But these things will be studied later, and the most urgent thing is to give warmth to the farming group of five.

Thinking of this, Wu Chong walked back to the unbroken area, tore off a piece of paper that had been lifted from the ground, and put it in the palm of his hand.The full-level sense of self-cultivation was instantly integrated into the piece of paper.The familiar thread reappeared.At the beginning, the point of cultivating knowledge to the full level was to deal with this kind of scene where the enemy could not be found.

"This direction."

Wu Chong opened his eyes, tore off the paper wall in front of him, and jumped into the darkness.

If the consciousness of ordinary people falls into this dark space, they may lose their way directly and turn the outside world into a vegetable.But for Wu Chong, this darkness has no effect.He has even wandered around the Chaos Sea of ​​the derivative world a few times, and this imitation space is not challenging at all.

Walking along the lines of the paper for an unknown amount of time, Wu Chong saw a door.

The door is an old-fashioned big iron door, with a big golden lock on it, so that the 'dream' outside can't pass through the door and invade the existence inside.But this method can't stop Wu Chong. In this space of consciousness, everything has no quality. The so-called iron gate is just another kind of 'paper'!
He flew over and kicked the door.

The door slammed open, and he rolled in with him.

Inside is an antique room, completely different from the previous paper world.Here, Wu Chong felt the familiar logic of the world, and the things in the world became no different from the real thing, no longer just paper.


Wu Chong stood up and took a look at his surroundings. He picked up a piece of porcelain on the red wooden box next to him.

It's cold to the touch and quite heavy.

Before he could take a closer look, the door next to him was suddenly opened.

A dark figure broke in from the outside. After seeing Wu Chong, he babbled a lot of incomprehensible things.

Seeing that Wu Chong didn't speak, the pitch-black figure slashed at him with a double-flowered axe.

"World Lord? No."

Wu Chong originally thought it was a silhouette of a stone hammer, but upon closer inspection, he found something was wrong.This black figure has a more burly body, and the surface of the body is not a pure black silhouette, but has a halo like him.

The moment Wu Chong paused, the pitch-black figure's ax had farted.

"Can you speak?"

Wu Chong avoided his body and tried to ask a question.

The answer was another slash.

After confirming that this thing can't communicate, Wu Chong didn't bother to waste any more time.After dodging to avoid the attack, he clenched his right hand and punched it.

Click! !
Black Shadow, who was about to swing his ax again, was hit in the face by this punch, and his head exploded on the spot.

With Wu Chong's current strength, no normal life can hold back the World Lord with this punch.

The jet-black figure that exploded lay on its back and fell to the ground, and the double-flowered ax fell to one side, making two big holes in the ground.Strange cracks spread along the big pit, not only where the dark figure died, but even Wu Chong's feet had cracks.


Wu Chong reacted instantly.

The world has ground rules, but not many.

The world is no longer made of paper, but broken glass.When he bought the porcelain before, he thought it was a bit weird, but after looking closely now, he found that it was indeed a glass product.Even the box he thought was made of mahogany at first, but after knocking on it, he found that it was made of glass.Everything in this warehouse is all glass!

dong dong dong! !

There was another sound from outside, as dull as a drum beating.

Tapped three times.

Wu Chong raised his head and looked outside through the door opened by the pitch-black figure.I found three pitch-black umbral monsters holding big axes screaming and rushing towards this side. Like the previous ax monsters, these guys couldn't communicate at all.

Wu Chong casually picked up the two axes on the ground and rushed out.

The moment the three black figures were about to strike, his ax passed by first.The spinning ax was like a boomerang, drawing a semicircular arc in the air.Three pitch-black figures rushing over were just above this arc.

The light of the ax flashed, and the three of them fell down in response.

Before Wu Chong could relax, that strange drum sound appeared again.

dong dong dong dong! !

This time it was tapped five times.

Almost in sync with the sound, the moment the drumbeat disappeared, several dark figures rushed out from the other side of the street again, the number of them was exactly five.

This strange scene made Wu Chong frown slightly.

He glanced at the white piece of paper in his hand.

The above pattern pointed to this place, but the strange thing was that he didn't find the stone hammer silhouette after he came in, but was besieged by these inexplicable things.These brainless pitch-black figures are not strong, but they look inexhaustible.

Wu Chong didn't dare to let them hurt him. It's better to be careful in this weird place.

Wu Chong waved his hand and chopped off the five jet-black shadows that had just been formed, but this time it was obviously different.When he reached the fifth one, the resistance on the pitch-black figure became significantly stronger.

"The glass container for storing clones?"

Wu Chong looked at the blunt ax in his hand, and casually threw it aside.

The last clone that died just now already has the strength of a stone hammer silhouette.The familiar 'black' made Wu Chong think of the body of the stone hammer silhouette that was blown up by him.From this perspective, he instantly understood the meaning of the existence of this glass space.

Duplicate the body for descending!
Stone Hammer Silhouette They are not like Wu Chong, who mastered the art of human skin and can come to the world at will, and spread clones in other worlds to plunder the heavens.As world masters, the path they took was far less comfortable and free than Wu Chong's Dao of True Immortals.If you want to sneak into other worlds, you need to find a substitute.

This glass space is the stand-in cultivation base for the stone hammer silhouette!Wu Chong searched for it according to the context, paying attention to explaining that the bodies of Stone Hammer Silhouette and their farming five-member group all came from here.

The dull drum sounded again.

This time a total of twelve came out.

Wu Chong set off directly, and his figure flashed.This time get started directly.

With a snap, he punched the black figure in front.Power poured into it, and the figure who hadn't moved was directly blown into powder.The black piece shattered, and the color inside became deeper and deeper, getting closer and closer to the silhouette form that was beaten to death by Wu Chong before.

After smashing the first one, Wu Chong flew up, hovering in the air, and saw him spread his palm, and a translucent balloon emerged from his palm.

Whoa! !
The released deformed delusion roared and swallowed the remaining eleven pitch-black figures in one gulp.The translucent body swallowed these pitch-black figures in an instant. In the body, dense tentacles wrapped around it like tree roots, but in the blink of an eye, these eleven pitch-black figures were sucked into residue.

The deformed delusion of eating and drinking opened his mouth and hiccupped, a mass of black energy was ejected from the mouth, forming a mushroom-shaped air mass.

The world mainly spares the energy of the body, the taste is really good, and it is full.

After killing the twelve pitch-black figures, Wu Chong didn't stay any longer. He flew directly to the end of the street, where he saw the big drum being beaten.

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