Chapter 744

"You really think you've won?"

The aura on Lei Ming's body began to riot, which was the power of the giant gray bird.After being superimposed on Lei Ming's body, his aura broke the upper limit at once, reaching a level that life in this world cannot touch.

Tier [-]!

"Hacking?" Wu Chong narrowed his eyes.

It was that special power again, the difference was that it was stronger this time.It should be the power of the world master behind Lei Ming and the others.

"I wanted to give you a chance."

Lei Ming's body looked like a monster roaring, and his body was raised a lot. Groups of energy swam under his skin, destroying and reorganizing the chain of order that originally belonged to this world, allowing him to erupt with stronger power .

"But you haven't grasped it yourself. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? If it weren't for the great existence behind you, I would have crushed you to death."

"Where are the other two guys? Let them come out too."

Wu Chong didn't know what was going on behind Lei Ming and the others, he just thought that these bird-headed people had turned their backs.Since he rushed over, he naturally wanted to finish his work in one battle and solve everything in one go.

This indifferent attitude made Lei Ming on the opposite side even more angry.

Seeing the black human skin emerging from Wu Chong's body, and the level of power that was completely different from this world, he suppressed his anger.

"Your power is also bestowed by the great existence, right? As a believer, it is the most basic common sense not to cause trouble for your belief. You don't want to lose points with the great existence, right? I will give you one more chance at the end, otherwise you will really If you move your hands, there is no way out."

Lei Ming felt that he had done all his benevolence and righteousness. If the other party was still ignorant, there would be an excuse for the great existence behind the other party to come to him in the future.I believe that the great existence will also understand him, and hate this kind of believer who causes trouble for himself as much as he does.

"Chichi waiwai, timid."

The impatient Wu Chong strode forward, and the black human skin walking on his body quickly inflated and raised.

"I hate being a dog to me!"


By the time Wu Chong reached the third step, his body had swelled to a height of more than five meters. The superimposed power of two generations of human skin, plus his "hard-working" demon internal force, fused together at this moment, becoming The monster.

Under the shadow, he opened his big hand and grabbed Lei Ming who was opposite him.

"Strong Eagle Claw Technique!!"

The devil's internal force inside the body began to circulate in the way of martial arts, and the blue veins under the skin burst out one by one, like steel ropes.At the moment of the shot, it seemed to have really turned into a black golden-winged roc, with pitch-black spikes growing from the tips of its claws.

boom! !

Caught off guard, Lei Ming only had time to mobilize his strength to resist, but he still couldn't completely block it. His whole body was hit by this force, and he flew out for the second time.

This time, he crashed through more than a dozen buildings before stopping.

Other ordinary people have already run away.

For this kind of confrontation that took place in the center of the Xinguo capital, the Xinguo officials have already had a familiar contingency plan.

Among the ruins, Lei Ming, who had regained his senses, looked at the black monster rushing across the building, his pupils shrank sharply.

What kind of monster is this?It's no longer a human being.

But the shock was followed by rage.

"You really dare to do it! You are looking for death." Lei Ming stood up, his body stretched open, and a large amount of blue-gray energy appeared on his arms.Vaguely, there seems to be a giant bird neighing, and the sky covered by the wings of Kunpeng.

"The ancestors have come."

The phantom of the giant bird shrouded its body and rushed in the opposite direction.

"Let you see the great power!!"

At this moment, Wu Chong had rushed to the opposite side of him, and Lei Ming had no way out, so he could only go forward with all his might.He believes in the power of blessing, and with the blessing of a great existence, he can definitely crush this provocateur.

Boom! ! !

The two forces collided fiercely, sending out a shocking explosion.

The two buildings closest to the two exploded on the spot, the first, second and third floors collapsed into ashes, and the upper floors began to tilt and collapse, causing more buildings to collapse.

puff! !

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Lei Ming's two arms were smashed into several pieces on the spot, and the rest of his strength smashed the strength and then bombarded his chest, blowing his chest as well.

The eyes of Lei Ming who flew out were full of disbelief.

The other party's belief, so you believe him?Just an entry-level believer, he was given such a powerful power.

What kind of great existence is it that believes in its followers so unconditionally.

Amidst the dust, Wu Chong, who looked like a demon, stepped on the discarded bricks, walked to the front and picked up the half-dead Lei Ming.

The violent shaking allowed Lei Ming, who was dying, to recover a little bit of strength.

But that's it, Wu Chong's strength in hitting him is simply not something that his poor cultivation can recover.The so-called immortal demon is just a stronger chicken in the hands of the current head Wu, and it only takes two more slaps to kill him.


There were still some buzzing thunders in his head, and he opened his mouth blankly, but as soon as he uttered two words, blood kept gushing out.

The feathers that he was so proud of had almost fallen off now, being held by Wu Chong was almost like a bald chicken.

"Where is the great power that was promised?!"

Wu Chong's face was gloomy. He had always been afraid of the world lord, the imaginary enemy who aimed at the main body.This time, I originally thought that I could experience the power of a great existence in advance, but I didn't expect that the opponent would be so careless, and it would be like this with one move. It seems that this way can't be saved.

Lei Ming, who was already on the verge of death, spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot when he heard these words, and kicked his legs twice.


This scene made Wu Chong extremely dissatisfied.

He felt that the bird-headed man should have been fooled by his beliefs, and had used some fake power to fool him into dying.How could the power of the real world lord be so weak!
There are five levels.

The so-called fifth-order can't be like this, it must be this guy's bluff.

Thinking of this, he threw Lei Ming aside casually like throwing away a piece of junk, glanced at the drone in the distance, and then the figure disappeared in the same place in a flash.

It was almost dawn.

It's time to hurry.

There are only two days until the Kuroshio comes.

It was a long time after Wu Chong left that the big bosses of Jinghai City behind the drone breathed a sigh of relief and recovered from their fear.

"It's terrible, this is definitely not the power that humans should have."

"Heifengzhai's master is not a human, absolutely impossible to be a human!!"

Several people in the observation room had similar thoughts in their minds.

After leaving the capital of Xinguo, Wu Chong's figure turned into a black line across the sky and flew in the direction of Jinghai City.


Two more figures descended.

It was Leifa and the remaining bird-headed man. The difference was that these two guys contracted their breaths at the same time after seeing Wu Chong, and Leifa even showed a smile, as if to say something.

"After hiding for a long time, I finally came out, and it was solved once and for all."

Wu Chong, who sensed his breath, thought that these two people were also here to stop him, so he grabbed them without raising his hand without saying a word of nonsense.

"Wait, misunderstanding!"

Lei Fa retreated violently in horror, and kept yelling words like misunderstanding.As for the other bird-headed man, he had already turned around and ran away. The movement of running away was extremely smooth, as if he had already thought about it before he came down.

(End of this chapter)

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