Even if it is really chaos, these people will try their best to establish their own order.But the spirit world has existed for so many years, and order still does not exist.The biggest reason is because it is not allowed!Some people don't allow it.

I don't know why in other places, but this area of ​​Baihe God is stipulated in this way.

These two little fish are not high-level beings from the lower world, they are spirit world creatures born from the White River, and their bodies are contaminated with the breath of gods from the moment they are born.

This also gave them a sense of aloofness, and regarded the higher life from the lower world as natives.

They are born to regard themselves as the people of God, and they regard these "higher life" and other weak spirit creatures from the lower world as lambs to graze.How could they, as shepherds, allow the lambs to have the same rights as they did, threatening their status?They appear every time a new order is about to be born.

Kill the leader and order will collapse.

This time they did the same.

Under the leadership of Ma Hou, it didn't take long to reach the core of Heifeng Village.

Gathering Hall!
The moment they saw the majestic building, Little Heiyu and Little Yellow Fish were stunned for a moment.

What a big room.

What are these natives doing to build such a big house? Visually, it’s almost 30 meters away.

"come in."

In the Juyi hall, the majestic voice of the head of the family came out.Hearing the sound, Ma Hou subconsciously lowered his footsteps.

As the first group of people who took refuge in the Great Master, he also practiced the skills handed down by the Great Master, but his background is not as good as those of the Master. During the three disasters, you will no longer be afraid, and you can bully some weaklings.But compared to these bigwigs in Juyi Hall, he is still an errand runner.

The wooden door of the Juyi Hall opened with a heavy sound.

The current Juyi Hall is no longer the small dilapidated wooden house it used to be. Because the heads of the brothers have become a little bit burly, the gate of the village has also been expanded. The current Juyi Hall gate is more than 20 meters high.It is built of thick wood from the spirit world, and weaker people can't even push the door open when they come here.

The door opened, and a burst of cold air rolled out from inside. In the darkness, a pair of red eyes opened and fell on the horse monkey and the two small fish at the door.
(End of this chapter)

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