The residence of the Huangfu family is very easy to find, unlike the watch world where ordinary people live together, there is a large city in the inner world, all of them are from the Huangfu family.The core members of the entire Huangfu family are all here, and the people stationed in the table world are only members of the third or fourth generation of the family, and they cannot even enter the core of the family's rights.

"How is the teacher going to get in?"

Although the ancestor of the Huangfu family was defeated once by the seven of them, it was a premeditated ambush after all.Regardless of external factors, it would be difficult for them to win if they attacked head-on, because the 'innate' power was too terrifying.

"Just go in like this."

The purpose of Wu Chong's coming here is to take away the 'innate' of the Huangfu family.

His 'Star' re-engraving plan has stalled, and he urgently needs some external power for reference. 'Innate' is a good reference object. Unarmed Silhouette Chi once said that Shi Hammer knows more than the four of them, and it should be because he has a certain understanding of Xing.The innateness of this world was made by imitating the 'star'.It's a pity that Stone Hammer Silhouette's background is too poor. After understanding the rules, there is no way to raise the power to the corresponding level, so that the "innate" thing can only be played in one's own world. Once you leave this world, it will become a decoration.

"Go straight in?"

Wang Zhong and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then a trace of enthusiasm flashed in their eyes.

As expected of their teacher, more than 1 core clan members are stationed here, and the Huangfu family has set up a base for thousands of years. In the eyes of the teacher, they are regarded as flat. This courage alone is beyond their comparison.

Wu Chong really didn't pay much attention to the Huangfu family.

To be precise, the four great innate families have been the eggs in his basket from the very beginning, and they can just come and get them when they need it.This idea arose after the confrontation between the watch world and the ancestor of the Yue family. Now that the world has been eroded to 90.00%, the creatures in the world no longer have enemies for him.

Just as Wu Chong raised his foot and was about to go, the picture in front of him suddenly distorted.

The familiar dizziness reappeared.


Wu Chong stopped, his eyes distorted, and when he fixed his eyes again, he found himself in a strange space.

It is still the world of consciousness, but it is no longer arranged by the silhouette of stone and hammer.

In the pitch-black wasteland, the ground is covered with round stones.

Looking into the distance, there is only black mist left, and the farther the distance, the deeper the black.

Wu Chong touched it with his feet, and found that the rocks under his feet were soft, like bread, and they trembled slightly when he stepped on them.

"This degree of authenticity is much stronger than that of a stone hammer."

Withdrawing his right foot, Wu Chong turned around and looked behind him.

Wang Zhongqi and the others behind him disappeared at some point and turned into a square stone platform, on which stood a huge monster statue, about nine meters high.This statue is stepping on the waves, shaving its head with its hands, and raising its palms to the sky with both hands. There are densely packed heads behind it. When you look closely, you will find that the eyes of this statue are scarlet, beating like flames.

"Be careful, this consciousness space is wrong."

The voice of Unarmed Silhouette Chi sounded in Wu Chong's mind.

A few of them had used similar means to deal with Wu Chong before, but they failed.So the moment Wu Chong was pulled in, he woke up.As a part swallowed by Wu Chong with dream-eating, Chi is not an independent living body, she is just a vassal granted some authority by Wu Chong.

"Do you know this statue?"

Wu Chong looked at the huge statue in front of him.

From the appearance, this statue is very similar to Ancient God Qi, but different.Because the ancient god Qi is in the form of a whale, and the monster in front of him is an orc.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not simple."

"What about this place?"

"It's definitely not arranged by Stone Hammer. He doesn't have the means. As you have seen before, Stone Hammer makes most of a single world, such as the world of paper and glass. To build such a complete worldview in the consciousness space, the realm required is not what Stone Hammer can do."

After Chi responded, he fell silent. The most important thing in this environment is to concentrate and avoid being plotted against.

A strong man beyond the silhouette of a stone hammer?
Wu Chong looked the statue up and down. The statue didn't have any life fluctuations, and the scarlet flames above the eyes were just pure spots of light.

"This is the altar of the abandoned world."

Suddenly a voice came from behind Wu Chong.

Wu Chong turned his head sharply, and found that there was an extra person on the originally pitch-black barren rock plain.The ancient god Qi, who was dressed in fine iron mail, was walking slowly towards him.The burly god's body, heavy armor, and a pair of huge rusty iron scissors are dragging in his hands. The scissors are about five meters long, and they are held on the back like a hill, dragging long scratches on the stone.

"The ancient gods pray."

Wu Chong recognized Gu Shenqi at a glance. Although his image has changed, his breath will not change.

"Do you know what an abandoned world is?"

Different from the madness of fighting as soon as they met last time, the ancient god Qi in this state seems to be very wise.

"You dragged me in?"

Wu Chong responded indifferently, and had no intention of communicating with the other party.

Gu Shenqi is a lunatic. The last time he met, he had a fight with him. He also ate four of the farming five-member group by the way, and he ate the remaining unarmed silhouette.Speaking of which, this Tian five-person group is unlucky enough. They were studying black technology at home, but they were found and eaten for no reason.But this is also the normal state of the chaotic sea, the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps.

There is no right or wrong, only strong or weak.

Just like a shark eats weaker fish in the ocean.

"The Abandoned World is the ancient world before the appearance of the World Lord. Some people say that the Abandoned World is the core of the Chaos Sea, the place where dreams originated." Ancient God Qi walked to the side and patted the calf of the stone statue with his hand.His burly body also looks a little small in front of this huge statue.

"I don't know what happened later, this place became like this, the world was scrapped, and only this statue remained."

After finishing speaking, Ancient God Qi squeezed with one hand, and the statue's calf was actually crushed by him.

The cracked rock fell down, but soon turned into something new and climbed back, but in the blink of an eye, the damaged part repaired itself.

"It can't be destroyed, and it can't be taken away."

Ancient God Qi withdrew his hand, and his eyes fell on Wu Chong.

"I killed the order master of the Abandoned World School of Consciousness and became the master of this area. I hope you can give me your origin. In return, I can give you a hand when I climb to a higher level."

Speaking of which, the ancient god prayed for his own conditions.

"You may not know the power of our level, nor the meaning of what I represent. But it doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to give me your origin, I can take you to live forever, and freely enter and exit my authority to control the nodes of the world." (End of this chapter)

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