Chapter 660 Chicken Plague
City of Fish Tears.

After the war, the rebel army once occupied here, announced the abolition of the laws of the Chen Dynasty, and re-established the rules.Over the next 20 years, Yulei City changed hands several times.It wasn't until ten years ago that Situ Yu suddenly emerged and re-occupied this place with a brand new identity, which also brought this already important city under the front line into the eyes of the world.

Up to now, Yulei City has become the third largest city in the world.

The existence of Yong'an Sect can ensure that this place will not be affected by the flames of war. Countless refugees fled here to settle down and start a new life.

In the antique study room, Situ Yu stood in front of the window in a clean white gown, watching the bustling outside.

Human nature is forgetful, the flames of war ten years ago have gone, the new city of Yulei is still prosperous, only a group of people have changed, that's all.

Situ Yu is now over 50 years old. He has a beard and is serious.His appearance is very similar to that of his forgotten father, Situ Jiangnan.

In the past, Situ Jiangnan also liked to stand here and look down at the fireworks below. At that time, Situ Yu didn't understand what he was doing, but now he understands a little bit.

Just looking at the peace.

The responsibility on his shoulders is heavy, and he doesn't know how long he can protect this peace, and whether he can continue to protect it.

"Hasn't Mr. Bi come back yet?"

Situ Yu didn't look back, but he knew someone had come in.

The old Bi he was talking about was the limitless expert who had joined the Yong'an Sect in these years, and he was also the only master of the Yong'an Sect so far.

After more than 20 years, the tiger skin of Renxian Temple can hardly hold up.

Especially in the past 20 years, Renxian Temple has never been born again, and even senior brother Cui who went down the mountain with him has disappeared.If King Yongning and the others were not still there, Situ Yu would have thought that the existence of the Temple of Immortals was just a dream.


The three who walked in were Weng Cun and Situ Mingyue.

The two people Situ Yu trusted the most, compared with the "outer disciples" of Xining Wang and the others, there was always a gap, and he couldn't describe that gap, it was just instinctive distrust.It was as if these people would betray him at any moment.

"Is it finally unbearable?"

Situ Yu murmured.

As the Dinghaishenzhen of the Yong'an Sect, Mr. Bi must have been held back by someone if he hasn't come back for so long.He didn't need to think about it to guess that there would definitely be a series of blows against their Yong'an Sect.

Nothing less than instigation and assassination.

He has experienced too much in these years. In the first few years when Master Wu and Senior Brother Cui disappeared, he almost failed to withstand it.Fortunately, the elder sister's awakening gave him an encouragement later, which made him cheer up again, and this is how the current Yong'an Church came into being.Personality and strength have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

"If the business road is cut off, how long can Yulei City last?"

"Materials are not a problem. The imperial court and the anti-king don't dare to take action publicly. They have been testing the whereabouts of the real vulture all these years."

Situ Mingyue said.

The vulture real person in her mouth is the powerhouse at the end who was short-lived in the city of Anhe in the past.

Later, someone went to the scene to investigate and captured a few survivors. Through their descriptions, they confirmed that the real vulture was terrifying.Even in the limit, Daoist Vulture is one of the top group, and there are only a handful of enemies in the world who can fight against them.

At the beginning, Situ Yu also took advantage of the momentum and gave the vulture real person the position of left protector, which made him have the deterrent power he has now.

"Real Vulture, probably Senior Brother Cui."

Situ Yu laughed.

Recalling the experience of going down the mountain, it seems like yesterday.

"Master, apart from the imperial court and anti-king, there is one more thing that needs attention." Weng Cun next to him said.

"Chicken plague!"

As soon as these words came out, Situ Yu fell silent for an instant.

The chicken plague in Wengcunkou was not a plague of ordinary poultry, but a few perverted pheasants that came out of nowhere.Each of these pheasants is a monster-like existence. They ravage the mountains and forests, attacking cities and conquering land. Wherever they pass, they even scrape off the grass on the ground. They can be called pests among pests.

The most troublesome thing is that the power of these pheasants will continue to spread, just like the plague, spreading extremely fast.A few years ago, both the imperial court and the anti-king sent experts to try to hunt and kill the source pheasants, but they all failed and lost many experts.

Chicken plague is now one of the most troublesome troubles for the three major powers in the world.

"Master, it's not good."

A voice suddenly came in from outside, followed by a rush of footsteps.

The person who came in was none other than Aunt Leng, who was twisted and transformed by Wu Chong in the past.

Compared with the arrogant Donghua Sword Master and the Xining King who doesn't take outsiders seriously, this woman is better. She has fought with Qiuxiangu several times in these years, and her relatives have also betrayed and become her own.

It is worth mentioning that the female water rhinoceros assassin who plotted against them in the canyon defected to Yong'an sect not long ago because of internal fighting in the valley.Now she is also serving as a Dharma protector in the church. The change in Aunt Leng's attitude has a lot to do with the arrival of this woman.

After Aunt Leng came in, she glanced at the people in the room, then quickly walked to Situ Yu's side, and said a few words in a low voice.

After listening to the content, Situ Yu's expression also changed suddenly.

"how so!"

Sensing the eyes of his elder sister Situ Mingyue and Weng Cun, he hesitated a little, but still spoke out.

"The chicken plague has spread to Yulei City."


As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Situ Mingyue and Weng Cun also changed.

"and also."

boom! !

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion outside Yulei City.The huge shock has been transmitted from the position of the city gate to this side. Looking around, I can only see a huge flame bursting out from the position of the city gate.

In this hot flame, a ferocious pheasant hovered over the city wall, and it spit out the previous flame.

In just an instant, the picture of Fish Tears City was shattered.

Fear, panic, and despair quickly spread, and countless people began to run for their lives. Stampedes happened everywhere, and even the security team of Yong'an Sect couldn't defend themselves.


A ray of sword light soared into the sky, directly meeting the hot pheasant that crossed the border.

The person who made the shot was Donghua Sword Master.

Although he was not trusted by Situ Yu, Wu Chong's rewritten cognition made him never doubt his identity.

Over the years, the imperial court had sent many strong men to contact him and King Xining, but they were all dismissed by them. Although they did not kill each other, they also made clear their position.Situ Yu didn't understand the content of the conversation between them, and thought that there was something unclear between them and the court, so he was a little suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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