Chapter 606

The shrill screams echoed in the space, and this monster between the virtual and the real was actually slapped to death by Wu Chong.

Although some of the power dissipated to the outer material world, Wu Chong could no longer control that much in this situation.

Immortals are imminent.

All demons and ghosts must be surrendered to me.

After suppressing a 'song girl' monster with a slap, Wu Chong stood up on his own initiative.

He was going to suppress all other monsters he could see.

Relying on meditation and other methods to solve the insanity has never been considered in Wu Dadang's family, nor has he practiced similar methods.His cultivation method of cultivating immortals has been crooked from the very beginning.Therefore, the traditional methods definitely cannot solve it, and the most direct method is to follow the original path all the way to the limit.

As soon as Wu Chong stood up, he felt something was wrong.

He found that his body was fading a little bit. When he looked down, his body turned into a thin sheet similar to paper at some point.

In the twist of weird space, swaying together.


The strange voice sounded again.

Wu Chong stopped in his tracks. He looked back and found that there was a mouth behind him at some point.

A mouth with wings.

Laughter comes from this mouth.

When he was in the material world and the spiritual world before, he couldn't see the existence of this mouth no matter what he looked at. Now that his body has become a piece of paper, he can see it.

His backhand is a punch.

It's just that this time the fist he punched turned out to be as light as paper, and was easily dodged by this mouth.After flapping its wings and flying high into the sky, the laughter on its mouth became even more arrogant.

The other singers also gathered around at this time, and they stretched out their hands one by one, as if they wanted to keep Wu Chong in this place forever.

"Easy turn."

Wu Chong stretched out his hand, and Dao Guo emerged again.

The power of the fourth level of Hedao has not been affected in any way even in this place.Along with Wu Chong's beating, his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the power surrounding his body became more and more intense.

The moment these monsters stretched out their hands and touched him, their bodies turned easily.

He returned to his normal state, while those 'song girls' and 'flying monsters' turned into paper.

Wu Chong, who changed his body, stretched out his hand again, this time without any obstacles, he grabbed all the singers and Fei Zui.The weird world also fell silent. After losing the life in it, the weird world burned like a scroll, and it burned up in a short time.

When Wu Chong opened his eyes again, he found that he was back in Black Wind City.In the messy secret room and his subordinates guarding him in the distance, after passing a message to Yan Jiujiu, he left in a flash.

He didn't know how long he would last in this state, and staying with his acquaintances might actually hurt them.

The best way is to find a no man's land.

The most suitable place for this kind of place is the middle floor!

With a thought, the cracks between the layers automatically emerged, and the dark power led him in like a courtier.


After stepping into the middle layer, Wu Chong summoned the panel with a thought.

Character: Wu Chong

Realm: Refinement and Hedao (80%)

Road: delusional

God-level skills: Fate (level 11), Dream Eater (level 9)
XP: 3000
"It jumped directly to 80%."

Seeing this speed of improvement made Wu Chong's heart skip a beat.Right now, he has the illusion that he is being carried by an inexplicable force straight to the sky.

Supported to ascend to immortality.

I can't hold on to my death!
This is the case on the road of practice, there are hidden pits everywhere, and one who is not careful will be gone.

Sitting cross-legged on the open space between the floors.

After the former master 'Ming' was blown up by him, the entire interlayer became ruins, and the house where Ming was in was also razed to the ground during the fight between the two.Now the interlayer is pitch black, and when I look closely, there is nothing, and there is dead darkness everywhere.

But when you relax, some dark shadows will flash past in the blind corner of your sight.

This is the weirdness of the interlayer.

Wu Chong suspects that the impact on his rapid breakthrough now comes from the power of these strange attributes.Once upon a time, the pollution he encountered when he was in Shimo Great World, Qi Country, and even the 28 states was very likely to have spread from here.

"The power of the middle layer can help the demon god improve. The black mist demon god and the bull-headed demon god have already told me this."

Wu Chong's thoughts stretched.

In this state, his thinking is more active than normal. Just thinking about many things can lead to many branch options, and even further possible things will be deduced in his mind.

He began to think about the power of the interlayer.

According to the previous experience during the Black Well Disaster, the Black Mist Demon God and the others were temporarily promoted by this force.Ning Luoyu even relied on this power to cultivate a real demon body.However, the Black Mist Demon God also confirmed later that this promotion is only temporary, and when the power of the middle layer is withdrawn, the raised realm will also disappear.

The power they absorbed at that time was dissipated from the interlayer, which was a very small part.

But now, what Wu Chong fused was the entire interlayer!

It's equivalent to eating a world, and now he doesn't have to think about the temporary promotion that he was worried about before. What he needs to worry about is whether his body can withstand this violent "harmony".At Shimao level's "Later stage of Hedao", the current improvement speed is the same as drinking water and eating, and the overloaded energy will also affect his thinking, constantly bringing him into that weird space.

"I now"

Before Wu Chong could finish his thoughts, strange fluctuations appeared again.

This time, it was no longer a singing girl, but a modern world that was almost completely forgotten by him deep in his memory.

On a busy highway, he was standing in the middle of the road.

A fat man wearing black-rimmed glasses sat in the car and honked his horn desperately at him, and it seemed that he couldn't stop the car.

"Who is this person?"

Wu Chong was in a trance for a while.

The stamina of "He Dao" is getting stronger and stronger, the power of being affected the second time is even more exaggerated than the first time, it even touched his own memory, so that he couldn't tell it apart for a while.

Bang! !

In the end, the car did not stop, and Wu Chong, who was still in a daze, was sent flying out.

His body, which is comparable to a god and demon, has been assimilated into the state of an ordinary person here, just like when he was assimilated into a paper doll in the singer's space before.

When cognition is affected, the body will naturally change accordingly.

"I remembered, this person is Zhang Qiang, my brother who sleeps on the upper bunk."

Wu Chong, who flew out of the air, was still remembering in his mind, the world seemed to be slowed down, he even saw Zhang Qiang's frightened expression in the car, his mouth was wide open, as if he was talking about something.But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hear clearly.

 tenth! !

  Ask for votes, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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