Chapter 708 Faceless
By the time Huang Yu arrived in Qingjiang City, it was already ten minutes past midnight.

As soon as he arrived, there were several people waiting here. Like him, these people were 'temporary workers' in the antique trading market.

"If we don't come, we will leave first."

The man in the lead threw the cigarette butt that was almost exhausted in his hand on the ground, and stomped it out with his foot.Several other people also boarded the car one by one, and reserved a seat for Huang Yu in the back row.

Huang Yu didn't say a word, and got into the jeep with them.

The car started quickly, and the location of the cemetery was a farmer's house in the countryside.

For ordinary people, no matter what changes occur in the outside world, it has little to do with them. What they care about most is still their three meals a day.Demons and the like, under the deliberate official blockade, did not spread widely, and many people thought it was a feudal superstition.At least this is the case in this land of Xinguo, otherwise Wu Chong's elder sister wouldn't have the same view as before.

"The purpose was discovered yesterday when the villagers were digging a well."

The middle-aged man in the front passenger seat spoke.

This time they wanted to steal the contents of King Duan's tomb before the authorities, and the risk was higher than normal tomb robbery.

"The authorities blocked the entrance and exit this morning. It took me a lot of effort to find this way. When the mission is over, my contribution must be a little more than yours."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man glanced at the others.

No one responded, it seems to be the default.

The car continued to drive forward, and after walking for a while, the driver turned the steering wheel and turned the direction.The car turned from the main road into a muddy path next to it.

Without the voice of the middle-aged man, the interior of the carriage seemed particularly depressing.

These people are all controlled by the market, and no one is in the mood to chat when the situation is precarious.

The jeep was bouncing on the country road, which was not driven by cars at all, and I don't know how this group of people found out.After walking for about 20 minutes, the car went straight into the mountain.This car should have been specially modified, otherwise it would not be so durable.

"Do you know why the market needs so many antiques? With the ability of the market, there is no need to use these small things," Huang Yu suddenly asked.

These people have been 'temporary workers' longer than him, so they might know something.

"Don't inquire about the secrets of the market."

Before Huang Yu could finish speaking, the middle-aged man in the front co-pilot interrupted the topic.

He turned his head to look at Huang Yu and said word by word.

"It will kill people."

Huang Yu was silent. Seeing the blank expressions of the others, he suddenly felt that life was hopeless.

Finally, the car drove to the destination.

A group of people picked up the tools and got out of the car. Judging from their skilled movements, it was not the first time they had stolen ancient tombs for the market.This also deepened the speculation in Huang Yu's heart, the market is not invincible, it also needs to follow certain rules!
After entering the tomb passage, the middle-aged man opened the way in front.

He has been here once before, so it is no problem to lead the way.Just walking, he felt something was wrong.

"It's getting foggy?"

Why is there fog in the tomb!
This weird change made him subconsciously stop, and at the same time reminded him.

"Be careful, this place."

As soon as the words came out, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Looking back, he found that he was the only one left in the passage, and all the people who went to the grave with him before had disappeared.In the pitch-black passage, only the sound of his breathing was silent.

'Nightmare demon?Why is it here! '

The middle-aged man tremblingly took out the imprint of the market, hoping that this thing could help him survive the catastrophe before him.

But before he lifted his foot, the murals on the passage wall suddenly came alive.A glutton jumped out from the wall, with its stinky mouth pounced on it like a lion.



The Taotie on the mural took a bite, and the middle-aged man was bitten in half before he could even finish his sentence.The mural Taotie didn't forget to 'clean up'. He stuck out his tongue and ate the remaining half of the middle-aged man's body.Only one copper coin was left, which rolled out and fell to a corner of the passage.

The 'talisman' given by the antique trading market is useless at all.

How can you believe something from a profiteer?

Huang Yu in the passage was the second one who felt something was wrong. He was too familiar with the breath of the nightmare demon.

"Nightmare Demon!"

Huang Yu stopped and raised the flashlight.

In the mist, he could vaguely see other teammates in front of him, but instead of chasing after them, he stepped back cautiously.In the 30 years of being hunted down by the nightmare demon, he has encountered too many similar scenes.


Are those things really teammates?

Just took a few steps back and hit the wall. The original passage disappeared and turned into a wall.

The strange footsteps reappeared again.

It came from behind, but there was clearly a wall behind it!

"Huang Yu, what are you doing? Come here quickly." The 'teammates' in the mist seemed to sense something was wrong, they stopped and started waving at him.

But Huang Yu didn't dare to go there.

Because he never told the middle-aged man his name since he got in the car.The same goes for the others. These group of 'temporary workers' don't even have a name in the antique trading market, but now the teammates in front of him can actually call him by his name accurately, so they don't even need to think about it. There is a big problem.

Perhaps sensing a problem, the 'teammate' who waved his arms a few times in front of him stopped, and his figure lost his movement.

Several 'people' stood in the fog, motionless.

At this time, the footsteps behind him got closer.

There are 'teammates' blocking the way in front, and unknown pursuers behind.Huang Yu subconsciously glanced at the imprint given to him by the market trader, expecting that this thing would become a big hit and break the scene in front of him.But it was obvious that he was thinking too much, the imprint was still the same, and there was no sign of manifestation at all.

"No gambling!"

Huang Yu gritted his teeth and chose to move forward.

Although he guessed that the antique trading market would not allow him to die casually, guesses were just guesses after all.There is only one life, no one dares to bet.

He walked forward about 30 meters along the channel.

As they approached, the backs of the teammates in front of them became clearer, and the fog disappeared.

'It was the people in the car before. '

Huang Yu made a brief distinction, and he saw the marks of the antique trading market on these people.This is the trace of another demon. In theory, demons disdain to imitate the abilities of other demons.They seem to have an unknown pride, which is engraved in their souls.

Out of caution, Huang Yu didn't approach them.

Whether these people are former teammates or not, they are now potential sources of danger.Because normal people don't stand here motionless.The greatest possibility is that they are all dead, and their corpses were used by the nightmare demon.

"Huang Yu, what are you writing in ink?"

Just when Huang Yu was about to bypass them and leave, his teammates who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

The man suddenly turned his head and faced Huang Yu.

"Yeah! Waste of time."

"It's a slack in the market's mandate."

"You are fishing"

All teammates turned their heads, all facing Huang Yu.

these people.
no face.

(End of this chapter)

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