Chapter 67 End
Wu Chong shot very quickly, but he didn't know why the old Wangtou and the other three fought so hard after the real contact.

There is a thick film on Jiang Xiao's body, and every time this film attacks, it will remove a lot of force, and only two or three out of ten of it can affect him.What's more uncomfortable is that the crying and smiling faces on Jiang Xiao's chest and back are constantly affecting the surrounding area, and the emotions in this area will be affected.

Although it will not completely lose self-control like Wu Xiao, but his actions will also be affected.

The three of Yu Feishu who were kicked out were a little dazed when they saw this scene, especially Yu Feishu, who always felt that Wu Chong was a drag, and was pulled in by Old Wangtou through his relationship.Now seeing what kind of drag this is, it is clearly a strong man who is stronger than him.

There is also the form of Wu Chong. Although it looks different from before, it feels completely different from their use of demon skills.

"Old Wang, what's the matter with your half-disciple? There are only more than 30 marks, and you can beat Jiang Xiao."

"How would I know!"

The old Wangtou also had a look of doubt about life.

There were many changes in the plan this time, the poison did not work, and the impact of the pollutants on the Master of No Desire Land was not as fast as expected.In the end, it was Jiang Xiao's strength. They originally thought that they could deal with Jiang Xiao with the three of them, but before this shot, someone made a secret move against Jiang Xiao.

But even so, the three of them were beaten into a mess, and his junior brother Wu Xiao was also killed.

Originally, he thought he was going to fail and run away, but at the last moment, Wu Chong broke out suddenly.

The master of the No Desire Realm, who they couldn't even deal with together, was being beaten by Wu Chong.

"Who the hell are you!!"

Wu Chong didn't reply.

The old boy had already forgotten him.

Taking the benefits and doing nothing, even the gift giver is forgotten, it seems that the habit of eating free food is no longer a day or two.


After being hit by Wu Chong again, Jiang Xiao finally couldn't help it.

He roared loudly.

A dark red steel thorn spit out from its mouth and attacked Wu Chong.As fast as a bullet, Wu Chong, who was flying back, saw this thing with a flicker in his eyes. The monster power flowed, the internal power gathered, and finally all of them were blessed on the iron cloth shirt.

There was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

The steel thorn lost its strength and fell to the ground.

Looking at Wu Chong again, except for a big hole in the clothes on the chest, not even the skin inside.

"Iron cloth shirt?"

Whether it was Jiang Xiao or the old Wangtou who was injured and lying beside him, they all froze.

"Impossible! How can external skills withstand Jiang Xiao's attack."

Yu Feishu directly denied this absurd guess.

"Defensive monster art?"

Jiang Xiao also thought so, he thought Wu Chong's demon skills were defensive.

Defensive demon skills are the most troublesome, but they are not impossible to kill.At most, it is to liberate the demon power in oneself and make it fully active.

Demon power, the stronger the activity, the greater the destructive power.

Just when Jiang Xiao was about to unleash his demon skills further, a wisp of gray energy silently merged into his body.


Jiang Xiao's face changed, but it was too late.


The neglected pollutants began to take effect slowly, Jiang Xiao's rationality was fading, and weird eyeballs began to appear on his body.After these eyeballs were formed, they began to scurry around, and the strength of Jiang Xiao, who was the host body, withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gray gas, began to fail.

On the other hand, the pollutants became more and more conspicuous, and the mouth of the bottle was as new as it was, exuding an attractive luster.

Under the gaze of several people, dozens of dark red eyeballs grew on Jiang Xiao's body, and they were still intensifying and spreading.

"Come on!"

Seeing this scene, Lao Wang's first three ran away without looking back.

Pollutants don't recognize their own people or their own people. Once this thing takes effect, it will be an indiscriminate attack.Although the people behind them mentioned the efficacy of this pollutant before they came here, they also made some targeted defenses.

But that's for sleeping pollutants.

Once this ghost thing is activated, its destructive power will increase exponentially, and all life within its range will be its targets.

Wu Chong was faster than them.

He had seen pollutants before in the inn, and that's how his brother who was the first copycat didn't.

boom! !

With a bang, Jiang Xiao in the center exploded from the middle like a balloon.

Strangely, the place where the explosion did not disappear completely, but turned into an eyeball monster.

The pieces of meat that flew out were not in the shape of chunks of meat, but individual eyeballs.

As the boarding body, Jiang Xiao didn't die immediately, his head still existed, but there were countless eyeballs on it, and these eyeballs crazily sucked his life like parasites.The power of demon kung fu practiced in his body was also corroded by this newly added source of pollution, the balance was broken, and only complete alienation awaited him.


Jiang Xiao wanted to ask for help, but there was no way to make a sound in his throat.

Wu Chong and the others ran far away in one breath.

He stopped and breathed a sigh of relief when he couldn't see Jiang Xiao at all.

"Don't worry about it?"

Wu Chong was considered to be in the best condition among them.

He had a fight with Jiang Xiao. Although he couldn't solve the opponent, he was not injured.Compared to the old Wangtou and the other three, they are a bit miserable. They are "immortal elders" who have cultivated pure demon skills. Now Jiang Xiao's demon skills have eroded their bodies, breaking the original "balance" in their bodies.If I want to recover later, it is estimated that I need to find a large group of people to transfer the excess 'pollution' in the body.

"Someone will fix it."

Since he dared to do something in the city, he had planned it long ago.

As Wu Chong guessed at first, Old Wangtou and the others were pushed out to do dirty and tiring work.

"What about the reward?"

Wu Chong remembered that the goal of the few people at the beginning was to obtain the road after the 'disaster-free' environment.Now that people are killed and nothing is obtained, they dare not go to the area where Jiang Xiao is.

"Of course someone will deliver it."

Old Wangtou didn't say who would give it to him, but the meaning was very clear.

"I go first."

Sister Sun left behind a word, turned and left by herself.

After confirming that the enemy is dead, her mission is complete.

"I'm leaving too. If you have a chance, you can come to my place for a ride." Yu Feishu said something to Wu Chong before leaving.

This 'immortal elder' who looked down on him from the beginning to the end finally recognized his strength.

"Go back, don't go to the gate of life for three days."

The old king coughed.

Now that his demon power has dissipated, he has returned to his shriveled form before. It is difficult to equate this appearance with the monster with back hands.

It can only be said that the fairy elders are also monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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