Chapter 864 Arrive
The Imperial City of Consciousness.

A dense crowd of soldiers rushed towards Wang Tong and the three of them without fear of death.Fortunately, the three of them are not weak, even if it is the suppressed delusional monster in the body, ordinary soldiers are not their opponents, and they can harvest a large area with one move.

It's just that these soldiers are like endless, as many as they are cut down, as many as they will come out, there is an endless stream, and they can't stop killing!
"Don't work hard, these are mud, sooner or later we will die."

Lao Wu grabbed Wang Tong and reminded him to preserve his strength.

"Get rid of Yang Xiao, he is the center of this consciousness world, and we can go out after we get rid of him." The fourth child stepped on the eaves and flew out at once, rushing towards the high platform behind.

Yang Xiao stood on the highest altar, looking down at the three people rushing down below, his eyes full of contempt.

"Just rushing over so straight, do you think I'm blind?"

Yang Xiao waved his hand.

The soldiers rushing down below froze, and the long knives in their back hands twisted and changed like muddy water, turning into longbows under the shocked eyes of the three.

The densely packed bows and arrows aimed at the three of them.

shoot! !

The dense rain of arrows flew from bottom to top like a black ocean, and it was inevitable!The three of them in mid-air could only choose to fight hard.After a sound of collision, the clothes of the three of them were a little damaged. Although they were not injured, they were consumed a lot.

Before they could catch their breath, the clay figurine soldiers below opened their bows and arrows again, and the sound of bowstrings sounded again in an instant, and another round of arrow rain hit.

"Hurry up, or the consumption will be exhausted."

The fourth child took the lead to speed up and rushed to the high platform.Wang Tong and Lao Wu followed behind.

These clay figurine soldiers below are not strong, but they are endless.It is unrealistic to expect them to run out of arrows, as long as they are still in this mud world, their arrows will never run out.

Finally, after three rounds of arrow rain, the three rushed to the high platform.

Emperor Yang Xiao stood there alone without any guards.


The fourth child's arm twisted for a while, and an arm like a tree root stretched out. In front of Emperor Yang Xiao, he slapped his head with a slap.


Lao Wu and Wang Tong also attacked at the same time. Although the delusional monsters were sealed, they themselves were cultivators of the delusional way.After thinking about it, his body turned into a monster and killed Emperor Yang Xiao.

"You know nothing of the power of God."

Emperor Yang Xiao grinned.

I saw his body torn apart, swollen and twisted like cloth.In the blink of an eye, Emperor Yang Xiao, who was still in human form one second, turned into a bulging sweet potato monster the next.There are more than a dozen irregular arms growing on the oval body, and like a centipede, there are more than 20 legs, both human and animal.It was like a spliced ​​and stitched monster, exuding a palpitating aura all over its body.

Especially on the top of the head, the face of the emperor Yang Xiao was still on it, but the nose was split in the middle, and a red eye was staring at the fourth child who was in the front.

呲! !

A scorching ray like a sharp blade was released from this eyeball.

The scorching ray goes from bottom to top, just like cutting a cake, it cuts the mud world from the bottom, the mud platform below, the street buildings in the distance, and even the mud soldiers above this line are all cut in two. Half.

The fourth child reacted extremely quickly, and he dodged the moment his scorching eyeballs opened.

But the speed of the line of sight was too fast, and the tree root arm he attacked had no time to dodge, and was cut in half by the line of sight.

Lao Wu and Wang Tong behind were slightly better, because they were half a step behind, so they took their moves in time and dodged.

"Is this the emperor?"

The fifth child spat out a mouthful of mud, looked at the oval monster in front of him, and couldn't help but curse.

They knew that Emperor Yang Xiao was not simple, and might be as strong as their teacher, but they never thought that the other party was such a thing.Judging from the current state, how can you not have anything to do with people?

"Don't look at 'God' with the eyes of ants, I am different from you."

Emperor Yang Xiao laughed out loud.

When he smiled, dense mouths appeared around the sweet potato-shaped oval body, and these mouths were all laughing like him.With the laughter, the whole dirt world was shaking.

The fourth child looked at his amputated arm with embarrassment.

The scorching breath was spreading upwards along his wound like tarsal gangrene. When you looked closely, you would find spherical pollution spots gnawing at the wound. not finished.

"Be careful, this guy's strength may have surpassed that of the elder brother."

The fourth child looked back at Emperor Yang Xiao with a pale face, and then turned his gaze back to the broken arm.Previously, the arm was amputated from the elbow, but now it has been eroded to the upper half by those pollution spots, and it is about to spread to the shoulder blade.

A trace of cruelty flashed in the eyes of the fourth child who understood the consequences.


With a flash of the knife, his arm was broken at the shoulder.The blood gushed out for a while and then quickly stopped the bleeding. The power of the false way acted on the arm, trying to recreate a new arm, but the strange thing was that his delusional thought was cut off, and the power of the false way only helped him stop the bleeding .

After the emperor Yang Xiao over there laughed, he flew up with a 'swish', and the densely packed arms flew out like iron locks, and plunged into the ground.The scorching eyeball in the middle of the nose shot out a hot light again.

An oval-shaped monster held by the arm of the iron chain hung in mid-air like this, cutting up the mud world recklessly.

Emperor Yang Xiao's current state is obviously abnormal. This guy was eroded into a lunatic by the power projected by the ancient god Qi.He obviously only wanted to kill the three intruding ants in front of him, but in the end it turned into wanton destruction.Those clay figurine soldiers created by him were crazily cut by the scorching gaze, and fell down in large pieces like weeds.

"Escape first!"

The fourth child looked back with a pale face, turned around and fled to the rear.

"This guy is no longer human."

It won't work to force this way, we can only see if other people outside can rush to help them open the blockade.Wang Tong and Lao Wu also fled in the opposite direction. This kind of monster-like emperor Yang Xiao was simply beyond their ability to deal with. Immortality was considered a high-spirited.I also hope that the big brothers outside can be more helpful and come over soon.

The teacher did it himself?This idea flashed through the minds of the three at the same time.

Dark clouds cover the moon and there is no wind.

A figure fell from the sky and appeared outside the capital.

Just such a lonely person, it looks like he came here for a walk, all the guards and envoys are ignored by this person.

"Let's start here first."

The black cloud moved away, and a beam of light shone down, revealing the appearance of the person who came.

It was Wu Chong who had just rushed over from Luming County.

After solving Tang Xiaochuan's troubles, he came over in person, and the tasks on the main body were temporarily put down.It's almost time to harvest the brown candy that he let loose in the imperial court.The distance of Ancient God Qi is getting closer and closer. Before the opponent comes over, any unstable factors must be eliminated in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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