Chapter 698 Interest Comes
inside the room.

Wu Chong sat on the sofa, except for him, Feng Daoxi and the other three stood honestly by the side.Guan Peng and the others were also overwhelmed by this momentum, and they stood obediently opposite each other.

"So, it's because you bought one."

"Stone Carved New Year Paintings."

Guan Peng hurriedly spoke.

The person in front of him should be the real hidden boss, and this wave is considered stable.

"Then he was targeted? He was also on this death list." Wu Chong picked up the mobile phone that Guan Peng handed over.

As soon as this thing entered the hand, there was a scorching burning sensation.

This is at the soul level.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to feel it, but Wu Chong himself came from a hidden family, and there was a fourth-level demon in his body, so he could clearly see the invasion from the mobile phone.This attached mysterious particle is like a living thing, eroding everything they can see.

"Yes, three of our classmates have been killed by this monster. As long as the master can save us, I am willing to give 100 million to honor the master!"

Guan Peng originally wanted to say 20, but seeing Wu Chong's style, he immediately added the price.

100 million!

The eyes of Feng Daoxi and the three of them lit up, especially Xiaoli, the way they looked at Guan Peng changed.Why didn't I find out that this student was so rich before!

"Very decisive, not bad."

Wu Chong weighed it twice, and absorbed all the mysterious particles in the phone.

Such a small amount of particles has no effect on him, and it can also be used to feed human skin demons, which is not a loss at all.

"Is this the picture you're talking about?"

Wu Chong turned on the phone, fiddled with it twice, and turned to the photo of the 'New Year' picture taken by Guan Peng at first.Originally, this picture had been replaced with a list, but after Wu Chong absorbed the mysterious particles on it, the phone became an ordinary phone, and the photos naturally returned to their original appearance.

"Huh? Why did it change back?"

Guan Peng, Wang Kun and the others gathered around. After seeing the changes in the mobile phone pictures clearly, their expressions became excited.

This is meeting a real master.

"It's this New Year painting. I watched it crawl out of the painting and eat Brilliance." A girl on the left said excitedly.

Now that there is no list, several people are relieved, and they are more active in the discussion.

"Look at it."

Wu Chong threw the phone to Feng Daoxi.

Feng Daoxi took it and flipped through it for a long time, and even zoomed in on it, but he didn't see any difference.

This is an ordinary New Year picture.

Except that the monster on the painting is a little special, there is nothing special about it.


Feng Daoxi looked embarrassed, as did Xiao Du and Xiao Li next to him.

"Didn't see it?"

Wu Chong sighed.

These people's qualifications are far worse than those of the Yu family. If the Yu family were here, even the guard guarding the gate would probably be able to sense the residual energy on the phone and the pollution medium left by the New Year's picture demon.

"Try to put a little force into it."

Wu Chong motioned to Feng Daoxi to let him do it himself.

These three guys all made their fortunes by fooling around before. Except for Feng Daoxi who has a little bit of ability, the remaining two are completely ordinary people.

Feng Daoxi poured his strength into it puzzled, but soon his expression changed.

With the infusion of mysterious particles, the photos on the phone changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in the blink of an eye, it became a "sightseeing ticket list", on which there were five names besides the three college students who died .

"That's the list!"

Guan Peng exclaimed.

"Why is there an extra name?"

The girl next to her noticed the difference.This girl's name is Yang Yi, a freshman in freshman year, and she was invited by Guan Peng to come here this time.

"An extra name? Who is Feng Daoxi?"

A few people around quickly gathered around,
Feng Daoxi!
The extra name is none other than Master Feng who just got the phone.

His face turned pale from the shock of this scene. This is a list of reminders. If he goes up now, does it mean that he will be approached by that monster later on.His legs trembled a little at the thought.

"Why am I also on it?"

"Do you see it now?"

Wu Chong asked.

"I see." Feng Daoxi showed an expression uglier than crying.

Before he went upstairs, he asked all these college students. Master Shen was eaten by this monster, and his strength is not much different from Master Shen.Even Master Shen can't solve the trouble, he must be delivering food when he goes up.

At this moment, the lights in the room flickered suddenly.

The mobile phone held by Feng Daoxi flickered strangely, and the list disappeared again, turning into a New Year picture monster.The New Year picture monster in the photo swam around and slowly pasted it on the screen.


Feng Daoxi reacted abruptly, and threw the phone out.

A lot of black smoke came out of the mobile phone that hit the wall, and an arm that was as decayed as a coffin board stretched out from it.The sharp claws had a strong stench, and when they appeared, they released a lot of mysterious aura, which even raised the temperature of the room a lot.


With three screams, the two female students and Xiaoli were scared and hid in the corner.

Guan Peng also looked nervous, and subconsciously hid behind Wu Chong.The only thing that hasn't changed is Wang Kun. He is the fourth person on the list and is the target of this monster.

At this moment, Wang Kun stood in front as if he had lost his soul.

In his eyes, it was not the New Year picture monster that crawled out of the phone, but Jiang Xin.

his girlfriend!
"Jiang Xin, are you back?" Wang Kun took half a step forward.

Compared with Wang Kun's loss, everyone else looked panic-stricken, especially Guan Peng, who just now found an extra memory in his mind.

Jiang Xin, who is it?
A creepy feeling hit my heart.

Previously, in their minds, they always thought that Jiang Xin was their classmate and Wang Kun's girlfriend.But the memories I recall now are not like this at all, Wang Kun's girlfriend is Tang Jingjing!The girl who was abandoned by him, as for Jiang Xin, there was no such person from the beginning.

"Run, what are you doing!"

Guan Peng shouted loudly.

It is impossible for him to watch Wang Kun die.

Feng Daoxi next to him was also frightened, and subconsciously looked at Wu Chong next to him.

Seeing this, the souls of the dead almost frightened out. Wu Chong, who was still sitting on the chair before, disappeared at some point.He was about to call for help when he heard a voice from the phone.

"It's just a low-level demon item, as long as it resists the illusion, it can be easily solved."

While speaking, Wu Chong slapped it down.

The fantasy that affected the entire room exploded in an instant, and the wooden monster that had crawled out halfway was also beaten into wood chips by him, and it was blown everywhere.

This scene made everyone dumbfounded.

The scene fell into a brief calm, and everyone seemed to be caught in the pause button.

Especially Guan Peng and the others, the monsters they chased and killed before were slapped to death with such a simple slap.

This strong generation gap gave him an unreal feeling, like dreaming.The same is true for Feng Daoxi and the others next to him. Even if they have seen Wu Chong make a move before, they will still be shocked when they see it again.

Is this really a power that humans can master?

Wu Chong didn't care about these, he was very interested in this demon.Because he found that what the world lord projected was very different from him, and what was plundered was not the origin of the world, but emotions.

This opened up Wu Da's thinking at once.

To build the world, in addition to the basic origin of the world, he also needs things like emotions.

After realizing this, he immediately became interested and prepared to go there himself to 'eat' this guy.

(End of this chapter)

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