"Dissociative thoughts are very fragile, and it is very difficult to collect them. It is even more difficult to collect enough to support a complete space of consciousness."

Chi made it very clear that the so-called wandering thoughts are not particularly magical. For example, when a person goes out in the morning and sees a pancake, he wants to eat it very much, but then he forgets it because he has to go to work.Another example is when a person sees a beautiful dress and fantasizes about what he would look like in it, or some poor scholar sits in his room and fantasizes about fox fairies and ghosts coming to his door, spring night and so on.These are all wandering thoughts, and the person who may have them has forgotten them.

But these forgotten things are precisely the materials used to construct the space of consciousness.

"The reason why there is a single attribute of clay is because I haven't reached the level where I can change the material attribute. That is a power that belongs exclusively to the disaster level." Chi patiently explained.

"Material change, is it difficult?"

Wu Chong stretched out his hand and grabbed a wandering thought from the head of the little girl with the lamp next to her.

After the last trip to the spirit world, Wu Chong took the little girl away.A good little girl, Jiajia, what are the three disasters in the spiritual world!When there is a chance in the future, educate him well, and he will be a good hand in Heifengzhai again.

'Big Devil, hurry up and leave!leave quickly!leave quickly! '

The moment he caught the little girl's thought, Wu Chong's face turned dark.

This little guy's thoughts are very pure now, without any distracting thoughts, and he can hear the voice inside that wants him to leave quickly without interpretation.

"There is still too little homework! Nineteen."

Wu Chong greeted the outside of the door.

Yan Jiujiu walked in from the door. He didn't even know when the teacher came back, but with the teacher's current state, it's normal to be elusive.


"Bring this little guy over there, let your little uncle Lianxing teach him well, and remember to assign more homework." After speaking, Wu Chongti slipped the little girl's neck and threw her out.

During the process, he didn't forget to put two seals on her body to prevent her from escaping back to the spirit world to do a catastrophe after leaving him.

As for the fact that Heavenly Tribulation has no subjective consciousness, memory, etc., Wu Chong modified it casually.At his current level, Lei Ting can knead into balls in his hands, and any world logic can be distorted and changed by him.


Yan Jiujiu didn't know why, but he took the little girl out anyway.

After seeing off the little girl with the lantern, Wu Chong turned his attention to the wandering thoughts that he 'picked up' from the little girl with the lantern just now.After the little girl with the lantern left, the thought was not so strong anymore, and it was gradually fading away in his hands.

"This is the difficult part. Dissociative thoughts exist for a very short time. For weak ordinary people, thoughts can only exist for a moment." Chi's voice sounded.

After she finished speaking, she told Wu Chong how she gathered her wandering thoughts.

Just like building blocks, put your "core" in the middle, and then keep capturing free thoughts, treat them as bricks and stones, and stack them up layer by layer, until finally assembled into a huge world frame .

Because it is combined in a single way, whatever substance is put together at the beginning becomes that substance after the combination is completed.

The paper space of the stone hammer before and the glass space later are all built in this way, and the clay space of the pool is also built in this way.

"Material transformation."

Wu Chong spread his core strength to the palm of his hand, and the thoughts of the little girl with the lamp that were about to dissipate quickly stabilized and turned into a small wooden ball.

wood grain?

Wu Chong was a little surprised.

These free thoughts will be affected by the main core of the world and transformed into the corresponding single substance.The first thing Wu Chong acquired was the wood grain. If he continues in this way, what he puts together will be a world of wood grain.This is not the slightest difference from Gu Shenqi's consciousness space, and the help to him will be very limited.

"As far as I guess, the catastrophe level should also build a single world first. After advancing to the disaster level, use higher-level power to change the material properties of the space, so that they are closer to reality. The glass world of the stone hammer is simulated like this of."

What Wu Chong thought of was the worlds of Ancient God Qi, the first urban world submerged in the deep sea and the second deep sea world. Although there are many material attributes in them, the core is still related to water.

This should be the core influence of the ancient gods.

It may also be a common problem of changing the world in the later stage, so Wu Chong wanted to try to see if he could have complete attributes at the beginning of the world's construction.Anyway, he is cultivating the immortal way, so he doesn't have to follow the way of the world master.

Try to see if you can convert it into soil.

With an invisible thought, the power of delusion instantly spread to the wooden ball.

A layer of strange fluctuations similar to dreams diffused over the small ball, and there were bursts of "crackling" sounds inside, but after a while, the small wood-grain ball turned into a soil ball in Wu Chong's hands .


Chi, who was still talking in her mind, suddenly stopped. She looked at the soil ball in Wu Chong's hand in disbelief, and a feeling of doubting life came to her heart.

When did material transformation become so easy?

Have the tens of thousands of years of experiments with stone hammers been fed to dogs?

"It's pretty simple."

Wu Chong flashed into Shimo's Great World, and returned after a while with more than 100 thoughts in his hand.There are those who seek money, those who seek a spouse, and even those who want to kill people's lives.

But none of this mattered to Wu Chong.

Under his control, these thoughts were transformed into the power of the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which were integrated into the periphery of the core.Slowly, a consciousness space completely different from all world masters was born.Chi was completely paralyzed. She found that many of the common sense in her cognition had been rubbed against the ground by this golden thigh.

After a long time, Wu Chong opened his eyes, and the breath on his body became more and more mysterious.

He found that the seven stars he controlled were perfectly integrated with this newly born consciousness space, and the prototype of seven stars appeared in the world.

With a thought, Wu Chong came to this consciousness space he created.

At the foot is a small disc-shaped island, all of which are sandy soil structures. Some gold elements are buried in the ground, and there is magma composed of fire elements deeper in the ground.The complete structure makes this island almost exactly like the real one, and it is completely invisible as a space of consciousness.Some vegetation grows on the surface of the island, which is the external expression of the wood attribute.Outside the island is the ocean, which stretches as far as the eye can see.Of course, this endlessness is an illusion. If you really fly over, you will find that this sea is only hundreds of kilometers away. In the eyes of the world master, it is just a small toy.

"Golden Wood Fire and Fire"

Chi sensed the attributes of this space numbly, always feeling that the world master of his upper node is fake.

"They've all become Taiyi Immortals, so it's time to have a dojo. Purple Bamboo Garden, Golden Light Cave, etc. are too ordinary. This place, from now on, this place will be called Heifeng Mountain." Wu Chong nodded in satisfaction.

With the fall of his words, the small island under his feet suddenly rose up, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge mountain soaring into the sky.

There is a temple on the mountain called Heifeng Temple!

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