Chapter 700
"Sure enough, it's not as good as the Yu family's demons."

The Yu Family's 'Mrs. Patriarch' is a monster that even he finds troublesome now.Before he fully recovered, he didn't want to encounter it head-on. The ability of the 'New Year Painting' here is somewhat similar to that of the Yu family's 'Mrs. Patriarch', but the ability level is completely different.

"Come on, become one with me."

Wu Chong stepped forward to open his hands, and saw the human skin 'stand' up from his body.From a distance, it looks like a Hulk growing out of the shoulders, the difference is that the Hulk is pitch-colored.The monster-like body split into four arms, grabbing the four walls.

The thick fingers were like a crane, and they pulled hard at it.

There was only a 'click' sound, and the 'New Year' picture inlaid on the wall was torn off abruptly by him.

This scene made the eyelids of the people behind twitch wildly.

Is the character card of the monster reversed?

Especially Guan Peng and his few college students, the outlook on life and the world that they had cultivated for many years completely collapsed at this moment.The Wu Chong at this moment, in their eyes, is a more terrifying monster, the ultimate big devil who is more brutal than the New Year painting monster!

Wu Chong didn't care about other people's opinions. The four hands transformed from human skin were holding four murals respectively.

The monster inside came out like crazy, trying to destroy these arms.

"Got you."

Wu Chong's mouth showed a sinister smile.

Can't deal with the monsters on the negative eighteenth floor, and can't solve you?After eating the New Year Painting monster, you can exchange experience points with the main body to improve yourself.

tear it up!

There was a sound of paper cracking, and cracks appeared on the four excavated murals.Several thin asphalt arms grew out of the four pitch-black arms again, and stretched in along the cracks in the mural.

As soon as the arm was poked in, a burning sensation was transmitted.

It seems that the other side of the mural is a certain magma hell. An inexplicable feeling is conveyed. A flame-like energy inside wants to escape, but it is caught by the asphalt arm.

This is the origin!
The origin thrown in by the other Creator, like the dozen or so human skins in front of him, belonged to the level of the world master.

"very good."

Wu Chong grasped it tightly with five fingers, and pulled it back fiercely.

Behind Feng Daoxi and others had already hid in the corner, and they all looked at the scene in front of them in horror.In their field of vision, they saw Wu Chong dragging dozens of corpses back from inside.The most exaggerated thing is that one of the corpses is still bleeding out.

When their eyes fell on these corpses, various faces in their memory would appear in their minds.


"Tang Jingjing?!"

Several college students exclaimed.

An indescribable sense of fear rose from the bottom of their hearts.

"Sure enough, it can affect emotions."

Wu Chong held the ball of light and paid a little attention to the expressions of the others.

Ordinary people can't see such things as Yuanyuan, but this sphere is very evil, and the power of plundering is also different from what he robbed before.

"It's worth eating in this way."

Wu Chong grinned, opened his mouth, and swallowed the ball of light in one gulp.

In the eyes of Feng Daoxi and the others, this scene was another scene.They 'saw' with their own eyes that the master opened his bloody mouth, a mouth as big as a room, and then ate all the dozens of corpses in one gulp, and did not forget to burp when he was done.


Several people subconsciously took half a step back.

Wu Chong ignored them, Yuanyuan struggled in his stomach for a while after being eaten, but as the power of the human skin demon returned, the strength of the struggle became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a small dot, which was completely digested.This is the characteristic of transmitting the source back to the ontology, but the process is not so beautiful.


Wu Chong frowned and rubbed his stomach.All the asphalt color faded from the body, and the person was once again the same as before.

He glanced at the properties panel.

Character: Wu Chong (clone)

Demon Martial Arts: Pinnacle (+)

The familiar upgrade interface appears again.

It seems that the main body has already received the prey this time, and the experience value has been transferred to the account.


With a thought in Wu Chong's mind, a large amount of memory poured in, and the devil's internal energy in his body began to circulate rapidly at this moment, as if being accelerated by someone.The human-skinned demon that had just returned to the body also became restless, and began to dissipate its power.But he was quickly suppressed back.

After a while, Wu Chong, who calmed down the fluctuation, took a look at his state.

Character: Wu Chong (clone)

Demon Martial Arts: Consummation

"Is this complete?"

With a thought, he raised his palm, and the strong demonic internal force gathered in his palm, turning into a pool of poisonous liquid.A trace of sulfurous breath spread, and even his entire arm turned blue-black, like a demon.

"The level of the first-level demon, is this the level of cultivation to perfection?"

Without the use of human-skinned demons, relying solely on their own demonic internal power, they have already entered the inhuman level.It's just that this kind of strength is of no great use to Wu Chong at this stage, even the Tier [-] demons in the antique market can't handle it.

too weak!
Or is it that the exercises given by the Yu family were bad from the beginning?

Wu Chong recalled his previous experience in the Yu family. Although he was the young master of the Yu family, that cold family had no family affection at all.Everyone is a tool, and so is he, the young master. He is a tool used by the patriarch Yu Tonghai to deal with the Kuroshio.

In that case, the knowledge he can access must have been screened, and it is already an accident to be able to cultivate to this level.

"At Yu's house back then, if he hadn't controlled the human-skinned demon, he would have been beaten into an idiot by Yu Tongqian."

He could feel the Yu family's disregard for him.

The timing of his departure was also a very ingenious point. At that time, all of Yu Tonghai's experiences were on the 'wife of the head of the house'.That cold family seemed to be planning something.

"No matter what plans they have, I can just become stronger myself."

Put aside distracting thoughts, don't think about what you have and what you don't have.

If he possesses the power of the fourth level demon now, many troubles in front of him can be solved.

The fourth level of demons is rarely described in official documents.I only know that the demons of the fourth level are called "primordial", and every time they appear, it represents a disaster, and the scope of their influence is far beyond imagination.From this point of view, whether it is the incomplete human-skinned demon or the negative [-]th-floor demon that has been dealt with once before, they are all far behind.

Because none of them are complete.

"We need to speed up, eat all the demons on the information booklet first."

Wu Chong thought deeply about the next direction.

Strange space, it disappeared after Wu Chong ate the 'Nianhua' demon.The surrounding walls burned like a paper house, and everyone returned to the original place after the burn was clean.Everything I experienced before seemed to be just a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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