At daybreak, Wu Chong and the Zhang family brothers went to the Fangshi guard office to report.

What happened last night was too far away for people like them. Just watch the excitement. The most important thing is to take care of yourself.The recruitment of guards is not as strict as imagined, basically you can join the team after paying the money.When a few people came over, a large number of people had already gathered here, all of them were herbal collectors who wanted to change their careers.

The four of them waited in line for an hour before they got their numbers and qualified to join the team.

It is difficult to be a herb collector, and it is also difficult to be a guard.

They basically don't have the good job of guarding the gate and patrolling the city, and the jobs that are handed over to them are relatively dangerous jobs.The high death rate of the guards is also due to this. The succubus outside is not a good thing, let alone the succubus who dares to make trouble.

"Responsible for the taxation of the outer Xiongmen Town?"

The area of ​​responsibility assigned to Wu Chong and the Zhang family brothers is Xiongmen Town.

They have never heard of this place, but it is definitely not in Fangshi.

"Just like the herb pickers, they have to run outside, and the guards have to deal with those scurrying low-level succubi, so the death rate is inevitably higher." Boss Zhang took the two brothers to change into the newly issued guard costumes , opened his mouth and explained to Wu Chong.

"It's so dangerous, why do you want to do it?"

"Because the money given is so much! You can get half a spirit crystal in a month, how can a herb picker compare." Zhang Laosan replied very naturally.

"Besides, is the medicine collector safe?"

These words made Wu Chong speechless.

A monthly salary of half a spirit crystal, and two spirit crystals are required for the registration fee.If you don't plan for the long-term, you will be trading at a loss!However, the Zhang family brothers are all prepared to fight for guarding as a lifetime career, so it is understandable to invest in spirit crystals.

"Work hard, and after you get familiar with it in the future, you can find a relationship and transfer back."

Zhang Laoer is very open-minded.

Compared with the job of picking herbs, guards obviously have more room for advancement, and if they do well, they might be able to settle down in Fangshi.

After a whole morning, several people were familiar with the basic situation of some guards.

Afternoon is training.

Like well-organized herb pickers, guards also need to be trained.Wu Chong's long-awaited use of basic strength was also taught in the afternoon training.

"There are a lot of people."

The squad leader in armor had his hands behind his back, and in his right hand was holding a leather whip in a circle.

"I hope there will be so many people in half a year."

This person is the leader of the temporary guard training department, Wu Chong and the others are all trained by this person.

"From today onwards, you are my soldiers. Remember, my name is Jia Wu, you can call me Captain Jia, or Master Jia!"

Captain Jia Wu walked in front, looked at these new guards, and began to instill his ideas.


Boss Zhang took the lead and roared.

Captain Jia Wu was very satisfied with such a loud answer, and he deliberately took one more look at Boss Zhang to remember his appearance.

"Sign up from now on, you start first."

Captain Jia Wu pointed to Boss Zhang standing in front and said.

"Zhang Guyi!"

"Zhang Gu Er, Zhang Gu San" started from the Zhang family brothers, and the herb pickers who had longed for the future began to report their names.Wu Chong also signed up, but this time he changed his name to Wu Tietou.

"very good."

After the last one reported his name, Captain Jia Wu continued to speak.

"I have written down your names."

This is just a word of mouth, and it is impossible for him to remember all of the two hundred people.

"According to Fangshi's regulations, you people are considered temporary guards. If you want to obtain the official guard status, you have to take seven assessments. After passing the monthly salary, your salary will increase to one spirit crystal! You will also be taught bluestone Fang's immortal cultivation method, Qingshi Gong."

While speaking, someone quickly took out a stack of contracts and walked over.

I thought that the exercises could be obtained only by joining, but I didn't expect that Qingshifang also set conditions.The first is the confidentiality regulations, and the second is to sign a work contract with Qingshifang, which requires at least 20 years of life for Fangshi.These two points can fundamentally prevent Qingshifang's skills from leaking out, which can be regarded as a kind of guarantee clause.

Wu Chong signed Wu Tietou's name very generously, and he didn't even recognize the handwriting.

The other herb pickers all looked the same, and none of them could write.Most of them were painted by ghosts, and the Zhang brothers even bit their fingers and pressed the fingerprints.Captain Jia Wu didn't take these actions seriously either, he was just going through a process, and it wasn't these contracts that really restrained these people, but Qingshifang's authority backed by the Immortal Mansion.

After signing the contract, everyone is considered their own.

Captain Jia Wu's attitude towards them all changed, and then he began to teach them some basic common sense.In addition to simple training movements, there is also a set of entrainment methods.It's not a high-end product. The real guarding skills can only be taught after the training is completed. Now these are the foundations.

The days that followed slowly faded away.

Wu Chong trained with the crowd. During the middle period, he found an empty spot and went out to redraw three human skins.It's a pity that these human skins were sensed by the guards of Fang City as soon as they were released. After five human skins died, Wu Chong gave up this plan.

The world here is extremely strict in monitoring the power over the Chaos Sea. Before a solution is found, the avatar plan will not be used.

Apart from these, Wu Chong also discovered that the cultivators here have a different set of aptitude testing methods.

People with high qualifications can use energy several times or even dozens of times higher than those with poor qualifications.If a spirit stone is given to a person with good aptitude to cultivate, he may break through on the spot.However, people with poor aptitude may use spirit stones to cultivate, and the effect may be only one percent of others.This slight gap will be gradually enlarged with the improvement of cultivation base.

Especially after becoming a fairy, the throughput of resources is scary.

At this time, any small gap will be magnified to an exaggerated level.

Wu Chong and his group of herb pickers are all useless qualifications, and even the best boss Zhang can't get into the eyes of captain Jia Wu.As far as the aptitude of this group of people is concerned, let alone using spirit stones for cultivation, using spirit crystals is a waste!At most, it is pure meaning.

Another day of training is over.

A group of herb collectors gradually adapted to the guards' work and rest schedule and living habits, and their behavior and cognition have changed a lot from before.As for strength, none of them have qualified so far.When joining the team, captain Jia Wu mentioned the seven assessments. Except for the qualification assessment, the remaining six assessments have not yet started.

According to Captain Jia Wu, these people must be trained strictly, and they can only be released after half a year.

During the training period, they are not paid, and not only that, they also have to pay the training office for food.That is to say, the Zhang brothers made a fortune before joining the team, otherwise they might not be able to complete the training and be kicked out.

Among them, nearly one-third were expelled because they had no money to pay for food.Everyone finally understood why Captain Jia said that he hoped there would be so many people half a year later.It turned out that the reason was not training, but money! (end of this chapter)

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