Chapter 614 My Immortal World! !
After passing through the gap passage, Wu Chong only felt as if he had entered a completely enclosed narrow passage, with a pitch-black piece behind him, which was completely different from the ascension passage he had expected.

He tried to release his spiritual consciousness, but found that the information fed back after the divine consciousness dispersed was nothing but nothingness.

"Why does this ascension channel look a little unscrupulous?"

Wu Chong thought about it in his heart, but thought that he would enter the fairyland in a short time, so he held back some flaws.

He also promised to take his brothers to the Immortal Realm to live a happy life, and Lian Xing was sealed off by him, and he had to enter the Immortal Realm if he wanted to be rescued.

Under this belief, he persisted for a long time.

One day, two days.

Ten days
After half a month, Wu Chong finally felt something was wrong.

If it is really an ascension channel, how can it not fly for such a long time!Could it be that the vast 'immortal world' I sensed before was the crack that was bigger than a palm? !
impossible! !

The previous catastrophe was not fake, it couldn't be the energy that escaped casually from behind the cracks.

Thinking of this, he began to control himself to fly forward.

This "front" is Wu Chong's own perception, because this narrow narrow passage seems to have no concept of direction, and the narrowness before was only subjective cognition, in fact, there is nothing here.It is because there is no one, so it feels cramped and crowded.

This flight is another two months.

Wu Chong changed directions several times, but the result was the same. He was like a bug trapped in the amber. No matter what direction he changed, it was useless. He flew around without moving.

Or maybe it moved, but he couldn't feel it himself.

"Where is my fairyland!!"

He was shocked and angry when he found out that he had been cheated. He had thought about all the difficulties he would encounter after his ascension, even the security guards at Nantianmen asked him for tolls. The only thing he didn't expect was the embarrassing scene in front of him.The most embarrassing thing is that he can't even return now, because the gap he came in before disappeared shortly after he came in.

"How about cheating?!"

Master Wu, who couldn't find his way, couldn't care about any influence anymore. The violent power erupted from his body, and his body was raised up and turned into an unprecedented monster. On the palms of his hands, there were barbs like fish claws. Then he just slapped the nothingness in front of him without hesitation.

boom! ! !
The power exploded, even in this completely silent space, there was a shocking sound.

But soon, this power dissipated, and the aftermath was absorbed by nothingness.

Unwilling to reconcile, Wu Chong released his power countless times, and tried it in the middle of connecting with the world and everywhere.But this place is like a completely abandoned place, there is nothing, whatever it melts in, it is what it comes out.Not to mention being everywhere, there is only this space in the sensing past. The great world of Shimo where he used to be seems to have completely gone away, and it is completely out of the range of perception.

After unleashing all his strength, Wu Chong stepped forward again. This time, he changed the direction and flew forward vigorously.

But this place is extremely weird, it looks narrow and crowded, but it can't fly out when it really flies.

In this way, Wu Chong began to fly recklessly, rested and recovered after his strength was exhausted, and continued to fly after recovering
I don't know how long it took.

Just when Wu Chong was about to forget the time and his thinking was about to stagnate, a soft force suddenly extended in from outside, grabbed him, and dragged him out of this strange space.During the process, Wu Chong also woke up with a start, sensing the force of the dragging force, he regained his energy all of a sudden.

This force dragged him back continuously. Before Wu Chong could see the route clearly, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

Then he felt a stabbing pain, and the long-lost light shone in along his eyes, almost blinding him.This is still his strengthened body. If someone else changes, even if the demon god comes over, he probably won't be able to hold it.

"The power of the fairy world is really different, the sun is more dazzling than the one below."

After adapting to the strength, Wu Chong spoke.

This space is finally able to speak. The strange space where he stayed before could not even transmit the sound. The long time of being closed made Wu Chong forget the instinct of speaking.

He opened his eyes and glanced at the surrounding scene.

It is a little different from the expected fairy world surrounded by white clouds and flying birds. It is a very ordinary looking small valley.The mountain spring is flowing gently, the grass is swaying, and not far away is a thatched hut that can be blown down in one breath. Outside is a small yard surrounded by a bamboo fence. stool.

A young man with an ordinary appearance and wearing a blue-gray gown was standing three steps in front of him, looking at him curiously, like looking at a precious animal, and the whole Wu Dadao was a little bit unhappy.

"How did your kid get in?"

Finally, the young man opposite spoke.The voice is also normal, and there is no barrier of cross-border language barriers.

"I came up by flying, dare to ask senior, is this the fairy world?"

Although it is uncomfortable, basic courtesy is still necessary.

The other party lives in the 'fairyland', maybe he is a hidden boss.As a newcomer who has just 'ascended', Wu Dazhuo's attitude is very correct.

"Ascension? Immortal world?"

The young man on the other side looked at him even more strangely, and it seemed that there was a little concern for the disabled in it.

"That's right. I'm an ascetic monk. I've pursued the immortal way all my life. Not long ago, I finally ascended to the Dao. I didn't expect to ascend to Senior's place, but I disturbed Senior's cultivation."

Wu Chong was also a little strange, maybe the immortal in front of him had some problem with his brain?
But this question can't be asked casually for the time being. If you are a newcomer, if you offend the boss and get shot to death like this, wouldn't this arduous road to ascension be gone in vain.

"I still don't know how to call the senior."

Seeing that the other party was still in a daze, Wu Chong had no choice but to ask.

"My name is Zuo Meng. Friends who know me call me Zuo Dashanren."

The young man on the opposite side came to his senses, as if he was no longer obsessed with issues such as "cultivating immortals" and "ascension", but looked at Wu Chong with a smile and said.

"Boy, I don't know how you came here, but there is something I can tell you in advance. This is not some fairy world, but my hermitage."

Not fairyland? !
Wu Chong was stunned for a moment.

If it wasn't the Immortal World, then where was Ascension.I
Could it be that it fell into some crack and got some fragments of the fairy world.

But before he could ask, Zuo Dashan, who was opposite him, spoke again.

"I've never heard of the fairy world, are you sure you're practicing the fairy way? In my impression, the predecessors didn't seem to take this path."

"no walk means"

"There is no predecessor, where did the fairy world come from?"

After the Zuo Dashan on the opposite side finished speaking, he drank his tea calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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