Chapter 649 Rumors
After Situ Yu finished his breakfast, as soon as he went out, he heard someone spreading rumors on the street.

During this period of time, Yulei City was also in chaos. Bandits organized by the black robes outside the city once attacked the city, but were foiled by the county guard Situ Jiangnan.

"A plague broke out on the southwest border, and it is rumored that the barbarians also showed signs of invasion."

The one who spread the rumors was a guy who looked like a boatman on the dock. Although this guy was dressed in sackcloth, he didn't look like a working person.

Situ Yu didn't bother to take care of this kind of people, so the county guards would naturally deal with them.

It was what the man said that caught his attention.Now the imperial court is troubled by internal and external troubles, the alien races in the north have gone south, and the governor of the imperial court in the southwest is dead.Now if the rebels collude with the barbarians again, the trouble will be even more difficult to deal with.

"What you said is too scary. The county sheriff just sent a message in the morning, saying that the bandits in the southwest were defeated and have fled into the mountains." Someone next to him yelled.

"Can you believe the words of the imperial court?"

The man sneered, and then took out a piece of blood-stained animal skin from his arms.

As soon as it was taken out, it emitted a strong stench.

"The thing in my hand is the animal skin my brother brought back from the southwest. This thing is usually fierce, and even three or five heroes can't hurt it, but now? It's the same as the plague and died. "

While speaking, the man's expression turned pale.

When the others heard what he said, they hurriedly backed away in fright,

Regardless of whether it is true or false, everyone is still afraid of the plague.

"Let me tell you, that's not enough. Our Dachen Tianxia is already rotten to the bone. Just to the southwest of our Yulei City, there are monsters haunting us."

"real or fake!"

As soon as these words came out, people were really scared.

For the people nearby, whether it is the alien race in the north or the rebellion in the southwest, they are far away from them.But the monsters outside the city can be seen and touched, and they are likely to hurt them.

"Of course it is true. When I went to the mountain with my brother the day before yesterday, I saw a pheasant more than three meters high, with two stone hammers in both hands. The black blind man more than two meters tall was killed by that The chicken was hammered to death!" While speaking, the man took out a steel-like feather from his bosom, and when he took it out, he hit the stone next to him with this feather, and it sounded like 'bang bang! ' sound.

"See, this hair fell from the tail of that bald chicken."

Bald chicken?
Situ Yu's heart shuddered.

During this period of time, there were also a lot of news from other places in the Sheriff's Mansion, and several of them were about the 'Pheasant Rebellion'.

Some pheasants that mutated for unknown reasons began to wreak havoc in the territory, especially the few at the source, which were extremely exaggerated.I heard that an official demon master has already died at the hands of these pheasants.

"The world is getting more and more chaotic, and all kinds of monsters and monsters are popping up."

After Situ Yu waved his hand and left a mark on the man spreading rumors, he turned and left.

He also wanted to find his cousin Mu Qianxi.

Because of the bandit chaos before, Mu Qianxi had been isolated in Yulei City. Recently, for some unknown reason, she got mixed up with Li Weiyi.

In peacetime, he didn't bother to take care of it, but now that chaos will break out at any time, he still takes people by his side for safety.

If it doesn't work, he can take his relatives to take refuge in the Immortal Temple.

"And eldest sister."

Thinking of his eldest sister, Situ Mingyue, a trace of worry flashed across Situ Yu's face.

The eldest sister, Situ Mingyue, has been missing for more than half a month, and there is no news of her until now.In order to find someone, he had already begged Senior Brother Cui, hoping to hear some news.

Wu Chong did help him find someone.

As the eldest daughter of the sheriff, Situ Mingyue was also responsible for the security of Yulei City, so she was targeted very early.More than a month ago, during an investigation, Situ Mingyue was ambushed by a demon master from Qiuxian Valley and taken captive to Guyang City.

This is the second most important city in the central region after Yulei City.

The officials guarding this place are not as determined as Situ Jiangnan. Not long ago, they secretly took refuge in Qiuxian Valley, but they were still on the side of the court on the surface.In addition to the local officials, the imperial court also has a demon master similar to Nether sitting in command. Until these forces are eradicated, the general situation of Guyang City will not be chaotic.

Situ Yu's elder sister, Situ Mingyue, was imprisoned here.

Outside Guyang City, on the official road about two kilometers away from the city.

A blood-stained corpse fell on the official car, and the supplies transported on the box were scattered all over the place.

There were dead bodies lying all over the back, and vultures were sitting on the old trees in the distance, quietly waiting for the delicious meal in the near future.

These people are all loyal to the imperial court in Guyang City.

In the case of the betrayal by the governor of Guyang City, the people of Qiuxian Valley easily grasped their time and route of entry and exit, which is why this precise attack was carried out.

"Is this the last batch?"

A shirtless man walked up to the corpse of the general he finally dealt with, picked up the other's body, took off the other's armor and put it on his body.

"The clothes of the dead are also snatched!"

The accomplice behind him looked at him with disgust.

"I was originally a bandit, so I can't compare to you noble men."

The man grinned grimly.

But before he could speak, the expression on the face of the person next to him suddenly changed.

From disgust to horror, and then.
Bang! !

His head was like a balloon, first filled with blood, then rapidly enlarged, and finally exploded into powder all at once.Brain mixed with blood foam splashed everywhere, and the headless corpse fell to the side, and blood flowed out.


This change caused everyone in the field to react.One by one, they drew out their weapons, and the leaders also summoned their own contract demons.

"I'm looking for someone."

A pale 'Cui Da' came out from the darkness.

It was Wu Dazhang who came out to handle errands. His body was resurrected from a dead body, and it was still within the rules of this world.The purpose of coming out is to do something that can increase the influence, so that when Situ Yu's "world origin" is wiped out by him in the future, he can successfully inherit the inheritance.

Inheritance of this piece.

He is professional!

The people next to him flew over immediately, and the people in the distance quickly dispersed and shot arrows at him.

These people are well-trained masters, and they can quickly form a formation without too many words.

"The means of this world, I think"

Wu Chong thought for a while, and waved his hand to summon his contract monster.

A huge vulture flew out from his hand, and as soon as it came out, it trampled the few people who rushed to the front to the ground. Then this guy arrogantly raised his head, and his pair of fleshy wings hammered his chest like a wild bear. , let out a long howl.


Wu Chong looked at this idiot with disgust.

The other people nearby were also stunned by the sudden appearance of the contract monster. The most exaggerated thing was that the arrows were automatically bounced off when they hit the monster.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The fiercest man backed away vigilantly and looked at Wu Chong with a wary face. The main reason was that the monster he summoned was too exaggerated, so they had to switch from offense to defense.

"Looks like a vulture?"

(End of this chapter)

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