Chapter 737 Knowledge and Trouble

Three days is not a long time, for Wu Chong it might be a meal to digest.

But before the Kuroshio approached, these three days became particularly long.

After obtaining Wu Chong's consent, Feng Daoxi put the chairman Yan Ning here, and then sent Wu Chong the materials he had prepared long ago.These materials were prepared in advance by the Exorcist Guild, and Feng Daoxi would hand them over as long as Wu Chong agreed.

In terms of power, the Exorcist Guild may not be comparable to Wu Chong, nor can it be compared to those powerful demons.

But in terms of research, neither Wu Chong nor the devil can compare to them.Because behind the exorcist guild are countless human countries, and tens of thousands of high-level talents have painstakingly researched it.

The history of the birth of demons in this world is too long. In order to deal with these things, human beings have been studying them for a long time.

The accumulation of generations, coupled with the current scientific instruments, finally allowed them to find a direction.That's the 'Reincarnator'!These special souls robbed by demons seem to have hidden powerful power from the very beginning.

After realizing this, the Exorcist Guild resolutely joined forces with other countries to launch a research project. It took hundreds of years to achieve its current success.

"you can go now."

With Wu Chong's current strength, it won't take long to read these materials.

I quickly finished reading the content, and at the same time had a deeper understanding of the existence of reincarnated people.His eyes fell on the panel.

Character: Wu Chong (clone)

Demon Martial Arts: Limit Break*300
Miscellaneous Studies: Reincarnation (Introduction)

After Wu Chong concentrated his energy and consumed experience points, these abilities were naturally included in the panel.

With this, the rest is easy to operate.

"Then I'll retire first."

Feng Daoxi said, then turned and left.He had to go back to the Exorcist Guild to report back. The information he brought out this time was also a gesture of favor from the Exorcist Guild, and it was also the bait they released.

Extracting the power of a reincarnated person is not as simple as imagined.From their point of view, even if the head of Heifengzhai had read these materials, he had to come to them for cooperation, because many parts involved in the later stage required the use of special instruments, and these instruments were only available in the Exorcist Guild.If the head of Heifengzhai wants to use this power to improve himself, he must strengthen cooperation with their exorcist guild. In this way, even if the other party is dragged into the thief's boat by them, at that time, no matter whether he wants to or not, he will Gotta protect them.

The ideas are all good, but it's a pity that they didn't expect someone in this world to cheat.

Hundreds of years of research, just a few upgrades on the panel.


After killing the Yu family, Wu Chong's experience pool is still sufficient. After seeing the button to upgrade, he clicked on it without even thinking about it.

Soon, the level of reincarnation was raised to perfection by Wu Chong.

In an instant, a large amount of memory poured in.

In these memories, Wu Chong seemed to have turned into a research maniac, and began to study 'reincarnation' day and night.

A gray and white laboratory, cold equipment, and a reincarnation material.Wu Chong paid a little attention, and found out that the material of this reincarnation looks a little like Huang Yu?
Guessing that the panel discovered that there was such a reincarnation beside him, he made a temporary copy and used it as a material.

During the hundreds of years in the laboratory, Wu Chong had seen Huang Yu's countless ways to die.

From slicing to firing to corrosion
On a certain street in Jinghai City, Huang Yu, who had just killed a parasitic demon who sneaked in, couldn't help but shiver.

"Strange, why is it a bit cold?"

He glanced around and subconsciously tightened his clothes.

"It must be those lifeless demons spying on me again!" Thinking of this, he raised his knife cursingly and went looking for a new target.Now that the head of public security in Jinghai City has been handed over to him, he must be responsible.

The memory is imbued quickly.

Wu Chong also thoroughly grasped this knowledge, and he began to break down the content based on the current situation.

"The power of the previous life is stored in the soul, and time is the archive point."

Wu Chong described the process in an easy-to-understand language.

"Soul and Time"

Wu Chong thought of the ontology. These two things are also researched on the ontology side, but they are not particularly in-depth.If you use the same realm to guess, the world master may be the same, trying to master this power.These reincarnators are the test subjects dropped by the World Lord.

Thinking of this, Wu Chong suddenly became enlightened.

If you understand it from this perspective, it will be easy to handle.

Even the world masters don't have the power to master it. If I master it, does it mean that I can wrestle with them?
Trouble came sooner than Wu Chong expected.

On the edge of Jinghai City.

In the dark alley, a group of Heifengzhai minions who were patrolling stepped on a certain white line and suddenly ignited spontaneously.From hands to feet, they were burned to ashes within a few steps. The saber and clothes fell to the ground, but the person evaporated out of thin air.

"Tao San?"

The disappearance of a group of people quickly attracted the attention of the team leader of Heifengzhai, and a large number of people gathered in a short time. The leader of the team was a foreign bandit who took refuge in Heifengzhai, and his strength was equivalent to that of the second-order Parasitic demon.

"Go in and have a look."

The squad leader drew out his saber and walked cautiously into the alley.

bass! !

The moment they stepped on the white line, flames appeared again, and all the people who entered the alley, including the team leader, spontaneously ignited.

In less than three breaths, all the people who entered the alley disappeared, except for a few more sabers and a few more clothes.

a few hours later.

Huang Yu rushed over with his men, out of prudence, he didn't enter, but let his subordinates go in to investigate first.In the end, like the previous minions, they were burned to ashes in front of Huang Yu.

This scene made Huang Yu's face extremely ugly, because he couldn't find the source from the beginning to the end, so he had to pass the news up as a last resort.

"Big devil!"

After seeing the human skin on the ground, Mr. Yu, who rushed over to support him, had a solemn look on his face.

"Big devil? Tier three?"

A trace of evil flashed in Huang Yu's eyes, if it was a third-order big devil, then this grudge would have to be settled carefully.The ordinary Tier [-] big demons in Heifengzhai are no longer their opponents. Among the demons that were dealt with some time ago, there are demons of this level.

"At least level four, the original primary level."

Old Man Yu shook his head and looked into the alley with apprehension in his eyes. He could sense an extremely terrifying existence inside.

Even he is not sure to deal with a demon of this level.

"Let's inform the boss, the other party probably didn't come after us." Mr. Yu said to the attendant behind him.

The timing of this demon's appearance was very coincidental. Only the exorcists' guild sent the female president over during the day, and something happened at night.It was a demon of this level who came, and the target couldn't be more obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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