Chapter 891

After walking along the path for a while, the surrounding vegetation gradually became thinner.

Things of other colors also began to appear around, which made Wu Chong heave a sigh of relief. It seemed that it wasn't something wrong with him, but that the valley was abnormal.

There was a slight noise.

Wu Chong stopped in an instant and looked forward. Three dark figures appeared in his blurred vision.

These three people had dark skin, ragged clothes, and held a scythe in their hands. They all carried large bamboo baskets on their backs, which were filled with all kinds of strange plants.Looking at their cautious appearance, it seems that they are exchanging their lives for money.

"The medicine picker?"

Before Wu Chong could speak, the three people over there also discovered his existence.

One of them quickly raised the scythe in his hand, looking on guard, but the fear on his expression couldn't be concealed.

"Who is there!"

Wu Chong had never heard what the herbal picker said.

But with his cultivation level maintained, he can use his mental frequency to judge what the other party is saying.

Wu Chong walked out slowly. He raised his hands to indicate that he did not mean anything malicious.But in his heart, he raised his vigilance to the highest level. Anyone in this strange place could bring him danger.The previous two people had left a deep impression on him.

However, it is impossible for him to retreat, and he must find someone to communicate with to quickly understand the situation here.

Anyway, they've already been discovered, it's best if they can communicate, and if they can't, send them on their way.

Judging from the appearance of these three people, they don't look like strong men, and they should not reach the level of the previous two.

"I am not the enemy."

Wu Chong said.

What he said was the words of Shimo Great World.Huang and Gu can survive here, which means that there is a certain chance that Shimo Great World can be used here.

The person in the lead was subconsciously stunned when he heard Wu Chong's voice, because it was the first time he had heard such a syllable.But since they can communicate, no one cares.I saw that person asked.

"Free medicine picker?"

Wu Chong was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses, and then nodded to confirm the other party's guess.

"Yes, I am a free medicine picker."

Seeing Wu Chong's affirmation, the three were relieved.The herb collectors are all bitter haha, it’s not that they can’t live on, who will do this job?And the danger in this place has never been people, this is common sense.

"You are so courageous, you dare to go to this place to collect medicine by yourself!"

"It's all bitterness. There is nothing more terrifying than being poor."

The two herbal pickers beside him also relaxed.

"Brother, where are you from? I heard that your voice seems a little weird, maybe it's because your throat is broken."

Wu Chong nodded along the way.

The more you talk, the more mistakes you make, just take this opportunity to learn the words of these herb pickers.

"Looking at you like this, you haven't gained much, right?" A herbal picker glanced at Wu Chong, who was empty-handed, with a trace of pity on his face.

It's miserable enough for free herb pickers, but they haven't harvested yet.

Still compiled.

Although the three of them are also herb collectors, they are organized so that they will not starve to death.

"Check it first, to avoid the dream monster disguise."

The leader of the herb pickers interrupted the nonsense of the two subordinates.

Dream monster?

Wu Chong narrowed his eyes and vaguely understood.

I saw the captain of the herb picker take out a stone from his arms, and chanted a spell to it.Faint spiritual power emanated from the body of the head and merged into the stone.

In an instant, a word lit up inside the stone.

Wu Chong had seen this kind of writing before, and one of the two fighters had used it before, but those writings were much more complicated than those in the stone.

The text inside the stone emitted a burst of soft light, which quickly enveloped Wu Chong in it.

Seeing that Wu Chong hadn't changed significantly, the three of them were relieved.

"I said no problem, dream monsters can't talk, it's common sense."

It's just that the man's words hadn't finished yet, when he noticed that the stone in the hands of the herb picker captain trembled, and then turned crimson at an exaggerated speed.The color is rich like blood!
Swish swish!
The three of them pulled out their sickles at the same time, took a step back, and looked at Wu Chong warily.

"Who are you!"

The captain of the herbal collection said in a trembling voice, she still had a little luck in her heart, hoping that it would not be the worst outcome.The same goes for the two people next to them. They completely lived up to the previous ease and retreated cautiously one by one.

The murderous records about the dream monster kept flashing in the minds of the three of them.

Dream monsters are inherently ferocious, without wisdom, and unable to communicate, especially humanoid monsters, encountering them is a natural disaster, and they are invincible to non-celestial beings.

"I'm just an ordinary herb collector."

Wu Chong said with certainty.The words spoken in the mouth have become the same language as the three herbal pickers.For him in the Great Luo Realm, learning their language is not difficult.This advantage is incomparable to other monks who entered the door, because he has not lost his supernatural powers.

"Are you really a herb picker?" The three of them asked hesitantly when they heard the familiar words.

Dream monsters can't even speak their words.They also don't wish that they would be so unlucky to meet a humanoid succubus.

"Naturally, it's a herb picker. It's common sense that dream monsters can't communicate."

With a smile on his face, Wu Chong repeated what they had said before.

Using other people's information to refute the other party's doubts will increase the credibility of the words.

Hearing Wu Chong's words, the three of them hesitated for a moment.Finally, he turned his attention to the captain of the herb picker and let him make the decision.

"This is the mushroom I picked, give it to Big Brother."

Wu Chong took out the seven-colored mushroom that he had peeled before, and gave it to the other party.

Seeing that Wu Chong really took out the medicinal materials, the leader of the herbal collectors breathed a sigh of relief.Because dream monsters don't know how to collect medicine.They are all blind and cannot see the medicinal materials.

"If it's not a dream monster, then..."

The eyes of the herb picker captain fell on Wu Chong.

"Wu Chong."

After reassuring the other party's doubts, Wu Chong took advantage of the situation and said his name.

"Brother Wu may have been parasitized." The captain of the herb picker looked at Wu Chong and asked.

"Has Brother Wu had any nightmares recently?"

"Yes, I've been having nightmares recently." Wu Chong nodded affirmatively, with a serious expression on his face, quite serious.

"That's right."

The captain of the herb picker said affirmatively.

"This is a nightmare disease. If it is not treated in time, it will deteriorate into a parasite of dream monsters."

While talking, the leader of the herb picker took out a pill from the gourd on his waist, it was pitch black, and he didn't know what it was made of.

"Eating this can cut off the infection of the dream monster." The herb collector was still a little bit pained.

This pill is not cheap for their bitter herb collectors.Fortunately, the mushrooms that Wu Chong gave him before paid off the price, otherwise he would really not be willing to send medicine.

"Truncate the infection?"

Wu Chong took the small pill, observed a little, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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