Chapter 809 Five Silhouettes
Under the spread of Wang Zhong and other seven great disciples, the erosion of the world is rapidly intensifying. As a direct beneficiary, Wu Chong is getting stronger almost every moment.

This process lasted for half a year.

In half a year, Wu Chong's world erosion rate has risen to 60.00%, and it will reach 70.00%.It is considered a later stage if it occupies 70.00% of the realm of knowledge cultivation. The "heretical way" created by Wu Chong will also turn right under this force and become the second road besides knowledge cultivation.He, an outsider, can also use this power to go a step further, directly to the origin of the world and compete with the silhouette for control of the world.

"It should be shot soon, what method will it use?"

Wu Chong looked up at the dim yellow sky outside, feeling drowsy.

The outside world is still changing, and the four innate families in the surface world are also searching for possible 'gods', and the conflict between the court and the family is becoming more and more intense.Because Wu Chong is Ling Zhujun's husband, no one came to trouble him.

The inner world is even more chaotic. The seven Wang Zhong and the others are already well-known in the inner world. Each of them is a leader of a cult who is entrenched in one side, and they are the targets of the four major innate families.But these things were far away from Wu Chong, and he didn't pay much attention to them.

During the past six months, he has lived quite comfortably.

But this kind of comfort is about to end, because he feels that he is about to break through, and the degree of erosion will intensify again, which will affect the core interests of Silhouette.

Wu Chong raised his hand and picked up a grape.

The hand holding the grape suddenly froze, and the world seemed to have stopped.The colors are receding, and black and white are slowly emerging.

"come yet."

Wu Chong, who was sitting on the reclining chair, found that he couldn't move his hands, and even his consciousness became blurred.The darkness came, and all the scenes in the yard were moving away from him, and the guards standing outside disappeared at some point, including Nian Hong, who was sent by Mr. Ling Zhu to protect him, did not notice the movement here.

The strange sense of distortion came again, and the half-dream and half-awake consciousness gave him the illusion of a hangover, top-heavy, and he couldn't even stand up.

What means is this?
A thought flashed through Wu Chong's mind.

The power of Sisi's delusion surged into his mind, reshaping his consciousness.

When he stood firmly again, Wu Chong found that he was still in the courtyard, and the color had returned to normal, except that it was covered with a layer of light gray.Look out along the courtyard door.The guards were still loyally guarding the outside. He also saw Nian Hong looking at the news with a solemn face. The vendors on the street farther away were also frozen there, and the spittle flying from the innermost part of the quarreling aunt was also hanging in the air. .

The world suddenly fell silent.



Wu Chong stood up and wanted to go out, but as soon as he moved, he felt the pressure of the world and couldn't move. He was like a bug trapped in amber.Reshaping his consciousness can only restore his sense of balance to normal, and the external forces still exist.

Bang! !

Suddenly, a huge force hit his chest hard.

Wu Chong only felt a tightness in his chest, as if he had been swung with a sledgehammer, a little stuffy.The pain was not conveyed, and even the perception was frozen.

In such a frozen world, how did the opponent make a move?
With a crisp sound, Wu Chong felt his chest collapse, and the bones inside were probably broken.

"The logic of one-way dismantling? Or regional time division?"

Wu Chong guessed this method with his own realm.Before he could get the result, the second hammer wheel came over.

This time, it directly hit the left side of his head, and his head was flattened by Juli, and his head was buzzing.Blood overflowed from the ears, nose, mouth and eyes, and a strange sense of distortion emerged again.The world view reshaped by Wu Chong with delusion was smashed once again.

The world in his eyes turned into a paste again, and the whirlpools of gray, white and black twisted, as if they wanted to mess up the world.

"The world criss-crosses."

A strange voice appeared in Wu Chong's mind.

It was the voice of the previous silhouette, but it was a little different. From its body, Wu Chong felt several other auras that he had never touched before.Each of these breaths is very strong, like a puppet standing in the shadows.

Wu Chong shook his head vigorously. Although he couldn't move, he still wanted to try.

The power of delusion emerged again, and vision was restored.

The distortion disappeared, and he finally saw clearly who the guy who attacked him was.

The five black silhouettes were just like the murderer in the cartoon, with only one pitch-black silhouette, other than that, there were no other features on the body.

One of these five pitch-black silhouettes was something Wu Chong had come into contact with before, while the remaining four were completely strangers.

Another world lord?

That's right, World Lords don't exist independently, they also have their own friends.

Wu Chong thought of the giant snake, what would he do if the world of the giant snake was attacked?I will definitely call on my friends and find foreign aid to help me.These four unfamiliar silhouettes are the world master who came to help.The reason why Wu Chong could guess it was because he sensed the dangerous aura he had touched from these four people before.

He is the world master of the other four 'Flower and Fertilizer Worlds'.

Before he became an immortal, he had seen several dangerous worlds in succession. The breath of these guys in front of him was exactly the same as the dangerous worlds in his memory.

At this time, the silhouette attacking him raised his hand again.

Wu Chong saw his weapon clearly.

A huge stone hammer, the color of the hammer is pure white, with some gray lines on it, as if carved, representing some unknown meaning.

"Didn't you eat?"

Wu Chong's voice passed through.

Although he was frozen, the power of the false way was not trapped, and they couldn't trap the power of the false way.

The silhouette who heard the voice became angry.

He didn't expect that this person would dare to taunt him when he was about to die. After killing him this time, he must melt his body into ashes and bury him at the bottom of the world, so that he will never stand up again!
The silhouette's hand holding the stone hammer swelled, and the arm seemed to melt into the stone hammer.The black arm and the white stone hammer mixed together to form a strange ash.

This gray is very similar to the warped world.

Looking at the giant hammer that was getting closer and closer to the front door, and the flowing gray, Wu Chong suddenly understood.

"I see."

He understood the principle of the opponent's frozen world, and once he figured it out, the deceitful way immediately assimilated him, turning him into an existence exactly like the five silhouettes opposite him.

The world shackles that had frozen him were gone.

Wu Chong raised his arm and spread his fingers.The power of delusion poured into his right hand in an instant, and he grabbed the stone hammer thrown by the silhouette.

very light.

The expected inertia did not appear.Or, in this space, there is no such thing as inertia.The surface of the stone hammer is very smooth, and the material is somewhat soft, like foam.It was hard to imagine that such a serious injury on his body was caused by this kind of hammer.

"Twisted logic, strange hammer."

A thought flashed through Wu Chong's mind.


The silhouette on the opposite side did not expect Wu Chong to react so quickly.In his angry roar, the world constructed by this consciousness shattered like a glass mirror.Diamond-shaped pieces are scattered all over the place.
(End of this chapter)

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