Seeing the shocked expression on the other party's face, Master Wu sighed. He wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

For things like arrangement, he had indeed only learned the highest level of Xuan Guang.

But he didn't say that he only learned one Xuanguang level arrangement method.With the blessing of 20 immortal texts, he has combined more than 50 arrangements of this level, and more than [-] arrangements of the Zhiyou level below, not to mention the low-level Grammar level. There are simply too many. .

The giant sword crashed through the first defensive shield and hit the second layer with unabated force, destroying the second layer again and exposing the third layer below.At this point, the giant sword summoned by Xie Jiufeng was completely exhausted.

The power of the sixth level 'Great Wheel' arrangement is indeed powerful, equivalent to defeating two 'Xuanguang' level true immortals.

It's just that the style of painting at the back is a bit wrong.

Seeing the densely lit defensive combinations on Wu Chong's body, the scene suddenly became quiet.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Xie Jiufeng's scalp was numb, and he found that the situation was a little different from what he expected.

Does this feel like you drove forward with all your strength and only scratched a layer of skin on the opposite side?And underneath this layer of skin, there are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine layers of similar defense against the opponent.

Wu Chong raised his hand and swatted this guy away like a mosquito.

He did not kill this person. As a true immortal-level expert on the edge of guarding, Xie Jiufeng must have other induction magic weapons on his body. If he were to kill him, he would definitely attract the pursuit of stronger people, and then he would be in constant trouble.

Xie Jiufeng, who was shot away, was like a small ball, hitting the immortal formation in Huangshafang below.

The huge impact force severely dented the Immortal Wen Formation in Huangshafang below, and finally broke into pieces with a 'pop' sound. The power of the Immortal Wen Formation reached its limit, and Xie Jiufeng, who lost his grip, was severely It hit the ground.

The ground cracked, creating a large spiderweb-shaped pit.

'Sure enough, I can't prevent it. '

The Immortal-level guard of Huangshafang, who had been paying attention to the battle situation, muttered silently in his heart, and then restrained his breath even lower.

Xie Jiufeng only felt that his internal organs were churning, and his energy and blood were dispersed by the power contained in this slap.He forced himself to stand up, and just as he was about to fly away, he saw Wu Chong above him pressing him lightly.

An immortal text with the word "山" appeared in the opponent's palm and suppressed it in the air.

"A mere fairy tale with the word 'mountain'"

Xie Jiufeng, who was already defeated, was quite angry. When he saw Wu Chong intending to use the word "山" to suppress him, he became angry. He felt that he had been insulted.

But in the next moment, the immortal text with the word "山" that fell on him grew crazily in a way that he could not understand at all.The weight also increases geometrically.

Tens, hundreds, thousands.
The densely packed fairy characters with the word "山" are superimposed, forming an unimaginable gravity.He directly pressed Xie Jiufeng to the ground. At the same time, the dense gravel blocks automatically gathered on Xie Jiufeng's body and turned into a rockery, as if being pulled.

'How many immortal texts has he mastered? '

A thought flashed through Xie Jiufeng's mind.

Boom! !
In the center of Huangshafang, a rockery more than ten meters high has appeared on the originally empty intersection.The fairy text on the mountain shines, exuding terrifying power, and all the gravel that is attracted is compacted by the fairy text with the word "mountain".Xie Jiufeng, who was roaring just a second ago, was completely sealed inside.

Seeing this scene, all the casual cultivators in Huangshafang were shocked. They all retracted their heads, for fear of being noticed by the bosses above.

"This person shouldn't be able to die. It will take a few days. By the time the other side reacts, I should have solved the problem in Xiongmen Town." After casually suppressing Xie Jiufeng, Wu Chong collected his aura and released it again. Into dream demon form.

No matter what the people in Huangshafang thought, he just walked to the location of the teleportation array openly, dropped a few spiritual stones, found the node of Qingshifang, and teleported there.

They are all originally in the outer zone, so it is not surprising that they are related to each other.

When he returned to Qingshifang again, Wu Chong was almost unrecognizable.Xiongmen Town is a lower-level unit, and there is no direct access from Huangshafang, so Wu Chong came to Qingshifang first.

Qingshifang is extremely quiet at night, with no pedestrians on the road.

Compared with the prosperity of the middle level, Qingshifang is like an abandoned old area. Everything here still follows the pattern of long ago.

After walking along the street for a while, I finally saw a restaurant on the corner with a dim lantern hanging at the door.

Wu Chong walked in and took a look. The inn was just like he remembered, full of people sleeping in all directions.These people are herb collectors who come to Qingshifang to sell medicinal materials. They are dealt with here because they cannot afford the stay fee.Wu Chong also settled in this place a long time ago, when he had a drink with the Zhang brothers here.

"Inquire about something."

Wu Chong reached out and knocked on the counter. The sleeping shopkeeper raised his head and glanced at Wu Chong.

Somewhat familiar.

The shopkeeper recalled for a while, but couldn't remember who this person was.

Wu Chong now is completely different from when he first arrived at Qingshifang. When he first came here, Wu Chong's human skin coat was also of a very low grade. When Li Suiyun recommended him here, the shopkeeper directly sentenced him What a waste, he was eliminated without even giving him the qualification to be selected.

"what's up?"

After lighting the oil lamp on the counter, the shopkeeper asked, unable to help but yawn as he spoke.

"Some time ago, a special dream monster was captured in Xiongmen Town. I want to know where the remaining three are." As he spoke, Wu Chong took out a low-grade spiritual stone and placed it on the counter.

This is already the cheapest currency he has.

Ever since he made a big deal with Wuyou, he hasn't been short of money for a long time.Low-level currencies such as spiritual essence and spiritual crystals are basically no longer carried on the person. This low-grade spiritual stone is what is left over from buying medicinal materials not long ago.

Lingshi? !
The shopkeeper, who was still a little sleepy at first, became energetic the moment he saw the spirit stone.

He grabbed the spiritual stone that Wu Chong placed on the counter, and skillfully flipped through the bamboo slips and magic tools next to him with his other hand.

This is a tool for their organization to deliver messages, and Li Suiyun also has one in his hand.

"The last time the three dream demons were seen was in the northwest of Xiongmen Town. There is an abandoned town over there. Some people suspect that they are going to that place to ask for help."

While talking, the shopkeeper also recorded the news, attached it to a stone slab and handed it to Wu Chong.

A spiritual stone is worth this kind of service.

"Northwest of Xiongmen Town?"

Wu Chong took the slate and looked at it, and found that it was very far away from the Xianwen formation. According to the records of the Immortal Mansion.After leaving a certain range of the Immortal Wen Formation, it is possible to encounter top-level dream demons.The deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes!

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