Chapter 672 Congratulations to the Master (for subscription)

The completely dark pitch-black room, where Wu Chong used to pinch the Demon God to death, now there are two more people here at some point.One of them was covered in blood, and even his hair and eyebrows were red.The other person was dressed in gray, with a bright light on the top of his head, he looked like a monk.

Suddenly, the red-haired demon god opened his eyes, and the eyes flashed brightly.

"He actually came back! I knew he couldn't bear those ants."

While speaking, a lot of resentment automatically appeared around him, and these resentments surged around him like a tide.

"Writing his own 'Tao' in our world, this kid really knows nothing." The bald demon god also opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other, with a look of victory on their faces at the same time.

Because they are the original demon gods in this world.

Wild and ancient!
Some time ago, the world didn't know why, the stone outside the boundary that had been blocking their aura was moved, causing their aura to return.Reawakened the two who remained in the long river of time.

It's just that when they woke up, they felt that something was wrong. A third party appeared in the world once occupied by the two of them.

The most troublesome thing is that this third party also engraved his "Tao" in the origin of the world, making it the mainstream.In comparison, the two initial demons of the two of them have instead become 'creepy ways'.

It is precisely because of this that the two joined forces for the first time, preparing to teach this latecomer a lesson.

"Go ahead."

The blood-haired Shi Mohuang stood up and stretched out a hand.

In the next moment, the entire material world seemed to be torn apart by this force, and all supernatural powers and spells were invalidated at this moment.A big blood-red hand appeared above the sky, as if it wanted to hold the world in its hands.

Wu Chong, who was talking to Yan Jiujiu, raised his eyebrows, and raised his hand in the direction behind him.

Bang! !

The huge bloody hand exploded before it took shape, and the rain of blood was scattered everywhere.


Wu Chong grabbed it with one hand, caught a breath, and then showed a strange expression on his face.

Shimo Great World has always been polluted, and he already knew this.

Outside the world, there are shells left by "Huang" and "Ancient". As long as the two stones are still on the edge of Shimo Great World, pollution will be born endlessly.When he was out of bounds, Wu Chong picked up those two stones and threw them away. Unexpectedly, this simple act would have an impact on the world.

The legendary imprint of the power of the two gods Huang and Gu remained in Shimo Great World, activated by this aura, and the two "waste materials" who thought they were the deity came back to life, and now they actually want to do something to him.


Yan Jiujiu didn't know what happened, but interrupted the teacher's words.

"Nothing, let's go back to the spirit world first."

After crushing his breath, Wu Chong brought Yan Nineteen back to the spirit world.

As for those people in Qiguo, he was too lazy to take care of them.

To run a good country like this, but also to create three-six-six-six-six grades, the whole people are in dire straits, and this kind of younger generation deserves to die.


The red-haired Demon God Huang who had just made a move in the middle layer screamed, and withdrew the arm he had just stretched out, and found that the root of the forearm was broken.

This scene made the bald demon Gu, who was about to make a move, suddenly stop.

"What's going on? With your strength, why did you get injured like this!"

"Be careful, this guy is stronger than expected."

The red-haired Demon God Huang panted heavily, looking at the direction where the material world was before, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to get rid of this junior quickly, and then reorganize the "Tao" in the "Origin of the World", but now it seems that he was too hasty.The younger generation who can rise behind the two of them must have their own special features.

"It seems that we still need to re-plan. This so-called 'way of cultivating immortals' is stronger than we expected."

The two settled down and began to rearrange.

He didn't know that the two of them had been ignored by a certain master as weeds.Because the real 'Huang' and 'Ancient' are already dead, the two of them are just waste products born from the fusion imprint of the breath from outside the world.

Spirit world.

Black Wind Village.

Even after more than 3000 years, everything in Heifengzhai remains the same.

After Wu Chong came back, he directly appeared in the core mountain of Heifengzhai. As soon as he walked in, he saw many familiar faces.The sealing method he left behind at the beginning was still used by them.This self-styled way of waiting for the future is the last retreat he left for the brothers in Heifengzhai.

"3000 years."

Wu Chong walked to the side of the spar that Lian Xing had trapped, and sighed.

One day in the fairyland, one year on the ground.

It has been such a long time since his ascension left and his return this time.The old brothers fell asleep one by one, and even the horse monkey couldn't escape the ice.Now he still remembers what Mahou and the others said in his mind.

"Master, we are waiting for you to take us to the ascension."

At the beginning, I naively thought that the ascension would be over, but now I know that the road outside is not easy.

"Big boss!"

There was a sound of footsteps outside.

It was the Wild Boar Spirit and the Green Snake Spirit who rushed over. Wu Chong brought Yan Nineteen back to the spirit world and alarmed them.The two closest people rushed back immediately.

"What a master!!"

After seeing their backs clearly, both of them showed excitement in their eyes.

It's been 3000 years, if it wasn't for their breakthrough in cultivation, they might be lying in it like other brothers now.

"Go out and talk."

Wu Chong waved his hand.

With a thought, the figures of the three appeared in the front hall of Heifeng Village as if teleported.

For Wu Chong now, the rules of the Shimo Great World can be easily manipulated, especially his "false way" is still engraved in the Shimo Great World.Now most of the cultivators in the world are practicing his deceitful ways. To some extent, he is already the "Heavenly Way" of Shimo Great World.

"Big brother!"

"Big boss."

As soon as they arrived in the front hall, all the other brothers showed excited expressions.Wu Chong took a glance and found that except for the wild boar spirit and the green snake spirit, none of the other brothers knew him.

It has been 3000 years, and the old man has almost replaced it.

But even if he is a newcomer, he is still full of admiration for him as the master. All the brothers in Heifengzhai are proud of the cottage.

"I am back."

Wu Chong walked to the throne of the head of the family and sat down.

The chair, which has been empty for more than 3000 years, has finally returned to its owner.

"Welcome to the return of the master!!"

The sound resounded through the sky.

The ancestor of the immortals has returned from the 'fairy world'.

This news spread throughout the entire spiritual world in an instant, shaking the world for a while.

This is the first great power to return from the 'upper realm', and it also proves that the ascension is not nothingness, but the real higher world.Huang and Gu didn't come back, it's just that they had forgotten about this small place!

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(End of this chapter)

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