Chapter 645 Talking about collapse (seeking monthly ticket)

Wu Chong was too lazy to care about it.

Before Situ Yu asked for help, he didn't make a move. The protagonist had to force him a little more, and he would only ask for help when he felt danger.Only in this way can he harvest the origin of the world, so he chose to stand by and watch as soon as this group of people came out.

It simply distorted their cognition, making them feel that there is no one there.

That's it.

Wu Chong, who was dressed in black, walked slowly past Sun Wuji's body without even taking a second look.

An enemy who once wanted to destroy the Immortal Temple cannot be regarded as one of his own because of distorted memory.If Wu Chong let go of the modification of their cognition now, these people might turn their backs immediately.So from the very beginning, Wu Chong positioned them as consumables.

The whole person is immortal, except for himself, everyone else can die.

I just don't know if Situ Yu's three views will collapse after knowing how these 'loyal' brothers and sisters came here.

After controlling these people, Wu Chong stretched out his right hand.

The twisted vortex reappeared, and his palm seemed to become the core of the gravity of the heavens, and the false way was the nebula under this gravity, spinning and spreading.Soon everyone around was enveloped in it.

After a while, Wu Chong withdrew his right hand and returned to the carriage.

"Go on."


Everyone, including Aunt Leng, woke up.

They have also become members of the Human Immortal Temple.

One Sun Wuji died, and there were seven or eight more subordinates. This is because Donghua Sword Master killed ruthlessly just now, otherwise there would be more people.

Situ Yu did not go so smoothly over there. She was chased and killed by the female assassin all the way, and suffered several injuries on her body.He also thought about fighting back halfway, but the strength he had been empowered made it impossible for him to fight against strong men of the same realm. Several times of resistance had nothing to gain except for hurting himself.

In this way, after escaping from the canyon area, the female assassin stopped.

Looking at Situ Yu who was fleeing far away, the female assassin gave him a hard look, and returned unwillingly.

When she returned to the original place, the female assassin was dumbfounded.

The battle here is over, and the collapsed goods have been cleaned up. As for King Xining and Donghua Sword Master, they are all gone.Aunt Leng didn't leave any marks either, which was completely different from what she had expected at the beginning.

"Sun Wuji?"

The female assassin searched around carefully, and found a big man among the corpses of a group of young people.

Judging from the wound, he should have been stabbed to death with a dagger.

Just when the female assassin was about to check further, the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from afar.The female assassin's complexion changed, and she quickly fled into the forest, unwilling to be reconciled, and chose to hide.

This place is too close to Yulei City, the big commotion before is likely to attract experts from the imperial court.

A group of ghost-faced cavalry wearing jet black rushed over.

The leader pulled the reins, sat on the horse and scanned around the corpses on the ground, his eyes paused for a moment when he saw Sun Wuji.But that's it, these cavalry didn't intend to dismount at all, and after confirming that everyone was dead, the leader took off his mask.

"It has ended."

While speaking, the man took out his sword and picked at Sun Wuji's body.

These people are very careful to avoid the possibility of direct contact poisoning.

"It's the work of those rebels."

The person next to him also took off his mask, and it turned out to be Situ Yu's acquaintance, Li Weiwei, the young master of the Li family.During the period when Situ Yu left, the Li family completely took refuge in the county guard's mansion, and now Li Weiwei has joined the city lord's mansion as a small banner officer.In a peaceful age, it would definitely not be so simple, but now that there are signs of chaos all over the world, under such circumstances, Situ Jiangnan, the governor of the county, will naturally not stick to the rules.

"Report it, a big man died, the person who killed him must not be easy."

"These demon masters, can't you be more peaceful!!"

A cavalryman couldn't help but cursed.

They are all peace-loving people, but they are forced to be involved in some people's ambitions, and now they can't even guarantee a stable life.Naturally, they will not have a good face towards these troublemakers and rebels.

Several people checked again, and after confirming that there were no survivors, they turned and left.

On the big tree nearby, the female assassin breathed a sigh of relief.

In the group of cavalry just now, there was a person who was very dangerous. It was because of this person's aura that she hid.

"Aunt Leng doesn't know what's going on"

After confirming her safety, she began to worry about Aunt Leng's safety again.

The carriage moved forward slowly.

Wu Chong didn't set a fixed direction for them, but just let them follow Situ Yu slowly.

With his divine sense, Situ Yu's escape route was naturally clear.

With no one to guide him, Situ Yu quickly lost his way. He went off course, hid in a small town, and began to treat his wounds.

"I used to only care about the state, but now it seems that the state alone is not enough. I have too little experience in fighting people."

Situ Yu kept summing up the experience of this fight.

He is not worried about the senior brother and the king of Xining. Each of these people is stronger than him. Even if he can run away, there must be no problem with these people.


Royal Holy City.

In a dim room, two men sat facing each other, and the oil lamp on the table in front of them was beating slowly.

"Everyone take a step back, okay?"

The man in black on the left threw a chess piece into the brazier on the table and said in a deep voice.

Inside the brazier, the chess pieces were slowly ignited.

This is a word for 'car'.

"Unfortunately, the 300-year cycle of the world is the rule set by the first valley owner. Although I really want to help you, the situation is irreversible." The man on the opposite side reached into the brazier and picked up the half-burned chess piece. .

As if he couldn't feel the temperature with his hand, he gently pressed the flame on it to extinguish it.

"The general trend, heh!"

The man in black sneered.

"What is the general trend? It is not the will of us people."

After speaking, the man in black overturned the chessboard and said to the man who was still kneeling.

"It's not that simple. There's something."


The kneeling man shook his head, but did not explain much.

To the man in black, this attitude is fooling. He walked to the door, and the light shone down, revealing the dragon pattern on his black costume.

This black-clothed man turned out to be the current Holy Master.

"Since we don't give you a way to survive, let's play a game to see whether you die or I live!"

After speaking, he walked out the door.

His back gradually faded away, leaving only the person in the room still kneeling and sitting there, still playing with the half-burned chess piece in his hand, the dancing candlelight stretched his shadow long, as if The whole person was plunged into darkness.
(End of this chapter)

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