Chapter 683
The death of the housekeeper did not cause much fluctuation, and there was no so-called emotion in a family like the Yu family.

Early the next morning, Wu Chong saw a new housekeeper appearing in the family, all dressed in the same clothes as the old housekeeper.

For this kind of thing, the Yu family is no stranger to it.

This kind of hidden family is itself a collection of monsters, so it is not surprising what happens here.This is why young people in the family want to escape.It's a pity that in a family like the Yu family, all of them have mysterious particles flowing in their bodies since birth. This kind of particle makes them inherently powerful, but it also becomes a curse that they can't get rid of.

"The black shadow yesterday should also be the original demon."

Inside the house, Wu Chong summoned the human skin demon.

Eating the butler's human skin only replenished part of it, and now there are faint marks on the surface, which are left by the shadow.

"Before the butler died, he seemed to have called Ma'am."

Recalling yesterday's experience, Wu Chong found some abnormal 'spots' in Yu Cry's memory.

mother of this body.

This thought really feels a little strange, no matter Yu Meng or Yu Chou, it seems that they don't have much memory of their mother.Before Yu Chou was taken by Yu Tonghai to the beach to feed the old man, his mother didn't seem to resist, which was too abnormal.

"Forget it, let's improve my strength first. If I die, the deity will not know what happened in this world."

Thinking of this, he sat down cross-legged and started to run Demonic Martial Arts.

The burning sensation after the practice of the kung fu reappeared again. This time, Wu Chong did not practice foolishly, but summoned the panel.

Character: Wu Chong (clone)

Demon Martial Arts: Beginner (+)

The panel of the avatar is simpler, it is projected from the main body, and there is no record of the experience value.The power consumed is all on the main body side, what I have to do on my side is to accumulate a little, and exchange the accumulation for energy.


Wu Chong put the little power he got from the 'Human Skin Demon' not long ago into it, and soon got energy from the main body.

Gain energy without saying a word and upgrade directly.

Suddenly, a familiar energy burned from the dantian.

The scorching power seemed to have ignited his internal organs, without the effect of internal energy or true energy at all, on the contrary it caused a great burden on the body.

He could clearly feel that his life span had been shortened by ten years!

"What kind of fucking martial art is this? It's fine if you don't increase your life if you improve it, but it still costs your life."

Wu Chong was in severe pain, and he felt as if all his meridians had been burned.This kind of krypton life flow practice method looks like a big pit at first glance.This is also caused by the particularity of the world. People in this world simply don't have time to practice step by step. They are killed by demons before they grow up. What's the use of practicing more?It's better to replace it with strength in time.

It's all about complaining. After being promoted to the first level, the messy power in Wu Chong's body was instantly twisted, and the black-red devil's internal power swirled in his body, exuding a bloodthirsty smell.

Under the influence of this force, the human skin demon in Wu Chong's body quickly recovered, and the place that was scratched by the black shadow before also began to recover slowly.

Wu Chong raised his hand and slapped the table.

A hole was punched out of the solid mahogany table, the prints of five fingers were clearly visible, and black smoke was still rising from the area around the palm prints, making a 'chi chi' sound.If you stare at it for a long time, you can still hear a ghost-like wail, just like a scream.

"The power is good, but this image doesn't match my temperament as a cultivator."

Withdrawing his palm, Wu Chong commented.

Character: Wu Chong (clone)

Demon Martial Arts: Intermediate

Calling up the panel, Wu Chong looked at the martial arts level, and found that the panel was as powerful as ever.Demon martial arts can also be upgraded simply and rudely.

"Master Crying, the Patriarch is looking for you."

The cook's voice came from outside. After Yunniang was killed by him, the new little cook took care of him in the following days.It's just that this little cook is very timid, and she doesn't even dare to speak to him on weekdays.Come here and call yourself now, it should be Yu Tonghai's order.

"I see."

Wu Chong responded, and then controlled the human-skinned demon to 'burn' the entire table into ashes.

"Clean the room and ask the housekeeper to change a new table for me."

After confirming that all the traces were wiped out, Wu Chong got up and walked out.After he left, the shivering cook in the corner entered cautiously and began to tidy up.

Yu Tonghai lived in a room far away.

To be precise, everyone in the Yu family lived far away from him.

After Wu rushed into the room, he saw Yu Tonghai drinking tea alone in the room, and when he came in, he raised his head and looked him up and down.

Wu Chong stared back without fear.

This kind of majesty is not enough to fool children. Even if he is just a clone of Mr. Wu, it is not something that can be frightened by such means.

Sure enough, seeing that Wu Chong was not afraid, Yu Tonghai immediately changed his attitude.

"sit down."

"what's up?"

Wu Chong sat down beside him.

This kind of attitude doesn't look like a father and son at all, and he doesn't regard Yu Tonghai as his father in his heart, not only him, but also Yu Chui from his predecessor.Yu Tonghai probably thought the same way in his heart, Yu Kui and Yu Meng's siblings were both his tools, and there was no emotion involved.

Quite pure!

"Why did you appear outside the white room yesterday, and why did you conflict with the housekeeper?" Yu Tonghai originally wanted to ask.

But considering the tone of the question, I changed it to another way of saying it.

Anyway, the butler is dead.

"If you don't like him, kill him."

Wu Chong didn't bother to explain about Sombra, he had a lot of secrets in him, so talking too much would be troublesome.

Yu Tonghai fell silent for a moment.

"I don't have anything to do, I'll leave first." After drinking tea, Wu Chong stood up and was about to leave.

Yu Tonghai didn't speak any more, he only said a word when Wu Chong was about to walk out the door.

"Be careful to control the power in your body. If you rely too much on it, you will get lost."

Wu Chong waved his hand and left without looking back.

This dialogue can be regarded as the end of yesterday's official death.

"Brother, this monster seems to be out of control."

Not long after Wu Chong left, Yu Tonghai's third younger brother Yu Tongqian came out from behind gloomyly.

Asking Wu Chong this time was originally a decision after their discussion, in order to determine Wu Chong's current state.If it gets out of control, the result will definitely be very troublesome, and it will even affect the future plans of the Yu family.

"If you want me to say that he is directly abolished, just lock him up at the seaside with the old man."

A sinister look flashed in Yu Tongqian's eyes, and he suggested.

"Where's Madame?"

Yu Tonghai closed his eyes and pondered, ignoring Yu Tongqian's suggestion, but asked another question.

"The state is not very good. The Kuroshio is approaching, and the possibility of them losing control is getting higher and higher. Just be more ruthless and bring them together."

"All right."

Yu Tonghai was a little annoyed by what he heard, so he directly interrupted Yu Tongqian's nonsense.

If everything in this world could be resolved by force, there wouldn't be so many troubles.This kid Yu Tongqian is full of insidiousness and lack of brains, he looks like a waste at first sight!
(End of this chapter)

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