Chapter 616
Wu Chong, who was in the flight, found that the panel had been refreshed. When he clicked on it, a brand new interface popped up.

Character: Wu Chong

Realm: Pseudo-immortal (first step)
Remarks: As a rootless duckweed, you strayed into the territory of a world lord, and was killed by the other party as an extraterrestrial demon.He died peacefully, his body turned into mud, and he fattened up a lot of land!

The long-lost remark panel gave Wu Chong a critical blow as soon as he jumped out.

This made him decisively change his mind about going to the bright light ahead.

"Pseudo-immortal, I don't know how this panel is judged. I have already ascended, so how can I be considered a false immortal!"

Taking advantage of the inertia thrown by the good man, Wu Chong continued to fly forward.

The great virtuous person should be a big boss. The strength he lost is many times faster than Wu Chong's flying by himself. Before he flew alone for so many days, he didn't see a single light spot in the world. He has seen it several times in a while. one.

It's a pity that he tried several times and found that there are owners in them, and he will end up with a fertile land if he rushes in rashly.

In this way, it flew for several months.

After countless attempts and explorations, Wu Chong gradually figured out some rules.In this empty space, the brighter the world, the more likely it is that there is a world master in it. On the contrary, those dark and lightless worlds have a high probability of being ownerless and can be entered.

But for Wu Chong now, even in those gloomy worlds, there are many dangers.This should be the characteristic of the world after ascension. After realizing this, Wu Chong made more cautious choices. Anyway, the "inertia" that Zuo Dashan threw him out has not completely disappeared, so he can look again.

March again.

The speed of flight began to slow down.

Wu Chong, who had fully grasped the rules, began to choose a reliable target. Finally, before his power was exhausted, he saw a dim star, and the entire star area was only the size of the earth.This kind of world is very rare in this nothingness, and it can be regarded as the lowest world he can choose.

The moment he passed through the barrier, Wu Chong suddenly felt a lot of information, and then the long-lost gravity and the constraints of rules reappeared on him.

"What can you grab in this broken world?"

A thought flashed by, and Wu Chong rushed in.
Dark Wasteland.

Wu Chong, who was dressed in green, was sitting in an open space, with a huge mountain lying behind him, as if he had been overturned and thrown back.

He entered this world to rob, so naturally he would not develop from becoming a big herring like when he first entered the Demon God's Tomb.It's just that after the actual robbing, Wu Chong encountered a new problem.

He is very experienced in robbing gold and silver treasures, and even martial arts cheats, but it is the first time for him to rob the world.

"How should this be robbed?"

Wu Chong looked at the ground under his feet and felt a little tricky for a while.

The benevolent man only told him that he could rob, but he didn't tell him how to rob.He tried to move a mountain just now, but after flying away from this world, the mountain quickly shrank to the size of a sesame seed.That is still the result of not leaving completely. If he flies away completely, the mountain will shrink to be smaller than a sesame seed.

"Don't you want to grab these things!"

Wu Chong pondered for a long time, and then tried several methods, but he couldn't find a way after tossing back and forth for seven or eight days.

Regardless of whether he moved mountains or rivers, everything would shrink rapidly when he left the world, until it was reduced to the size of a star point, and it was impossible to use it to build his 'immortal world'.

Wu Chong recalled what Zuo Dashan said to him before.

"The origin of the world?"

He thought of a word, and it is estimated that robbing the world should be robbing him of his origin.

But he doesn't know how to grab Benyuan, and the panel can't help in this case.Thinking of this, he can only take a step forward, hoping to find some inspiration from people in this world.

Thinking of this, Wu Chong let go of his consciousness.

The rules of this world are different from the rules he had in Shimo Great World before, which caused the coverage of his consciousness here to be somewhat affected, but it was enough for the time being.

Soon, the divine sense sensed the breath of life.

He found a city populated by people, then flew up and flew in that direction.

City of Fish Tears.

It got its name because of a poignant myth and legend.

A young man in a black costume squatted on the side of the street, looking at the passers-by with a dazed look in his eyes.

His name is Situ Yu, and he is the youngest son of the governor of Yulei City.

Different from those motivated brothers, he never liked martial arts or reading since he was a child. His biggest hobby is to observe ordinary people here in the city.For this reason, his county guard father had a lot of headaches, and even found some strict old masters for him.

But Situ Yu still went his own way, and the old master was also angry and left several times.After a long time, the family members gave up and let him play badly.

Everyone said that he was a waste, and the future of the family must depend on his three older brothers.

Situ Yu basically ignored the opinions of the outside world. He had a secret hidden in his heart that only he knew.That is, he is a time traveler!In his previous life, he was a technical nerd in Blue Star. After he was reborn in this world, after experiencing the initial panic, he quickly found his place.

Especially after knowing that this world has extraordinary power, he was even more ecstatic.

When he was three years old, he successfully contracted a monster in this world, and then began to dormant for 20 years.He observes pedestrians on the street every day, and he is only absorbing the fireworks in the world, and uses these fireworks to suppress the power of demons in his body.

"Hurry up, when I, Situ Yu, soar into the sky, I want these people who laugh at me, slander me, and ridicule me."

Situ Yu's eyes flickered with flames.

It's time to throw out the title of 'trash' for so many years.


Wu Chong, who flew over the ancient city, paused.

This place was already the sixth city he passed by, and he finally found a different point in his endless life.

He flew down to the tallest pagoda in Yulei City, and immediately noticed Situ Yu who was squatting in the corner and observing the passers-by.

From this person, he felt a lot of aura that was different from other beings.

Although it was only the first time they met, Wu Chong recognized the origin of these breaths at a glance - the origin of the world!
"I finally found it."

Seeing Situ Yu, Wu Chong instantly understood the way to rob.

The so-called origin of the world is not a simple thing, it is a kind of qi, a kind of source.If you want to rob this thing, it will definitely not work by force.Once a person dies, the qi disappears.So the best way is to let the controller of the 'origin of the world' to 'gas' things by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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