Chapter 786 Almost Forgot How to Kill People
Why can knowledge cultivation occupy the mainstream?

Below the third level, or in other words, there is not much difference between the knowledge cultivation that the general public is exposed to and other sects.What is really powerful is the inheritance of the Xiantian family. Their bloodlines hide the innate power, and they are known as the masters of the real world.

All the knowledge cultivators that Heifengzhai contacted and killed before, the power they control is from the outside world.Although it is stronger than ordinary people, it is not impossible to resist.If the four great innate families had only this means, they would have been piled to death by the court's crowd tactics.

"Not knowledgeable?"

With the efforts of the royal family and the two innate families, the news about the master behind Heifengzhai quickly reached their hands.

It's just that this news made all three of them angry.

"Mr. Ling Zhu's husband? An ordinary person?! It's a joke in the world!"

Wu Chong didn't hide his whereabouts, so they naturally wouldn't have too many difficulties in investigating.It's just that this result made the three parties unacceptable. They even suspected that the Ling family was manipulating the matter behind it, and the so-called young master of the Ling family was just a shield to be pushed out.

Huangfu Jun laughed angrily at the news, and casually threw the news sent by the people below on the ground.The angry-faced man and Situ Chengliang were not much better, especially the angry-faced man, who once 'revised' Wu Chong's memory, and at that time he personally checked the other party's qualifications.

It's just a waste that doesn't even have 'knowledge'.

How many years have passed?A trash who didn't even comprehend "knowledge" was passed down as a peerless strongman who resisted the ancestors of the Yue family.

Novels dare not write like this!

"It seems that the Ling family is playing a big game of chess!" Situ Chengliang said with a gloomy face.

He suspected that the slate had been secretly taken away by the Ling family, and they were all being tricked.

"It doesn't matter what kind of chess he plays, first push them to the obvious waste and catch them, and then see how the Ling family responds." Huangfu Jun also had a similar guess, and he was naturally in a bad mood.

In the dark room, the candle flames danced, illuminating a small area around the desk.

Wu Chong sat behind the desk, his face flickered under the light of the fire, like a demon god.Under his careful teaching, the seven disciples gradually got on the right track.Wang Zhong and the others have already been sent out to work by him, and Wang Tong, the youngest, also successfully became a teacher yesterday.

The achievements of the seven disciples brought Wu Chong a lot of gains.

"It's been quiet for a long time, and I almost forgot how to kill people."

On the table, a mass of pitch-black ashes stayed there.The ashes were received by Wu Chong not long ago. They were the news that Jiang Nian passed back before his death, and there was the whereabouts of the stone slabs inside.

Before his death, Jiang Nian hid the stone slab in a stable, and also used 'supernatural powers' to block the leakage of breath.

This blockade can last for about a month.

However, Wu Chong didn't care about these things. According to Jiang Nian's feedback, a traitor appeared in the Heifeng Village in the north. He was betrayed by the traitor, and then he was besieged by two great families and the imperial court's masters, so he fell into a desperate situation. .

"I haven't met traitors and foreign enemies for a long time."

Wu Chong stood up, and the flames in the room suddenly went dark.

The dark body passed through the door and walked outside.

The light shone down, revealing Wu Chong's terrifying and burly body.Now after he got the feedback from the Seven Great Disciples, the power in his body became even more exaggerated.Without deliberately hiding it, he is like a ferocious beast in human form. Even ordinary people can feel the violence hidden under his body.


At the door, Wang Tong, who had just graduated yesterday, looked at the teacher who walked out of the room, and swallowed subconsciously.

Standing next to Wu Chong as a minor, he had to look up to see the teacher's face.This feeling is like looking up at the gods and Buddhas, giving people an unspeakable sense of suffocation.

This is the teacher?

How can there be such a big change in just a few days?

"Just go out with me to do some errands, it's your graduation assessment." Wu Chong glanced at Wang Tong, left a word and walked outside.

Wang Tong's spirit lifted, and he came back to his senses in an instant.

Here comes the opportunity to go out and do tasks with the teacher. If you perform well this time, you will definitely get a lot of contribution points.

"Teacher, wait for me."

Wang Tong's figure flashed and quickly followed.

North Rock City.

A medium-sized city is not like the huge Moon City, nor the stability and tranquility of Jianghuai City.The geographical location of Beishi City determines that it is impossible for him to be safe. Almost every winter, sandmen invade. This has led to the fact that most people in Beishi City have some martial arts skills, and there are countless people walking on the streets with swords on their backs.

The sturdy folk customs have created this special city.

Wu Chong walked on the street with Wang Tong.

The scorching sun scorched the earth.

Most of the vendors on the street are dark-skinned, and some of the fruits they sell are not found in the mainland.

Wang Tong took out two taels of silver, bought two purple fruits, gave one to Wu Chong, and ate the other by himself.

One bite, the juice is overflowing.

very sweet!

Fruits that survive high heat are very high in sugar.

"Teacher, where are we going now?"

Wang Tong didn't know Wu Chong's destination, he just followed to collect contribution points.From his point of view, there is basically no problem with the task this time, with a teacher on the job, except that he doesn't know what life-or-death things dare to provoke the teacher.

"Go to the local Black Wind Village first."

Wu Chong walked ahead, ready to deal with the traitor first.He hated traitors more than foreign enemies.According to the rules of Heifengzhai, all those who betray the master must die!
As soon as he arrived here, he felt several powerful auras, some of which were very similar to Ling Zhujun, and they should be members of the Xiantian family.Among the remaining people, there is a very familiar one, it is the angry face who plotted against him in Luming County back then.

Originally, Wu Chong had already forgotten about this person, but this guy jumped out again by himself.

The members of the Seven Emotions Association are indeed destined to be with him!

The first batch of his subordinates who made a fortune were kindly sponsored by Qiqinghui.

Continuing to walk along the street, Wu Chong didn't know where the Heifengzhai stronghold in Beishi City was.

Jiang Nian was already dead, and the situation here was nothing to him.

But it's not a big problem. Find a few conspicuous people to have a 'friendly exchange', and the situation will be cleared up naturally.

Wu Chong, who was dressed in green, and Wang Tong, who was the size of a doll, were particularly conspicuous in a place like Beishi City.If it weren't for Wu Chong's aura that was too strong, there would have been people with short-sightedness coming to ask for money.

"Does the boss want to buy a snake? A specialty of North Rock City."

A dark-faced man bravely came over to talk to Wu Chong and the others.

Wang Tong's behavior of buying fruit caught their attention before. In Beishi City, there are more poor people than weeds. Wang Tong's attitude of not treating money as money is a proper fat sheep in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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