Chapter 776 Propagation
Wu Chong glanced at the panel.

The experience value is still falling madly, eroding this kind of world heaven that even he finds troublesome, consuming resources far beyond his expectations, and the progress is slower than expected.It's a pity that there is no one to ask for advice when he has come to this step, so he can only continue to move forward.

Anyway, the strength is still increasing, this is not wrong.

After staying in Shusheng Mountain for half a year, Wu Chong returned to Jianghuai City after reading all the books.

After returning, the order in Jianghuai City remained the same. After the lesson from last time, Zhen Youqian and others were exceptionally obedient, and there was no shortage of his part.Even if the person is not around, the rules set are still implemented honestly.

This time, Wu Chong did not come back alone.

Among the younger generation of Shusheng Mountain, he brought over the few people with the best potential.

The relationship between Tianshumen and the imperial court is very close, but this closeness is caused by the general trend.In the world where knowledge cultivation is the mainstream, only the royal family is willing to take them in, and the other four innate families regard them as heresies.

Wu Chong didn't care about heresy.

Because he himself is a heretic.

So he hung the title of Supreme Elder on Tianshu Gate.In this world where knowledge cultivation dominates the mainstream, it is really too difficult to pry open a 'heretical way'.What Wu Chong has to do is to gather the general trend, Tianshumen is just the beginning, Jiang Nian and the others are also heretics cultivated by him.

When the number of heresies reaches a certain amount, they become orthodox.

In this regard, Wu Chong's starting point is different from that of the royal family. The purpose of the royal family is to fight for power and profit.

"Since you have chosen to follow me, you must abide by my rules in the future."

Inside the mansion in Jianghuai City.

Wu Chong sat on the main seat, knocked on the armrest with one hand, and looked at the group of young people below.Inside was the little boy who Wu Chong pointed out.

These few people are good seedlings, worth cultivating.

"Meet the teacher."

The seven young men bent down at the same time, performing disciple salute to Wu Chong.

"Ma Qiang."

Wu Chong shouted to the side.

A wisp of black smoke flashed past, and a smoky figure appeared in the room. After the smoke cleared, Ma Qiang appeared in the room with an indifferent face.

The seven young people from Tianshumen were all taken aback.


Since being taught a lesson by Wu Chong last time, Ma Qiang has been silent a lot. During this period of time, he has been doing more and talking less. During the time Wu Chong left, he was also taking care of the affairs of Jianghuai City.

"They will be handed over to you for the next six months."

Jiang Nian's mission has been dispatched, and Ma Qiang's side can't be idle, so he just came over to take these young people.

It can also be regarded as saving him time. After all, Wu Chong spends most of his energy on eroding the way of heaven every day. It is obviously unrealistic for him to train these things in a rigid manner.


Ma Qiang responded.

"and many more!"

When one of the seven young people heard this arrangement, he stood up immediately.

"Students have objections."

The person who stood up was the biggest among the seven people, and his qualifications were very good. Before Wu Chong went over, he was regarded by several old men of Tianshumen as the next generation leader.

"We came here with the teacher to learn advanced calligraphy and painting skills. Although the friend in front of us is good, but in terms of calligraphy and painting skills, the students don't think he is qualified to guide us." Wang Zhong said neither humble nor overbearing.

The arrogance in his eyes could not be hidden.

Young and energetic!

It wasn't just him, the other six young people were similar, and even the youngest boy, seven or eight years old, was full of dissatisfaction.

Let them worship Wu Chong as their teacher, there is no problem.

But one servant is fine.

"Want to learn from me? Yes, pass him first."

Wu Chong looked at the little fellows below, not surprised by their resistance.

Genius always has arrogance.

Without arrogance, he still doesn't want it!

Hearing Wu Chong's words, Ma Qiang stood up, looked back at the seven young people behind him, and released the suppressed breath in his body instantly.

boom! !

In an instant, a group of black flames visible to the naked eye emerged from Ma Qiang's body, and the air in the entire room was burned and distorted by this force, and all the tables and chairs at the nearest distance were pushed away.The student Wang Zhong who spoke first could only feel a mountain-like breath appearing on his body.

Just as Wang Zhong, who was about to resist, opened his mouth, he felt the breath of a beast.

Behind the servant whom he looked down upon before, a fierce tiger appeared at some point.The half-empty and half-real tiger, this is the murderous intent projected in the scroll!


Wang Zhong took several steps back.

Not only him, but the remaining six students were also taken care of by Ma Qiang.Under the prostration of the beast, they were like six poor little animals, not even daring to move.

There was a slight cold sweat on his forehead.

'This is the artistic conception of calligraphy and painting, move! !Move me! ! ! '

Wang Zhong roared desperately in his heart, but his body just couldn't move, and fell into a certain state of stiffness.

Once the momentum is released, it will be closed.

Ma Qiang retreated to Wu Chong's side again, and became that ordinary 'servant' again.

The seven students who had lost their momentum all of a sudden regained their strength, panting heavily, and looked at Ma Qiang again with fear in their eyes.The seven or eight-year-old boy was even worse, he was the youngest of the seven, the moment Ma Qiang let go, the little boy sat down on the ground with tears rolling in his eyes.No matter how strong he is, he is still just a brat, compared to the other six seniors, he is still too young.

"Any question?"

Wu Chong looked at them with a smile.

"I have seen my brother."

After experiencing severe beatings from the society, the seven of them quickly came to their senses and saluted the horse forcibly.

"Take them down."

Ma Qiang nodded, then waved his hands at the seven of them, and a dark aura enveloped them.The smoke filled the air, quickly enveloping their group.After a burst of distortion, the black mist dissipated, and Ma Qiang and the seven students also disappeared in the main hall.

After dismissing the group of students, Wu Chong closed his eyes again and continued to erode his avenue.


After Ma Qiang brought seven people here, he gave each of them a set of pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and asked them to practice from the most basic.

"My lord's supernatural powers should not be passed on lightly. If you want to learn the real thing, you must learn it with a sinking heart."


Wang Zhong grasped the key words and asked at the right time.

"At that point, you will understand for yourself. Before that, lay a good foundation. The master's method is different from what you have learned before." Ma Qiang didn't explain to them, and after assigning some tasks, he turned and left up.

He also has his own tasks to do.After Jiang Nian's rise, his pressure has been increasing. In order not to be left behind, Ma Qiang can only do the task desperately, and accumulate his own points through the completion of the task.

(End of this chapter)

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