Chapter 603 Three Heads and Six Arms Enhanced Version

"Forget it, you are too ink-stained, I'll just order it."

Wu Chong didn't talk nonsense with this person anymore, he walked to the edge of the dining table and looked at Ning Luoyu who was laughing silently.

This woman who once harmed the Dragon King and the others, the woman who caused the downfall of countless brothers in her Black Wind Village.

What is she laughing at?
Thought I was her helper?

Wu Chong didn't bother to think about it so much, so he raised his hand and slapped it down.It doesn't matter whether you are a beautiful goddess or a high-class lady, the result of a slap is the same.

hum! !

A vortex like a stream of water appeared between his palm and the table, blocking the power of his palm.

"She's my food."

Ming stood up, a dark shadow appeared on his body, and there seemed to be a huge interlayer monster roaring behind him.

This is his body.

Demon God Ming is one of the oldest demon gods in Shimo Great World.

Being able to occupy the middle layer alone is enough to prove his strength.

Withdrawing his palm, Wu Chong took a look at his palm, and found that there were many crisscross cracks on it, and every crack was deep enough to show the bone.With his current physical strength, he can be hurt to this extent, so one can imagine how strong the vortex was just now.

"No one can take away my food in front of me, even though you are special."

Ming picked up a piece of silk next to him, and slowly wiped his palms.

"Human? I am a fairy!"

Wu Chong grinned.

Bang! !

The moment his smile spread, Ning Luoyu, who was struggling one second on the table behind, exploded into countless pieces the next.The body died and the soul disappeared, and the exploded fragments exploded in succession not long after leaving the table, until they turned into blood mist, and the dead could not die again.

Not only that, but even her scattered Demon God consciousness was 'erased' by some invisible force.

For revenge, you must act quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately!

This point, Wu Dazhao has not changed from the very beginning.

All this is slow to say, but in fact it is an instant of effort.Even Ming didn't expect that Wu Chong could kill people under his nose. He paused when he wiped his palm. He glanced at the dead Ning Luoyu, and then turned his eyes to Wu Chong's fully recovered palm. superior.

He had clearly blocked that palm just now.

But why people are still dead.

"You are courting death!"

Ming, who had everything under control, suddenly turned cold, and narrowed his eyes.

Tentacles like pythons gathered from all directions, like ten thousand snakes returning to their nests, sealing off all the exits.The cracked mouths at the top of the tentacles dripped purple strong acid venom and bit Wu Chong.

"Compare the quantity?"

Wu Chong looked at Ming, his broad back raised bumps one by one, and then, like sprouting, broke through the skin and popped out. In an instant, nearly a hundred heads popped out, and there were densely packed arms underneath. spread out.

Three heads and six arms enhanced version - three thousand heads and sixty thousand arms!
In an instant, countless arms and heads popped out, actively meeting those densely packed tentacled monsters.

The arm is okay, at most it is just grabbing, and the head is exaggerated. After seeing the tentacles, Ming saw several heads greeted them excitedly, and gnawed the tentacles back and forth like chicken legs. The purple venom on them was In the mouth of the other party, it tastes just like ketchup.

Seeing this scene, Ming's eyelids twitched wildly. He lowered his gaze and looked at the monster standing on two legs in front of him with densely packed heads and arms like a tree canopy. He couldn't help asking.

"what are you!"

"Lonely and ignorant, this is the magic of immortality—three heads and six arms!"

Three thousand heads turned their heads at the same time, and replied in a uniform voice.This scene was so weird that Ming couldn't help but wonder if the two of them had taken the wrong ID cards.

[-]. Head and six arms?
Looking at the exaggerated number in front of him, Ming rarely spoke again.

He felt that the other party was insulting him. Although he was a demon god, he still knew the number. This is the number of heads and arms. Does it correspond to three and six?He ignored Wu Chong's words, and began to wonder if there was an evil technique called 'Xianfa' emerging among the human race recently.

Wu Chong would not give him time to think about it.

From the moment he stepped into the mezzanine, this place was already his territory.The interlayer giant is the fat pig he likes, and he wants to take it back for 'breeding'. In this case, the first step must be to communicate with the owner of the tentacle monster.

Wu Dadao's best way of communication is to 'convince people with virtue'!
While holding the tentacle monster with his arms and head, Wu Chong's one hand became a claw, and the Dao fruit emerged, turning into a golden-winged roc.Peng Claw grabbed Ming's body fiercely.

Boom! !
The earth exploded, and the huge peng claws directly smashed Ming, the dining table and the ground beside him into countless pieces. A large amount of energy and gravel exploded, forming a huge ring, impacting on the surrounding walls. On top of it, cracks spread all over the bluestone square.

The round roof above was directly blown away by the golden-winged roc. The roc raised its head and let out a long, high-pitched cry.

Boo! !

The sound wave went straight to the sky, breaking through the darkness in the middle layer, and the light fell down from the opening, turning into a spectacle.

"Do you think!!"

"Who are you attacking?"

At the center of the explosion, the beaten Ming stood up from the ruins, and his body was completely transformed into a huge stone house.The whole room stood up from the interlayer area, the huge body broke the short beam of light, the underground road and the surging soil turned into his limbs, hands and feet and stood up.

Really devil body!
The real demon body in the Nether Spring Realm, the golden-winged roc distorted by Wu Chong, was torn in half by Ming like a chicken.

The huge body was wrapped in mud palms, and it patted Wu Chong like a mountain top.

"The body of a real fairy can swallow the sky in one bite."

Wu Chong, who was in the state of three heads and six arms, jumped again on the back of Daoguo, mysterious power enveloped his body, his mouth became bigger than normal, and he swallowed the arm that had been taken off by Ming in one gulp.


The arm was bitten off, and the stomach in the body wriggled at a high speed, digesting the swallowed things in an abnormal way, and assimilating them into the strength he needed.

'Helping the Tao', the original idea of ​​Wu Chong's joining the Tao was to eat up the Tao and let the Tao come to suit him.

In order to achieve this step, he has strengthened his body countless times, especially his stomach, which can quickly digest almost anything he eats.Later, he awakened the power of the "false way" to deceive the world in a deceitful way, and this route was shelved.

Just shelving does not mean giving up, the strengthened body strength still exists.

"I'll see how much you can eat."

The voice of Ming came from the stone house, the sound of the urn.

The arm that was just bitten off by Wu Chong quickly grew into a new arm under the surge of the soil, and it was bombarded for the second and third times.

 Seventh today!
(End of this chapter)

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