Chapter 911
"How much credit does it take to be promoted to a deacon?"

It is definitely not suitable for Wu Dazhao to be the head of the miscellaneous fish, at least he needs to be mixed with a leadership position.

"Let's talk about it after you survive."

Xiaotou struggled to get up, and after taking the pill, he had recovered some strength and was ready to go to support others.As for these two newcomers, let them live or die!It is the respect for these front-line combatants that all the households with this kind of relationship are dead.

Qingshi Lingshan.

The golden figure floated in the air, watching the three people below activate the formation.The aura of glass-colored pollution on his body continued to spread outward, and the low-level succubi scattered to the ground below like seeds that don't need money.

His behavior was very weird, as if he came here specially to stimulate these three people to activate the formation.

Over there, Wang Chenghai and the skinny Taoist felt similarly, but they had no choice.The other party is a top-level succubus, and the counterpart is a real fairy-level palace master.Although the three of them have reached the level of immortals, they are still a long way from being true immortals.Being able to drag it until now is considered an extraordinary performance, and the only way to expel the opponent is the formation.

'He wants us to activate the formation. '

The thin Taoist's voice sounded in Wang Chenghai's mind.

Spiritual consciousness sound transmission is not a very rare method for immortal-level powerhouses.

'I know. '

Wang Chenghai responded silently.

He also hesitated a little, but it was at this juncture, and there was no way to stop it.If you don't activate the formation, Qingshifang will definitely fall. At that time, who would dare to accept this responsibility?If you fail, you will lose your life here.

"What are you two doing, dawdling for so long."

Wang Hao's angry voice sounded.

The plan made just now is to have one person on one side, he is responsible for bearing the pressure, and the remaining two will start the formation.As a result, he was almost unable to bear it now, and the formation of these two people still hadn't been activated.


Wang Chenghai responded, after getting rid of distracting thoughts, he began to activate the formation wholeheartedly.

Next, Wu Chong walked along the road to the main street of Qingshifang.

After being separated from Xiaotou, it will be more convenient for him to claim "credit". Anyway, he has already confirmed it just now. As long as he kills the succubus, the Thirteenth Palace will admit it.

That's it!
"Wu Tieniu, don't we act together with Master Xiaotou?"

Bai Zhilan followed Wu Chong and couldn't help asking.

Both of them are waste materials abandoned by Xiaotou. In Bai Zhilan's view, the waste should hug each other to keep warm.The safest way is to follow closely the strong Xiaotou lord.Or find a place to hide and come out after the limelight passes.

"What are you doing with me?"

Hearing the sound, Wu Chong realized that there was a tow bottle behind him.

This woman is also lucky, there are no low-level succubi around Wu Chong, so she is lucky enough to survive until now.If he followed Xiaotou and left, it might have been completely cold.

There is no aura of top succubi around Xiaotou, and those wandering succubus will not give up this piece of fat.


"Don't you still want to fight for the first place? There are many low-level succubi over there, they are very suitable for you, so go. Thank you!" Master Wu kindly pointed out the direction for him.

Bai Zhilan looked over subconsciously.

At first glance, the whole person trembled, a group of dense succubi were killing wildly over there, and the spider that defeated Xiaotou earlier was inside.With her small body, she probably wouldn't be able to squeeze through the gaps between her teeth.

Isn't he afraid?

Looking at Wu Chong who showed her the way with a 'kind heart' face, Bai Zhilan had this thought in her mind.

"Why are you two here?"

A familiar voice sounded.

The two looked along the situation and found that the person who spoke was actually Li Suiyun. This guy was holding a dagger and walking on the street calmly, as if he was looking for something.

When seeing the two of them, Li Suiyun frowned subconsciously.Especially when they saw the talismans on the corners of their clothes.

The left hand in the sleeve moved a few times, and a message was passed out from his hand.

"Miss, the people from the Thirteenth Palace are here."

"The Thirteenth Hall? Why are there people from the Thirteenth Hall! What do the others eat?"

The communicator quickly responded.

"Maybe there was a mistake, something went wrong in a certain link. After all, we didn't tell Mr. Wang about this plan."

Li Suiyun thought of it when he saw Wu Chong and Bai Zhilan.He had personally watched these two people leave with Wang Hao in the teleportation array before, and it has only been a while before they came back again.

"Wang Hao is a waste, dare to ruin my plan, I will kill him!!"

The people over the communication symbol seemed very angry.

"Speed ​​up the progress, everything is going according to the original plan."

After a while, the voice from the communication talisman subsided, and after giving Li Suiyun a word, they disconnected.

"it is good."

Li Suiyun also took advantage of the situation to put away the talisman.

"The front is very dangerous, you two should not go there." Li Suiyun blocked the way ahead, and said to the two of them.


"There are many succubi, and each one is very powerful. You two have just become guards, and you still can't grasp it."

"As much as possible!"

Wu Chong grinned.

He still owed this guy a favor, so it would be best if he could take this opportunity to repay it.In fact, forget it if it doesn't reach that level. After all, it's not easy for Wu Da to be the master.

"You can't grasp it and let me come! It just so happens that I still need some credit for my promotion."


Li Suiyun didn't know how to answer for a while.

He blocked the two because he didn't want them to do bad things in the past, but Wu Chong told him to go to get credit for it.How does this stop him?He held back for a while before replying.

"Credit can be accumulated slowly"

Before Li Suiyun finished speaking, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he fixed his eyes again, he found that Wu Chong had passed him and walked inside.The speed was so fast that he didn't even see clearly the whole process!
'when? ! '

Li Suiyun's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to underestimate this 'newcomer'.

"I'll go back as soon as I go, you two don't come here. There are too many succubi over there, you can't handle it"

Wu Chong's voice floated back intact, and when Li Suiyun wanted to chase him again, he could no longer see his back.

After passing Li Suiyun, there were finally fewer people around.

The further you go, the more intense the glazed aura becomes, like clouds of mist.There were too many succubi around him to an exaggerated level, and one could be seen almost every two steps.The reason why I chose this place to claim credit is because this place has been covered by the power of dream magic, shielding other people's perception, and playing small tricks here will not attract attention.

Walking to the entrance of an old alley, Wu Chong stopped.Inside, several centipede-like succubi were flying around the room, and there were several sucked-dried corpses on the ground.

Their bodies have completely decayed, because their energy and energy were all taken away by the succubus.

"The credit is recorded with this thing, right?"

Wu Chong glanced at the 'Xian Wen' on the corner of his clothes. It was given to them by the elder Li Hao when the two of them disembarked. At first they thought it was a protective amulet, but now it seems that its main function is for recording.

Wu Chong studied it and found that the 'immortal texts' in the talisman were all specially made, corresponding to the number of each of them. Previously, Xiaotou said that he had the credit for the four dream demons, but now he looked at it carefully and found that there was indeed something on the corner of his clothes. Four faint marks.

This special 'immortal text' contains secret locks researched by Tiangongyuan, so there is no possibility of forgery.

(End of this chapter)

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