Chapter 789
That monster can't be dealt with, how strong can you be as a child?Judging from the previous position, that monster should care about this child very much.If this is the case, he only needs to catch the child, and he can use this hostage to threaten the other party to let him go.

The angry man's eyes turned cold, and just as he was about to make a move, he saw the child on the broken wall jump up and fly to a higher position.Then he saw a weird wooden sculpture rolling down from above.

Wood carving of a dog.

Just kidding, this thing works

With a crisp sound, the surface of the wood carving cracked,

In an instant, a strong light flashed, illuminating the entire area.Immediately afterwards, a hot flame was born from the center.Before the intense heat energy had completely dissipated, a powerful breath could be felt coming out of the flames.

The angry-faced man dodges and points his fingers into claws.

The power of self-cultivation surrounds the whole body and turns into a translucent thin garment.His hands pierced through the flames like ghost claws, and before the life in the center of the flames had fully come out, the eagle claws arrived first.

As soon as the catch hit, the face of the angry man changed instantly.

At this moment, the omnipotent claw skills are like grasping on the steel and iron bones, without any movement.Instead, a huge monster opened its eyes from the flames.At this moment, he finally saw the whole picture of the flame monster.

a dog!

The dog is exactly the same as the previous wood carving.

"How about the Wangcai I raised?" Wang Tong's voice sounded from above the broken wall.

The caught 'dog' roared, and the flames on his body erupted immediately.

"You call this thing Wangcai!?"

The angry-faced man was frightened and angry, the hot temperature burned through the clothes on the surface of his body, and the flames left a deep scar on his palm.He didn't care to speak harshly, he rolled and fled to the side.

At this time, there were screams from other places outside.

The masters they hired with a lot of money are almost dead at this moment, and the head of Heifeng Village didn't specifically stare at them to kill them. He was just looking for 'traitors' and dealt with those who stood in the way.The real trouble was the little boy they hadn't paid attention to in the first place.

The three wooden carvings thrown out of his hands all turned into monsters.Every monster has a power close to the second-order limit.At this level, even a master at the level of the Angry Face may not be able to block it with all his strength, because woodcarving is not afraid of death.

After avoiding the chasing and killing of the wooden dog, the angry-faced man ran light kung fu under his feet, and the man instantly passed through the courtyard wall like a ghost, and fled towards the outside.

Break through the fence and fall to the ground.

As soon as he walked a few steps, his eyes immediately went dark, and he looked down, and found that the position on his chest had been scorched at some point.The strange flames were still spreading from the wound, and the flames like gangrene absorbed his vitality, and then burned himself in turn.

The heart, liver, spleen and lungs were all burnt.

"I was plotted against? When, didn't I escape the attack of that dog?"

The angry-faced man was in a trance for a while, and he finally knew why he was able to escape so easily.Because in the eyes of the two people in the yard, he was already a dead man.

It's just a wooden sculpture thrown by a child, why is it so strong.

Knowledge cultivation, does knowledge cultivation have such means?
The angry-faced man who lost his strength fell headlong to the ground. Before he closed his eyes, he faintly saw the little boy who had been ignored by them come out of it. He still had a wooden carving that had not been released in his hand, which was a mountain monster.

The fight didn't last too long.

Wu Chong killed all the suspected traitors inside.When he came back to his senses, he realized that Wang Tong had dealt with the remaining few people. Except for Situ Chengliang and Huangfu Jun who escaped with special power, the rest of the team was completely wiped out.

"Let's go."

Wu Chong didn't pay attention to these little people, but saw the charred corpse of the angry face when he was about to go out.

Originally, I wanted to do it myself, but this period of karma came, I didn't expect this guy to be so careless.

He fell down before he even made a move!
"Teacher, wait for me."

Wang Tong quickly took out a match from his pocket, and struck the air.

The match rose against the wind, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant match more than three meters long.Wang Tong grabbed the match and threw it at the crime scene just now.

The flames shot up into the sky, but in the blink of an eye, all the dead people inside were burned away, and the courtyard was completely burned.

One-stop service for murder and arson, quite skilled.

"All right."

Wang Tong clapped his hands in satisfaction. He still appreciates his methods very much.This method of destroying corpses without harming innocent people requires a very high level of professionalism.

"Who taught you all this?"

Wu Chong asked quietly.

"Senior Brother Wang Zhong! He said that the core idea of ​​our Black Wind Village is to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots. If you kill someone, you must remember to set fire." Wang Tong looked at the teacher with some doubts.

"Could it be that Senior Brother Wang Zhong's understanding is wrong?"

"Yes! He understood very well."

Wu Chong sighed, there is still a long way to go for the righteous journey of Heifengzhai.

Without dwelling on this issue, Wu Chong led Wang Tong out of the yard.

Jiang Nian died while helping him. Wu Chong was ready to kill all those who killed him.Only in this way can these people face the Black Wind Village squarely and avoid a lot of trouble.

Leaving the alley, the two returned to the streets of Beishi City.

Huangfu Jun and Situ Chengliang ran away, but Wu Chong let him go on purpose.He still needs to use these two guys to help him find the remaining traitors.

Back on the street, the noise outside is still there.

The movement in the alley has no effect on the residents of Beishi City, they have seen this kind of thing a lot.In a chaotic place like Beishi City, killing and arson is nothing more than normal.Although there was a bit more noise this time, the style of acting was in line with their Beishicheng style of painting.


A luxurious carriage appeared on the side of the road, and a young man in a rough black coat stood on the side of the road. When he saw Wu Chong and Wang Tong walking out, he immediately bowed and saluted.

Wu Chong stopped and glanced at the man.


A young man who followed Jiang Nian back then was also one of the first men who took refuge in him.This time when Jiang Nian came to do a mission, besides the people on the surface, there were many people in the dark.However, after the incident, many hidden clues were dug out and eradicated. He was the only one who was not exposed, and his ability to escape the sweep of the court and the two innate families also indirectly showed his ability.

"I didn't expect to have my own people, it's good to be alive."

Wu Chong patted the young man on the shoulder. If he dared to speak to them at this time, he had already bet his life on their hands.Based on this alone, this young man is worthy of his promotion after he returns.It just so happened that Jiang Nian also died, and when this incident is over, this kid will be promoted to be the captain, responsible for the tasks that Jiang Nian had previously handled.

"Brother Jiang was betrayed by the crocodile."

The young man's eyes turned red as he spoke.

He was brought up by Jiang Nian, and he had a deep relationship with Wu Chong before he defected to Wu Chong. This time, Jiang Nian didn't contact him until his death in order to keep him alive, which made him hate the man who betrayed his elder brother even more. people.

(End of this chapter)

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