Chapter 703 Meeting
The woman in red next to her also saw this piece of human skin, and her expression changed accordingly.

He came over and used the instrument to detect it. As soon as he approached, the pointer of the instrument turned to the maximum, making a continuous beeping sound.

This scene changed the faces of both of them.

I didn't find it on the negative eighteenth floor, but found clues to the human-skinned demon.

For them, this is definitely not good news. Maybe the A-level demons recorded by the two guilds have merged together, giving birth to an even more terrifying monster.

"It seems that it is necessary to find the participants in the incident."

The man in the jacket took out a bag and carefully put the residue of 'human skin' into it.


The woman in red cursed secretly, took out a special mobile phone from her arms, and dialed the number on it.

"Ji Xiaohong, you'd better give me an explanation, otherwise"

"Jinghai City discovered the whereabouts of the human skin demon."

The woman in red impatiently interrupted the chatter on the other end of the phone, and got straight to the point.Sure enough, as soon as the news came out, the other end of the phone fell silent, and then there was a noisy flipping sound.After a while, the voice on the other end of the phone rang again.

"Are you sure it's a human skin demon?"

"Not sure, Wang Cheng picked it up." While speaking, the woman in red threw the phone in her hand.

The man in the jacket answered the phone and spoke.

"The human skin was found in the ruins of the negative eighteenth floor. Ji Xiaohong tested it with an instrument, and it has a strong demonic reaction."

"What about the monster on the [-]th floor? What about the members of the Yu family? Didn't they keep the human-skinned demon?" The person on the other end of the phone started to growl.

Any incident involving A-level demons is at the national level, and if one is not careful, it may even subvert the country.Why are there only five countries left on the world map now?It's not that the territory no longer exists, but that all the remaining places have been 'eaten' by those monsters.

"That's it, Ji Xiaohong and I will continue to investigate."

Wang Cheng was not interested in listening to the nonsense on the other end of the phone, so he hung up the phone directly.

"What are you going to do now?"

Ji Xiaohong put the phone in her arms and asked Wang Cheng.

"Go to Feng Daoxi first, he has participated in this matter, so he should know some secrets." After speaking, Wang Cheng turned and walked out.

A high-ranking official had already rushed over from outside. Seeing Wang Cheng and the others going out, the official rushed up to meet them.

"What instructions do you two have?"

Interpol works for all mankind. When Interpol handles a case, the local authorities must cooperate.This is the experience that human beings exchange for with blood.It is also the consensus reached by the governments of the five countries after many experiences and lessons.When he learned that the national criminal police were coming, the mayor of Jinghai directly canceled all the plans and rushed over in person.

"Go to Feng Daoxi's residence."

The two naturally got into the car prepared for them by the mayor of Jinghai, and said to the driver in front.


The driver was trained, and without saying a word, he started the accelerator and drove towards the direction of Feng Daoxi's villa.

Wu Chong didn't expect that these two people would pick up the residue left when he fought against the demons on the negative [-]th floor in order to rush out of the negative [-]th floor.He came to the door with this thing, and seeing Feng Daoxi and the others trembling, he knew that he had met someone he couldn't handle.

"That is to say, you are members of the Exorcist Guild?"

Wu Chong rubbed his temples, he just ate a low-level demon item, and now he is digesting it, and his mental state is not very good.

"In this world, is there any organization larger than a country?"

"There is a specialization in surgery, and we are only responsible for dealing with demons." Wang Cheng looked serious.

The moment he saw this man, the power in his body became agitated. This kind of agitation would only appear when encountering an extremely powerful demon.The last time a similar fluctuation occurred was when facing the monster on the negative eighteenth floor.

"Collecting talents to form a professional organization sounds like that."

Over there, Xiao Du and Xiao Li also looked dull, and it was the first time they had heard of this kind of organization.Feng Daoxi is a little bit better, he has been working in the officialdom for the past few years, and he has heard some rumors more or less.That's why, when he knew that the two were Interpol, he brought them here to see Wu Chong without saying a word.

He can't handle it!

"The Exorcist Guild is not a profit-making organization, it is just the last hope for human beings to survive." Wang Cheng's face was heavy.

He has gone through the dark years, and his homeland was destroyed by demons.So far, the land where his homeland is located is dead and silent, and there may be some survivors in it, but no one dares to go there.Even the branch of the Exorcist Guild in that place was destroyed.

Over the past few years, the living space of human beings has been being compressed. In the face of this kind of disaster at the level of annihilation, any personal interests have to be left behind.

Survive, only tomorrow.

'The Kuroshio! '

Wu Chong's eyes flickered.Thinking of the Kuroshio disaster that the Yu family desperately wanted to deal with!

These ordinary people may not know what the world is about to face, but as the hermit family at the top of the food chain, they have already begun to make arrangements many years ago.Wu Chong himself is a monster derived from this layout.

"The negative [-]th floor is one of the demons that destroyed my homeland. I was ambushed by it when I fled to Xinguo." While speaking, Wang Cheng rolled up his sleeves, revealing the blue-gray arms underneath.

A corpse-like arm.

This is not what humans should have at all. Wang Cheng's real arm was broken long ago. The arm he has now is a grafted demon prop.

Not only him, but Ji Xiaohong who came with him is the same. This woman looks normal, but the dress on her is also a devil's prop.

There are no normal people in the exorcist guild.

Normal people can't live in that place, because they are all faced with demons.

"I came back this time to understand this grievance, and I don't want you to settle it first." At this point, Wang Cheng put down his sleeves, looked directly at Wu Chong, and said word by word.

"I want to ask, are you... still human?"

This is what Wang Cheng is most worried about.

There was a similar case in the exorcist guild. A senior exorcist completely transformed himself in pursuit of stronger power.The experiment was completed, but the senior exorcist also lost consciousness and turned into a monster that fused various demonic powers, almost destroying the headquarters of the exorcist.Later, the patriarchs of several hermit families joined forces to suppress it.

After this incident, the experiment of demon fusion became a taboo in the Exorcists Guild, and was stranded without restriction.

Seeing Wu Chong now, Wang Cheng couldn't help thinking of that senior in his mind.

Ji Xiaohong also had a tense expression on her face. Only when she mastered the existence of similar power would she understand how terrifying this man in front of her was.

The instrument in her arms has not stopped since entering the villa.

If it weren't for her trying to suppress it, the voices in this meeting would have broken through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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