"Three days ago, the Black Tooth City in District [-] under Duizi District fell, and the square city was eroded by pollution. Everyone inside became monsters transformed into dreams, and the guarding immortals couldn't escape."

Ya Jin, who was full of opportunities to seize the opportunity, told all the news he knew.

"Dream demonization?"

It was the first time Wu Chong heard this word.

Pollution degree was the most commonly spoken word by the herb pickers I met before, and this was also the most commonly used word by officials in the Immortal Mansion.But dream demonization is indeed rarely heard.

"When the pollution level reaches [-]%, the body and consciousness will be polluted and distorted, forcibly turning them into abstract creatures like succubi. At that time, even if people are 'dead', the Great Heavenly Venerable can't save them." See Wu Chong didn't understand very well, so Ya Jin immediately explained.

"I see."

Wu Chong nodded and motioned for Ya Jin to continue.

"In order to deal with the spreading nightmare pollution, Xu Changsheng, the Immortal Lord of Duizi District, personally took action and completely wiped out the entire [-]th District. I heard that many people died, and those weed-like nightmares also suffered heavy losses. …If it weren’t for the summons from the Immortal Mansion, I wouldn’t even remember that there is one hundred and four districts in the Dui Zi District, and there is no such district in my memory.”

Erase completely?

Wu Chong's movements froze all of a sudden, he didn't listen to the next words, and focused all his attention on the four words 'total erasure'.

How big is the area below the exchange area?Ordinary people may not have the concept, but as the world master who came from Chaos Sea, Wu Chong is quite clear about the size of this area.

Simply put, it is a world!This is also the reason why Wu Chong was shocked by the size of this world at first. Compared with the world of Chaos Sea, Xianfu is an infinite super world.

An area under the jurisdiction of Duizi District is placed on the other side of the Chaos Sea, a place where many people can't get out of it in their entire lives.

With such a huge area, even the Lord of Calamity can only invade and influence it.The ancient god Qi who fought against Wu Chong at the beginning used the refining method, "exchanging my way for the way of heaven".Later, Wu Chong's method of the stars was also a similar method.After proving Da Luo, Wu Chong can travel all over the world without being bound by rules.

But it is somewhat difficult to completely erase a civilization.

Physical destruction is simple, but this kind of destruction and 'complete erasure' are two different concepts.A complete world contains memory, inheritance, and more mysterious things. These things cannot be destroyed by physics. Just like the world in Wu Chong's memory, there is no way to cut it off.

But Duizi District Xianzun did it!
The complete erasure brought Wu Chong an unprecedented shock.It also made him more sure of the level of Xianzun.

This is a level stronger than the origin level, and even more terrifying than his Da Luo.

'This kind of power is infinitely close to eternity! '

Wu Chong's heart became hot.

This is the way forward!
"It's really shocking for Xianzun to make a move."

Wu Chong nodded, approving the news provided by Ya Jin.

"you do not say."

Seeing that he hugged the deacon's thigh, Ya Jin also became energetic.

"However, Black Tooth City is really unlucky. I heard that a mutant top-level succubus appeared on their side, and Black Tooth City was infiltrated by this mutant top-level succubus."

A mutant top succubus?

What the hell is this!
"I heard that the mutant top-level succubi have their own wisdom. They can suppress their own pollution to a certain extent, and disguise themselves as herb pickers to sneak into the city. The mutant top-level succubus in Black Tooth City used this method to sneak into the city. In the city, it took a long time to influence the people around me, transforming it little by little. When the guards of Black Tooth City found out, the situation could no longer be reversed."

The expression on Wu Chong's face became a little weird as he listened.

Why does this sound so familiar!After talking for a long time, this so-called mutated top succubus could not be me, could it?
"Yajin, right? I remember your name. Prepare well, there are still a lot of aftermath things to do. When Maocai comes back, I will leave the counting to you."

Putting down the teacup, Wu Chong got up and left.

"Thank you, Deacon Wu!"

Ya Jin thanked Wu Chong excitedly.After some performance, he finally got his chance.

Back in the room, Wu Chong's expression turned serious.

Through the following people, he learned a lot of useful information.

It is very useful news that Xianzun made a move. Xianzun is not yet the top combat power in Xianfu. The result of this shot also refreshed Wu Chong's understanding of Xianfu.

The second is the 'mutated top succubus', which let Wu Chong know that apart from him, there are other origin level mixed into the Immortal Mansion.It's just that the other party is probably not as clever as his own. In the process of sneaking in, he subtly changed the people around him, making it impossible to hide in the end, which attracted the Immortal Lord to take action.

"Now it is basically certain that the succubi in the Immortal Mansion can be roughly divided into two categories. One is the local succubus, with low IQ like a wild beast. So far, we have not encountered any powerful individuals. The second category is ours from the ultimate The number of those who came from the gate is not as large as the local succubi, but each one is very strong."

Fiddling with the books in his hand, Wu Chong felt a sense of urgency.

No matter how he cleans his body, it always carries a part of the power from the Chaos Sea. This kind of 'pollution' cannot be avoided even by 'immortal culture'.Because this part of the power is his core - delusion.It is absolutely impossible for Wu Chong to give up on his core.

"Suppressed to this extent, it should be no problem to enter the middle zone."

Put your hand on the detector and take it away, the value jumps slightly, and finally settles on the first grid.This means that there is still slight pollution on his body, which is not normal for a person who stays in the city every day.

"One block of pollution is not a big deal. The people in the Thirteenth Palace are doing things outside, and a little bit of pollution is completely within the acceptable range." The detection magic weapon is not expensive, something that Zhang brothers can afford, he Of course there will be no shortage here.The detection instrument in his hand was bought in Qingshifang.

Putting the detection instrument aside, Wu Chong reopened the book on the table.

He asked Xiaotou to find this book at Qingshifang Town Guard's Mansion, and it contained a lot of information about the succubi.This information is not released to the public, and only those who are compiled by Xianfu are eligible to borrow it.

'Succubus, a monster that is distorted innately, a monster that feeds on human spirit and emotion, the opponent of the human race! '

The first page of the book defines the concept of a succubi.

In the perception of the Immortal Mansion, dream demons are the amplified desires of immortal cultivators, and are the enemies of fantasy reality. They are born with "desire", and what they like to do most is to corrode human beings, especially immortal cultivators.When you are in retreat or going through a tribulation, you will be harassed by dream demons.

In ancient times, there were no succubi in the Immortal Mansion, but only after there were immortal cultivators did succubus appear.

Immortal cultivators in ancient times called these monsters "heart demons", which were later changed to dream demons.Because these monsters have gradually evolved from being "ideal" to "dream-eating", and ordinary people have also begun to be attacked by them. As long as they sleep, they will die!

Later, Xianfu was established.

The powerful Immortal Venerable isolated the Dream Demons and completely separated them from human society.This kind of division is like the division of black and white, making it impossible for the succubi to enter human society.

During this period of time, the Immortal Mansion developed bit by bit, from a scattered alliance of immortal cultivators at the beginning to the behemoth it is now.

Today, Xianfu's research on succubi has already reached its limit.

In the research of the Tianxing Temple in Xianfu, it clearly recorded the process of human beings trying to combine with the succubus.I found that no matter what method I use, as long as I get in touch with the succubus, it will be affected later, and gradually become that kind of abstract monster.

Be it living or dead!
Absolute pollution, irreversible erosion. (end of this chapter)

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