Chapter 674
The outside world.

Wu Chong tried several times to 'build a building' on the Weed World, and after finding that it was really feasible, he decisively arranged it on the Shimo World.

This kind of super node is basically impossible to find outside.

Instead of wasting time outside, it is better to develop the base camp.

After projecting the origin of the world into it, a white world appeared above the 'box' of Shimo Great World, and the upper space of the box was re-divided and defined.During this process, the origin of the Shimo Great World also oscillated twice, but after sensing Wu Chong's aura, this 'vibration resistance' naturally subsided.

Because the way of heaven in Shimo Great World is the "false way" written by Master Wu.

Time passed, and it was a month in a flash.

For a month, Wu Chong, like a mason, put the world origin collected from Situ Yu's world into it, and then pinched his foundation little by little to create a basic structure.Finally, after spending a lot of time and energy, a world with only a skeleton was born. It floated outside Shimo's big world, just like a small world in the cave, not very conspicuous.

The origin of the weed world is naturally inferior to Shimo Great World, but under Wu Chong's manipulation, it still became the upper realm.

"In the follow-up, you only need to continue to replenish your strength and let it grow up gradually."

There is only a framework in the world, and after the first step is a more complicated project.

But when he reached this step, Wu Chong found that the 'world origin' in his hand was exhausted.The "origin of the world" collected by Situ Yu's world is only enough to lay a foundation in front of Wu Chong's fairyland plan.

"The foundation has been laid, and then we need to find some bricks to build, at least two or three thatched huts first."

The number of sources in the world is not enough. Under this premise, we can only revitalize the basics first, and then expand slowly. One day the thatched cottage can become a starry sky fortress!

Thinking of this, Wu Chong recalled the giant snake.

The giant snake is the creator. When he entered the weed world, the giant snake was not nearby. It was only after he moved the node that the giant snake came over.It can be seen that the giant snake is usually in another area.Thinking of this, Wu Chong took out the detailed node map that the last giant snake gave him.

A large dense star map appeared in his mind, and when he focused on it, corresponding content would emerge.

'Position: void'

"It should be here."

Wu Chong found a special dark red node near the weed world where Situ Yu was.

This node was unusual at first glance. When he touched it with his hand, the long-lost panel popped up automatically.

Tip: (Special node: it may be related to a special place.)
"Special node? A place where the world masters play?"

For some reason, Wu Chong suddenly thought of the little girl with candied haws. This little guy who looks exactly like the little girl with the lantern in Shimo Great World, could it be related to this place?

"It just so happens that the source is not enough, go and buy some goods."

Thinking of this, Wu Chong grabbed the 'distance' silk thread next to him, and after a few folds, the distance was quickly leveled.

"It's up to you to go this time. I still want to build a 'fairy world', so I won't do it myself."

In order to save the construction period, Wu Dadang drew more than 100 pieces of 'human skin' in one go.The human skin technique became even more special after he ascended to immortality.Now it is like a special life and can survive independently.

Wu Chong copied more than 100 points of his memories, and after merging them into these human skins, he sprinkled them out like seeds.

A real "capitalist" makes his fortune through exploitation. He is a fairy now, and it is not too much for some of his men to help out with miscellaneous tasks. .

Countless human skins flew out, passed through distance nodes, and were surrendered by him to the surrounding world one by one. These were all assistants he sent out to harvest 'crops', and the 'special node' instilled by Wu Chong was thrown away in one go. Go in a dozen.


Stopping, Wu Chong continued to build his fairy world.

A piece of human skin fell to the nodes, passed through the barriers of the world, and merged into the world.The surrounding pictures also distorted, and a brand new picture began to appear beside them.

Thunder pierced the sky, the storm beat on the doors and windows, and the wooden buildings outside creaked.

A wooden house by the sea, near the cliff.

Inside the wooden house, a man whose hands and feet were chained suddenly let out a maniacal laugh.

"It's coming, it's coming! It's finally here."

While the man was laughing, his body began to twitch non-stop. The skin on his surface was twisted strangely, as if there were mice scurrying around underneath. The appearance of the body, but soon this distortion was suppressed by the power transmitted from the iron lock.

The man who was suppressed backlash laughed even louder.

The faces of a group of people waiting outside the wooden house changed when they heard the voice.

"Crazy again?"

"Once in a while, the old man will go crazy, and he will recover naturally after completing the ceremony." The speaker looked quite high, and after he finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the seven or eight children kneeling at the door.

All the children he saw hugged each other tremblingly.

These children are all descendants of the family, and they all have the same blood from the same root.In terms of seniority, the man who spoke just now is still their elder.

It's a pity that this kind of family has almost abandoned family affection a long time ago.

"Send one in first."

It wasn't until the voice inside subsided that the man above spoke.

"Ah, no!!"

"Second uncle, don't feed grandpa with me."

The little boy resisted desperately, but his strength was useless in front of adults.In this way, he was dragged into the house crying all the way.

Not long after, there was a scream from inside the house.

Then there was the sound of flesh chewing.

Many of the children outside were so frightened that they cried, and even the timid ones fainted from fright.

They would never have dreamed of such a scene. One day ago, they were just ordinary children, living the same life as other children of the same age.I arrived at this place in a blink of an eye. Looking at this nightmarish scene, the most frightening thing was the gentle second uncle on the stage. It seemed like a different person. The child who was brought in just now was his favorite on weekdays. little nephew.


After the chewing sound subsided, the man ordered indifferently.

Amid the cries, one child after another was sent in.

until the last child.

This child's name is Yu Kui, and he is the son of the current head of the Yu family and the only son of the man on stage.

Unlike other children, Yu Chou didn't have any emotional fluctuations from the beginning to the end, including the disappearance of the little friends around him.

"Throw him in too."

The man on the stage frowned. If possible, he still wanted to keep his son.It's a pity that the old man inside has been going crazy for a long time today, and if he doesn't calm down, there will definitely be big problems later.

Compared with the family, when a son dies, he dies.

Just like that, Yu Kui was thrown by his biological father into the back room with his neck lifted.
(End of this chapter)

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