"I see, maybe I remembered it wrong."

The expression on Master Sun's face softened a lot, and the look he looked at Yan Qingyu became much kinder.

"You are Yan Miaozhen's niece, right? Elder Miaozhen rarely goes out recently. I don't know how he is doing."

"Auntie has recently gained some insights and is now approaching the true fairyland."

Yan Qingyu responded quickly.

This Sun Zhenren also comes from a family of immortal cultivators like them, and everyone is related by relatives, so laws belong to laws and human feelings belong to human feelings. There is no conflict between the two.

While the two were talking, Wu Chong and Fu Shan from Tiangong Hall stood aside.

The same goes for the other two guardians who didn't even give their names. On the surface, these two people are the oldest among them.There should be no background connection. They have reached the level of Dharma protector, which is the end. They are very nervous every time they check up at the end of the year.

The two chatted for a while, and the talisman around Master Sun's waist lit up.

After receiving the order from above, Master Sun did not stop any longer. He waved his sleeves and a silver-white flying boat emerged.He walked up first, and the other five people quickly followed after seeing this.

"You three stand in front."

Master Sun glanced at the three of them and spoke to remind them.

"Qingyu just stand in the middle."


The five people separated and walked to their designated positions.

Seeing this, the two unknown little shrimps walked behind silently, with a trace of bitterness flashing at the corners of their mouths.

The first three people have backgrounds at first glance. They are two transparent boards. One is irrelevant and the other has no potential. They can easily become targets for checking the guardian's achievements.

This can be seen from the position of the flying boat.

The flying boat is a cross-regional magic weapon produced by Tiangong Palace. Some places without teleportation arrays can only be reached by flying boats.The position of the flying boat is also divided into good and bad. The front position has the strongest fairy defense arrangement and the most stable spiritual energy.The farther back you go, the more violent the spiritual energy that penetrates becomes.

Regardless of just this short moment, for protectors like them who are about to face inspection, any slight difference may bring two completely different consequences.

"Brother Wu, if you have the opportunity to move around more in the future."

Fu Shan was also a little surprised over there. He didn't expect that Wu Chong was also related to the immortal cultivating family.His expression also softened a lot, and he took the initiative to chat with Wu Chong.

"Brother Fu, you're welcome. I'll definitely pay him a visit once I'm done with this period." Wu Chong also didn't expect that Wuyou's background was so impressive that he even gave him face when inspecting the protector.But this is better, it saves effort.

I can continue to hang out in the Immortal Mansion.

The original intention of getting a vote has become less and less.

If this momentum continues, Wu Chong feels that he can also become a palace master Dangdang, all for the sake of the Immortal Mansion!

"The two people at the back, one is related to the Wu family in Wushan, and the other is related to the Yunmeng Feng family." In front, Sun Zhenren and Yan Qingyu were chatting casually.

He didn't introduce the remaining two people, which was obvious.The remaining two people are useless and not worth paying attention to.

The so-called inspection protector must have the information of all inspectors in his hands.Although these protectors of the Immortal Palace are majestic when they are outside, they are nothing in front of their first palace.If you don't like it, you just need to find an excuse to look into it, and you will definitely find out the problem.

But usually they don't do this, especially when everyone has a background. They usually pick it up high and put it down gently.He is now introducing the backgrounds of Wu Chong and Fu Shan to Yan Qingyu, and he is also telling Yan Qingyu the value of these two people.


Yan Qingyu glanced at it.

Wu Chong and Fu Shan both had different surnames from the people behind them, so she made such a guess.

"Fu Shan is an in-law, and the other one is not. He is most likely a friend or brother."

Sun Zhenren replied casually, with an obvious meaning, asking Yan Qingyu to focus on Fu Shan.Another friend-level relationship is most likely to come from the exchange of interests. This kind of relationship is the most useless and not worth investing in. It is enough to give face and pass the assessment. In the future, everyone is destined to be people from two worlds.

"I understand, thank you Uncle Sun." A sweet smile appeared on Yan Qingyu's face.

In this short period of time, the relationship between the two has become much closer.

The speed of the airship was very fast. When it reached a certain critical point, it suddenly stopped. Then a flash entered the space gap. Everything around it slowed down and the scenery faded.The immortal text on the surface of the flying boat seemed to come alive and began to flow on the surface of the flying boat.The tail of the flying boat exuded camouflage-colored energy. The two people standing behind were washed by this energy, and their faces turned pale.

'There is no spiritual energy in the gap layer. The spiritual energy inside the flying boat is provided by these immortal texts, and it becomes thinner as it goes back. '

Wu Chong looked at the distribution of spiritual energy inside the flying boat and roughly understood the principle.

Space travel is not something unfamiliar to him. He is more concerned about the immortal texts on the surface of the flying boat.This is something he has never learned before, and it should be one of the higher levels of immortal knowledge in the Immortal Mansion.

The gap layer stayed for about ten seconds, and then the airship flashed suddenly. When it stopped again, it had reached the mission detection point.

The inspection location was not in the mountains and forests, but in a chaotic area.After being swept away by Palace Master Chi, the chaotic area not only failed to stabilize, but became even more chaotic.

Several dream demon organizations hiding in the darkness emerged.During this time, the Law Enforcement Hall has been raiding here and arrested many people.But the real ringleader has never been caught.For this annual inspection, the First Palace arranged the inspection tasks here to save trouble.

"Let's start by searching for the enemy. Wang Can of the Seventh Palace, let's start with you." Zhenren Sun glanced at the two little transparent men behind him and said to one of them.

The Seventh Hall is the information collection organization under the Law Enforcement Highness. Wang Can's long-term mission is related to information collection.The annual inspection is to investigate the research results of their long-term tasks and the possibility of matching them after they are formed.This kind of preliminary inspection is like a run-in before the product goes online.


Wang Can walked out of the team. He has not fully recovered yet.

Traveling through the space gap will have a huge impact on people below the Immortal level.However, seeing the look on Master Sun's face, he didn't want to wait for him, so he had to force himself to take a pill, get out of the flying boat and start searching.

"After finding the enemy, Lu Liang of the Thirteenth Palace will be responsible for taking action. The three of you are responsible for assisting Lu Liang and providing him with the corresponding things he needs." After making simple arrangements, Master Sun disappeared in a flash.

The next step is the formal inspection. As the inspection protector, it is naturally impossible for him to mix with the person being inspected. (End of chapter)

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