Chapter 710
"Brother, help you vent your anger first." Wu Chong, who found an excuse, took the copper coin from Huang Yu's hand and walked to a relatively far side.

When communicating with the antique trading market, try to stay away from these ordinary people, so as not to accidentally trample them to death when fighting.

"You are"

Huang Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he took the initiative to ask.

"The Exorcist Guild."

Ji Xiaohong and Wang Cheng revealed the seals on their bodies. In this world, no one dares to pretend to be a member of the Exorcist Guild, and no one can pretend to be, because the seals on their bodies are also part of the demon power.Legend has it that the headquarters of the Exorcist Guild was built on the corpse of a top demon.

"Who was that just now?"

Huang Yu gestured to the angry 'big brother' over there.He had no other intentions, but simply wanted to get to know his eldest brother!

"This is the young master of the Yu family."

Wang Cheng introduced a sentence, maybe because he was afraid that Huang Yu would not know what a hidden family is, so he introduced the hidden family again.

I recognize this big brother!
Huang Yu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that there was hope in his gloomy life.

"Master Yu is also a member of the Exorcist Guild?"

"Probably." Ji Xiaohong thought about the status of the Yu family in the Exorcists Guild, and nodded in recognition.

boom! !

At this time, that 'big brother' seemed to have grabbed something, and the copper coin in his hand and the struggling triangular head all erupted with a strong momentum.A black air wave swept over, and several people could barely open their eyes.

After the storm passed, the three of them were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Wu Chong, who was wrapped in jet black leather, had a huge half-length monster growing out of his shoulders, and each monster had one in each hand.On the left is pinching the green air mass that came out of the copper coins in the antique trading market, and on the right is pinching a half-damaged triangular head.

The whole person stood in the middle, just like the devil came to the world.

"Has the Exorcist Guild become so powerful?"

Huang Yu showed an excited expression.


Both Wang Cheng and Ji Xiaohong were too embarrassed to speak.They tried to connect to the headquarters just now, but there was still no response, and they didn't know if something happened.

"It's unexpected that the human body can master such a powerful force, but I just don't know what the principle is."

Huang Yu only felt numb all over his body, and the shocking sensation from the surface of his skin told him that the monster in front of him could kill him with a single sneeze.But the more this is the case, the more Huang Yu is addicted to it. Only this kind of absolute power can bring hope to mankind.

"This is also the power of the devil."

Wang Cheng couldn't help reminding, and at the same time exposed his right arm.

The arm of the parasitic demon is not as powerful as Wu Chong's domineering, but it is still enough to scare Huang Yu.Most importantly, Wang Cheng felt that it was necessary to correct Huang Yu's values.Demon fusion experiments, even in the Exorcists Guild, are very dangerous, and the survival rate is extremely low.If he hadn't had a choice, he wouldn't have participated in this experiment.

"Don't take the power of demons too simply. It is a double-edged sword. While giving you strength, it will also erode your sanity."


Before Wang Cheng finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice.

Huang Yu on the opposite side opened his mouth and pointed at the end of the confrontation over there 'Big Brother'.

Negotiations are over.

Another extra meal for 'Big Brother'.

These two negotiating partners who were lured over had a lot more essence in them!Ontology said it was very satisfied and gave 1% more experience.

"Is this a side effect?"


Wang Cheng covered his face with one hand, he didn't want to say anything anymore, the atmosphere created just now was gone.Even though the picture of this man eating 'dessert' has been seen many times, when he sees it again, he still feels unreal.

"It's a pity that these two guys are not stupid, and they won't come after a little bit of a loss. If you want to kill their bodies, you have to find their lair." Master Wu, who had made a fortune, felt a little regretful.

But after taking a look at the experience value, I feel better again.


It had never been his habit to save what he didn't need.

After a crazy click, the panel data changed again.

Character: Wu Chong (clone)

Demon Martial Arts: Limit Break*33
The accumulation gained in exchange for three years of dormancy, coupled with this wave of unexpected sneak attacks, caused Wu Chong's strength to undergo an earth-shaking change.

He didn't know if he could be considered a complete original demon now, but based on the strength of the original 'minus eighteenth floor', he should be able to fight ten.

"Perhaps not so far."

Wu Chong suddenly thought of a problem, which is also the biggest difference between the human skin demon and other original demons, that is the demon domain.

Powerful demons radiate an area, and they will have demon domains created by their own rules, such as the 'minus [-]th floor', which can control the space of one floor even if it is incomplete.Another example is the 'wife of the head of the Yu family'. The entire area where the Yu family is located is her demon space.It was precisely because of this that Wu Chong didn't dare to do anything to Yu Tonghai in the Yu family.

Not to mention the nightmare demon that destroyed Wang Cheng's homeland. That guy's nightmare space has enveloped the entire country, and it is still spreading outward. The intensity should be the top batch.

"No, why am I worse than them? Is it because the main body doesn't have a lair?"

Wu Chong thought of a possibility.

The ontology himself is still moving bricks to build a fairy world, let alone a wage earner as a doppelganger.

Birth comes with its own space, which is the treatment only available to other complete world masters.When the ontology removes the word 'pseudo' in front of the word immortal, he can hope to enjoy that kind of treatment.

"Good guy, it turns out that the main body is not up to date, which prevents me from lying down and earning my source."

After complaining about the main body, Wu Chong returned to the side of Huang Yu and the three of them again.

He has already decided that this wave of wool will be captured by the antique trading market.The main reason is that the antique trading market is the softest 'persimmon' among demons of the same level. The second point is that its power is very scattered, and the scattered antiques are all part of it.He had noticed it when he ate the 'New Year's Painting Demon' before, and he had also confirmed this point in several subsequent fights.

But the antique market is not stupid.

Its body hardly comes out, and has been hiding in his own demon space. Wu Chong tried several times before but failed.It also made the antique trading market remember his aura and put him on the blacklist.

But now the situation is different, he recognized a 'brother'!
Although I don't know what Huang Yu's value is, but judging from the importance of the antique trading market, this big brother should be able to use it as a bargaining chip.

"After this wave of dealing with the antique trading market, the experience value fed back from the main body should be enough for me to be invincible. Then I will use Huang Yu to eat the nightmare demon, and the task will be almost completed." Thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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