Chapter 667 Changes in the Shimo Great World
Ignoring these messy messages, Wu Chong turned his attention back to Shimo Great World.

The node that hosts the Shimo Great World is very special, because the shape of the Shimo Great World is not a rotating nebula, but a closed box with many worlds inside.

A node that can carry this special world might be able to carry more.

Like a fairyland.

Instead of working hard to find superior nodes, it is better to find another way to find a way.

"Two houses cannot be built on one piece of land. It should be no problem to build two floors." A flash of light flashed in Wu Chong's mind.

Thinking about it this way makes it more reliable.

In order to confirm the feasibility, he decided to find a weed world to test it out.

But it's rare to come back, so I'd better go back and have a look.

"I don't know if Lianxing's sleeping crystal has been destroyed, and there are nineteen and them"

The Great World of Beginning Demon.

3000 years have passed, and the former Ascender has become a legend.

The original pattern of the Great World of Primordial Demons has long since ceased to be the original form of a single demon god, and the ascendant who rose later has become the mainstream.Under the huge base of the human race, the cultivators have created one civilization after another, and built a huge force in the starry sky.

The Dragon King and Venerable Lord who were the first to turn to the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Immortals in the past have truly become overlords, and even Shi Mo dare not say that they are sure to win against the two.

Apart from the two of them, there are many first-level powerhouses in the Cultivation Alliance, such as Xiao Fan, Su Daoyu and so on.After such a long time, the method of cultivating immortals created by Wu Chong has finally ushered in a prosperous age.

However, there are also depressions in the prosperous times.

In the past, all the brothers in Heifengzhai fell behind because of their qualifications. Even the Green Snake King and the Wild Boar King were only in the third echelon, and the others had already sealed themselves off. .Waiting for the "big master" who may return in the future to take them to heaven.

Under so many years of fantasies, the Immortal World has long been a place that everyone yearns for in Shimo Great World.

Spirit world.

Since the system of cultivating immortals has been perfected, the existence of the spirit world is no secret.

In order to correspond to the realm of cultivating immortals, the Dragon King and the Venerable Lord joined forces with the Daoist Patriarch and their three top primordial demons to re-divide the world.

The material world is defined as the lowest world.

Immortal cultivators below Yuanying will stay in the material world, while the spiritual world is where monks of Huashen and above realms stay.The "Three Disasters in the Spirit World", which everyone heard about in the past, have now been used together to become the "Little Heavenly Tribulation" that ascends to the Spirit World, and has been officially written into the system of cultivating immortals.

In the system established by the immortal cultivators, the spirit world is only the middle world, and the highest level corresponds to the fairy world.

It is necessary to face the catastrophe to go up after the consummation of the Dao.

The former Patriarch of Ten Thousand Immortals, Wu Chong, has already confirmed the existence of the Immortal Realm!
Mortal world, spirit world, fairy world.

As the order became more and more perfect, the changes in Shimo Great World became more and more obvious, and even many indirect rules had slight changes.Even many demon gods have begun to practice immortality. Compared with humans, demon gods can cultivate faster. Their innate background makes them start to transform into gods as soon as they turn to cultivation.

"Hurry up, Aura Tides."

Inside Feixianzong, Xiao Fan dressed in blue stood on the top of the mountain.

After Wu Chong flew, there would be an aura tide every 600 years. Xiao Fan was half a step behind before, so he fell behind the Dragon King and Venerable Master.

But this time the aura tide, he will definitely seize the opportunity.

If today's pass is successful, the pattern of the world will change from the five gods to the six gods!
Tianzun is the respectful name some immortal cultivators have given to those at the level of the Dragon King in recent years.The level is equivalent to the previous Shimo.

When Xiao Fan was waiting for the aura tide, the former Qiguo.

This free world absorbed by Shimo Great World has now become a prosperous super city. A big city with a population of 200 million represents extreme congestion and chaos in this context.

Immortal cultivators and adults are high above, and the people at the bottom live like ants.

The 'immortal city' floating in the sky is in stark contrast to the mundane city below. The culture of cultivating immortals and the backward feudal civilization form this strange city.

Qiguo still exists.

It is said that Qiguo's ancestors told their ancestors about their bloodlines, saying that their queen of a certain generation was related to Lianxing, the younger sister of the ancestor of Wanxian.Although their claim is basically not recognized by the outside world, it does not hinder their bragging.It has been passed down for thousands of years, enough to spread some outrageous rumors into truth.

The current Qi Kingdom royal family calls themselves the descendants of the ancestors of the Ten Thousand Immortals.

Even the last name was changed.

Of the 'fairy cities' floating in the sky, the largest one belongs to the royal family of Qi Kingdom.

But these are far from ordinary people.

The old city has become extremely crowded due to population expansion, and the old streets are full of sewage and garbage.

"Hurry up, don't let that pollutant escape!"

One foot stepped on the sewage, trampling the reflection inside, causing ripples, and the leading officers and soldiers yelled loudly.Another row of people behind them completely disrupted the tranquility of this old street.Many people carefully opened a gap, watching the officers and soldiers passing by with fear on their faces.

The pollutants are still there, more and stronger.

The pollution in this world has never disappeared from the very beginning, because the source is outside the world. The two shells left by the 'barren' and 'ancient' that Wu Chong saw are the source of the pollution.Perhaps there is a deeper source of pollution, the kind that even Wu Chong has not seen.


A toad was jumping in the puddle, every time it fell to the blue bricks on the road, it would be dyed grayish white, and all the life near it would be assimilated into carrion.

As long as a living person smells its breath, it will immediately turn into a rotting corpse, and the process is so fast that it is too late for rescue.

A low-level pollutant like the night demon would naturally not cause such a big commotion.

This toad is a real pollutant.

"Heavenly fire talisman!"

The officers and soldiers rushing to the front saw the jumping toad on the road at a glance, and waved a magic talisman to smash it over.

These soldiers are not ordinary people, they are Dao soldiers trained by the Daqi royal family, each of them is a master who has practiced Taoism, and the weakest ones have foundation building skills, and the leading team leader is even in the late stage of foundation building strong.

Bang! !

After the fire talisman hit the toad, it exploded quickly, creating a big hole.The people behind also quickly gathered around, one after another magic talisman added restraint, and soon trapped the toad.

The war between pollutants and immortal cultivators has become the mainstream of this world.

Just like the original 28 states, many areas in Shimo Great World have begun to fall in the past 3000 years.Pollutants are like cancer cells, which cannot be killed at all. Even if the top Tianzun takes action, they can only be wiped out temporarily, and they will be reborn again in a short time.

It is precisely because of this that the demon gods in this world are so crazily practicing cultivation skills.

It is because they want to ascend!

Want to escape from this world.

(End of this chapter)

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