Chapter 69 Upgrading the Magic Jade Technique

The servant of Mr. Yue left after delivering the crops, but before leaving, he arranged for his servants to help him take care of the manor. This is probably what Mr. Yue meant.Wu Chong didn't bother to take care of this, and enjoyed the power of others, so he had to act according to other people's rules.

Those servants didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Apart from serving him in his daily life, they just helped him take care of those 'crops'.

Those "crops" that have lost their personality have really been tamed. They don't run away or make trouble. They eat when someone feeds them. When they have nothing to eat, even if they starve to death, they don't say a word.

This is a group created by generations of despair.

Not a day's cold.

The days passed quietly like this.

Half a month later, a letter came from the cottage, and Lian Xing and Wu Chong hurriedly left after warning.

After Lian Xing left, Wu Chong continued to study the third and fourth layers of the magic jade skill he had just acquired.

Compare the first and second layers, which were extensive at the beginning.

The third and fourth layers are obviously much more refined, involving the meridians, qi and blood, and even the dispensing of medicines.What caught Wu Chong's attention the most was that there was actually research on pollutants in these contents.

These studies are not only the transcripts of the three evil elders, but also the records of other ancestors.

Pollutants are indelible high-level energy.

Source unknown.

Someone tried to use high temperature to wear out this energy, but failed.The pollutants were not damaged after being heated to more than 200 degrees. On the contrary, the incineration boiler was damaged by the pollution in the process, turned into scrap iron, and even blew up the furnace once.

Later, some people thought about using internal strength such as big teleportation to transfer pollutants to a certain part of the body, and then the strong man cut off his wrist.

It's a pity that the amputated arm is the same as having an independent life. No matter how he is imprisoned, it will eventually return to the body.

Xianchang, before the balance is broken, even if you want to commit suicide, you can't do it.

Afterwards, nearly hundreds of methods were recorded scatteredly, and the final results were all failures.

The only effective thing is still to use other human lives to bear the pollution instead of oneself.In other words, as long as the demon art is born, people will definitely die, the only difference is whether the person who dies is yourself or someone else.

"A desperate experiment."

Wu Chong closed the secret book.

He has memorized the contents inside, and the rest is to try.

Open the game panel.

Character: Wu Chong.

Skills: Wood Splitting (Completion), Eagle Claw Kungfu (Limit Breaking Level [-]), Iron Cloth Shirt (Consummation), Stele Breaking Hand (Consummation), Blast Kick (Consummation), Iron Back Kungfu (Consummation), Iron Crotch Kungfu (Consummation) .

Internal strength: health preserving power (consummation), breathing power (consummation), small spring power (consummation)
Cultivation method: the third level of Aoki Kung Fu!
Transformation method of demon skills: magic jade skills (not yet started)
Experience Points: 47%
There is a new column in the training method, the transformation method of demon skills.


The panel flickered for a moment, and soon, the transformation method of demon skills changed from (not getting started) to (beginning).A large number of memories appeared in his mind out of thin air. In the memory, he became like the fairy elders of this world, and began to crazily use 'crops' to transfer the pollution in his body.

Those 'crops' can absorb about one-tenth of the pollution in his body.

Practicing the secret technique once will probably kill three people.

After all, Wu Chong's body wasn't full of pollutants. If it was, he would die.

again and again.

Crops keep dying and new crops are born.

The process is the same as that of humans handling livestock in memory.

Breeding, drug catalysis.

The newly grown 'crops' are still numb.

Finally, when more than 100 people died, the memory stopped, and Wu Chong's secret technique broke through.

"It's a cruel cultivation method."

Wu Chong walked to the window, looked outside at the backyard where the 'crops' were kept in captivity, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

But these distracting thoughts were quickly put aside.

He himself is still struggling in this world now, and it is difficult to take care of himself alone, so what qualifications does he have to help the world at the same time.

"The control over the demon power has been tripled."

In the past, Wu Chong used the method of internal energy to control the monster power. That kind of state is like needing a transfer device to borrow it. Although it can be used, the effect cannot be 100%. This is why his demon power is not as good as the old one. The reason for the Wangtou group.

Koji Aoki is one reason.

The ability to call is also a reason.

But it's different now. With the secret technique, the activity of his demon skills has obviously increased several times, and the utilization rate has increased without increasing the amount.

Wu Chong raised his hand and dropped it, the teacup on the table was directly crushed into powder.

Internal strength can also do this step, but to achieve this kind of destruction starting from the internal structure, at least one Jiazi's internal strength is required.But the demon skill is different. Wu Chong's palm only mobilized a little power. After the utilization rate increased, the effect was completely different from before.


After confirming the effect of the magic jade skill, and the upgrade button has not turned gray, it is natural to click to the end in one breath.

Three links with one click!
After the upgrade button blinked a few times, a large amount of memory reappeared.In this memory, Wu Chong felt like he was going crazy, frantically using the magic jade skill to transform the pollution source in his body.

Accompanied by his transfer again and again.

The dead 'crops' are beyond count.But with the consumption of a large amount of life, the pollution in his body has not decreased, on the contrary, with the deepening of the demon skills, new pollution keeps coming out, but every time he changes, the pollution smell that comes out is a little different.

During this process, his demon skills became more and more pure, as if they had been tempered thousands of times.The imprint on the body has also hidden into the body from the visible appearance on the surface, and the appearance looks exactly the same as that of ordinary people.

Wu Chong didn't know whether this change was good or bad, because the marks on Lao Wangtou and the others, and even the Penglai No Desire Realm master Jiang Xiao who was ambushed and killed by them before, were all visible.

"To the limit?"

The magic jade skill has stopped moving, and the experience value of the next level is actually [-].

Demonic Jade Skill (Dacheng)

Note: There is a lack of follow-up formulas.

He earned the secret technique of Moyu Gong from Mr. Yue. As a superior, Mr. Yue naturally couldn't give him all the benefits at once, which would be detrimental to the subsequent control.

If nothing else, it will become more and more difficult to obtain subsequent exercises.Especially for the last few floors, it is estimated that he will not be able to give it to him by that Yue Gongzi until he dies.This is also one of the means for the superiors to 'raise dogs'.

Fortunately, Wu Chong never thought of taking this route.

For follow-up questions and the like, as long as the experience value goes up, the hard cap will be given to him.

"It's almost time."

After moving his muscles and bones, the violent energy lurked in the granite-like muscles. After the addition, the monster power changed his body crazily, and this process would last for about a month.

"This doorman, let's do it here."

After adapting to the power of the runaway, a barbaric and fierce breath emerged from him.Wu Chong walked out of the yard, and the servants outside saluted him nervously.

He has no attachment to this kind of status based on other people's rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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