Chapter 681 Demon Martial Arts
On the car back to the city, Wu Chong sorted out a few useful memories.

In my memory, the human-skinned demon came to this world a long time ago. When it first came down, this world was still a farming civilization.After that, it went through several catastrophes, and every time someone subverted, someone would come out to reorganize society, repeating like a cycle of reincarnation.

This kind of subversion is described as the "black tide" in the memory of the human skin demon.

The civilization of this world is basically built around the way of resisting the Kuroshio.

"The Yu family has reserved the books they gave me."

After reading the memory, Wu Chong has a deeper understanding of the world.

On the surface, the Yu family seems to be trying their best to train him, but in fact, they haven't taught him anything of value until now.The only little trick was learned from Zhang Daochang.The Yu family refused to teach him, so they paid an outsider to teach him.

"This is also expected. According to Yu Tonghai's thinking, I should be the tool he uses to fight against the Kuroshio."

Wu Chong looked calm.

It is not surprising that there has been speculation for a long time.

"Master Crying, you are back."

As soon as he entered the gate of Yu's house, Wu Chong saw the previous housekeeper standing there, as if welcoming him.

Wu Chong didn't even look at him, got out of the car, entered the door, and then went to his room.He doesn't need to care about anyone in this Yu family, and I believe Yu Tonghai won't want to see him either.

inside the room.

Wu Chong rearranged the knowledge he had obtained from the human skin, and then began to practice.

No matter which world you are in, strength always comes first.The current Wu Chong has very limited use of the power of this world, the only thing he can mobilize is part of the power of the 'Human Skin Demon'.But there is a big gap between this 'human skin nuclear membrane' and the complete human skin thrown by the main body.Wu Chong didn't know how strong the complete demons in this world were, and there was no corresponding content in the memory he read. The value of half-mad human skin was too limited.

"Demon Warrior?"

Wu Chong saw the cultivation memory passed on to him by the human skin, which described the cultivation methods of most people in this world.

To put it simply, it is to use the power of demons as internal force to operate.

In actual implementation, it is still very difficult, because the human body is not a demon, and it cannot bear the power of a demon.The deeper the devil's martial arts practice, the faster he will die.

"Just right for me."

Wu Chong is not afraid of short life, as long as he can improve his strength.

Thinking of this, he ran the 'Demon Martial Arts' once according to the action route he remembered.When cultivating internal strength and true energy, the body is warm, giving people a sense of nourishment and nourishment. Demon martial arts is different. When it is running, the meridians are like being burned by flames, and the needles hurt.

If the willpower is a little weak, you can't practice.

Wu Chong does not lack the power of a 'demon', and the human skin will automatically infuse him.

After insisting on running for a circle, Wu Chong opened his eyes and let out a mouthful of foul air. The high temperature of the sulfur smell corroded the wall in front of him.

"It doesn't seem to have improved much."

Wu Chong raised his hand and tried to run the Great Eagle Claw Kung Fu.

Three fingers grabbed onto the stone wall, but they couldn't even remove the stone, and their fingers were still numb from the shock.

This effect disappointed him greatly. If Demon Martial Arts is at this level, it doesn't make much sense to practice or not.Just when he was about to give up, a feeling of palpitation suddenly hit his heart.

He turned his head abruptly, only to find a dark figure standing behind him at some point.

This black shadow does not exist in this world, but a projection, just like the shadow under the sunlight.


Wu Chong looked at the shadow that suddenly appeared, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

There are speculations about the way of practicing demon martial arts.

There is a great possibility that demon martial arts is to use the power of 'demons' to strengthen oneself. When cultivating, warriors will autonomously pull the active demons around them and attract them to their side.Those who are lucky can fuse with demons and become powerful demon warriors.

If you are unlucky, you will naturally be burned to ashes.

Thinking of this, he channeled the power of the human-skinned demon into his eyes, and gradually, he saw clearly the distorted shadow image.

A woman in black mourning clothes floated there. His hands were livid, and his red nails grew all the way to his knees, with black-purple liquid dripping from the tips of his nails.

"this face"

Wu Chong looked at the demon floating in front of him, his eyes narrowed.

This devil who appeared suddenly looked exactly like his cheap sister Yu Meng!
"Is it the power projected in by a certain creator? I just don't know how different this so-called original demon is from the parasitic demon." Wu Chong had seen the Yu family's parasitic demon in the tunnel before.Iron Gate didn't even have a chance to fight back in front of his human-skinned demon.

With just a small amount of strength, they can be easily suppressed.

But the woman in front of him was different, he gave Wu Chong a very dangerous feeling.

Thinking of this, he decided to suspend his practice and wait for this woman to disappear.When faced with unknown and uncontrollable dangers, Master Wu has always been so conservative.

1 minute, 2 minutes
10 minutes passed.

The black shadow on the opposite side faded a lot, and this kind of thing was indeed influenced by demon martial arts.

Just when Wu Chong felt that the black shadow was about to disappear, she suddenly raised her head, a bloodthirsty murderous intent flashed in her blood-red eyes, it was hostility
Yu's inner courtyard, ancestral hall.

Yu Tonghai sat on the main seat, and there were two old people beside him.

There are still three or five people standing sparsely below. Everyone here is very old and their expressions are very indifferent.Each of them exudes a strong demonic aura, which is a manifestation of the advanced level of demon martial arts.

"The signs of the Kuroshio have been confirmed, and our generation is very unlucky to be hit."

Yu Tonghai glanced at the others and spoke calmly.

During this period of time, Yu Tonghai has been in contact with other hermit families, until not long ago when Yu Meng left home, the Chen family passed on the confirmed news.

For people like them, this is tantamount to doomsday.

Because under the black tide, all living beings are wiped out.

Several previous civilizations perished in this way. What's more troublesome is that the Kuroshio's favorite food is them, demon warriors.For Kuroshio, they are the high-quality ingredients!So far, human beings have no ability to fight back when facing the Kuroshio.

Yu Tonghai used his daughter Yu Meng to cooperate with the Chen family to find out how the ancestor of the Chen family escaped the black tide last time.

'Feed' method!

Find an offering strong enough and high enough quality to feed the Kuroshio.After feeding the Kuroshio, it will naturally recede.It was precisely because of this that he would keep feeding the old man. The original plan was to let the old man take over, but he didn't expect a mutation to happen midway, and Wu Chong came.

"Then find a way to raise your son and let him die."

The old man next to him spoke, in line with the Yu family's usual cold-bloodedness.

(End of this chapter)

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