Chapter 110 Mother's Love Is Like Prison
When Qian Renxue returned to the Prince's Mansion, Bibi Dong had finished soaking in the spring water and was waiting here, but she was still pretending, gradually Bibi Dong seemed to be less repulsive towards her daughter.

"Sister Baizhi~ I'm back!"

Qian Renxue threw herself into Bibi Dong's arms, and Bibi Dong hugged her unconsciously. Even she herself didn't know when the relationship between the two was so good.

"Okay, you've grown up too, and you should look like a big kid."

Bibi Dong reprimanded, but she was quite self-conscious in her hands, and didn't let go of Qian Renxue, allowing her to rub back and forth in her arms.

"Hey, it's still my sister who treats me well. By the way, Tiandou Royal Academy is fine for the time being. We plan to bring this group of children back to Wuhun City, just to help them complete the admission procedures of Wuhundian Academy. By the way, I finished the trial on my mother's side. It's really a little stressful to deal with the soul saint."

Qian Renxue opened her arms and smiled smirkingly. The happiest time of year for her is when she returns to Wuhun City. Not only can she see her grandpa, but she can also see her mother.But it's much better now, and she's accompanied by sister Bai Zhi.

"Then you have to be careful. I heard from His Majesty the Pope that the opponent you choose is not a newly promoted Soul Sage, but an experienced guy with countless lives in his hands."

Bibi Dong thought about it, and still said this.She has carefully observed that Qian Renxue's strength seems to have reached a bottleneck period, and the growth obtained by simply improving her cultivation will become relatively limited, and she needs a breakthrough in nature.

And a powerful soul sage who is good at sword skills is her chosen opponent. Only under sufficient pressure can Qian Renxue's sword intent take shape.Although it was dangerous, she believed that Qian Renxue should be able to defeat it with her current strength.

" sounds dangerous, but I will try my best. By the way, sister Baizhi, how much do you know about my mother? I always feel that she is alienating me..."

Qian Renxue encouraged herself, but then she still asked the question she had always wanted to ask. After all, she was sent by her mother, so she should know her a little bit, right?
"Ask this? This...she should have something she can't say. Xiaoxue, you don't have to worry about it now, you just need to become stronger. When you become stronger...she should be willing to tell you. "

Bibi Dong thought about it, with a complex expression and confusing eyes, and gave an ambiguous answer.In fact, even she herself didn't know whether she should tell Qian Renxue this secret, she just wanted to use this method first to delay maintaining the current relationship as much as possible.

"Is that so...then I have to work harder!"

After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she collapsed on the sofa and assumed a straight sitting posture.

"Sister Baizhi, I haven't tried your coercion yet. Judging from your previous performance, you should be a Super Douluo, right? I want to try my current limit."

Coercion confrontation training, this is the training that Qian Renxue does most often. Usually, whenever she is free, Qian Renxue will find two elder uncles to exert coercion on her. This also makes her strong enough to ignore the coercion of titles Endurance.But facing the coercion of Super Douluo, she was still not sure of her own limit.

Even in the Wuhun Research Institute, there is a more in-depth research on this. It is a project called inverse mimicry training, which is to let people practice in an environment of extreme pressure and attribute conflicts, stimulating the human body's potential and Instinct makes it actively desire and absorb the power of heaven and earth.

As long as one can train like this frequently, then in a normal environment, the body will spontaneously absorb the energy of heaven and earth to a certain extent.Cooperating with the Holy Spirit Jue can even achieve twice the result with half the effort. Even Bibi Dong has to sigh, this is simply like a low-end version of the soul core.

[Maybe I should also throw the soul core condensing method to the Wuhun Research Institute, and give it to those old guys to study it... I am powerless to deduce it by myself after all]

"Oh? Then you have to be careful, I don't know how to show mercy."

After thinking for a moment, Bibi Dong agreed to Qian Renxue's request.

"It's okay, come on!" Qian Renxue adjusted her spirit and prepared herself for confrontation.

Seeing that Qian Renxue was getting ready, Bibi Dong didn't say any more, and directly released part of her coercion, controlling it at the level of Super Douluo, suppressing it on Qian Renxue's body.The pressure was huge, like a domain, but under Bibi Dong's exquisite control, it didn't hurt the surrounding things at all.

Qian Renxue let out a muffled snort, and her body resisted the first wave of momentum. The pressure made her tremble all over, as if invisible malice penetrated into her bones, and as if the instinct of fear deep in her heart was awakened. uncomfortable feeling.

Bibi Dong's coercion is not as peaceful as other soul masters. She is a fusion of evil attributes, and her soul power itself is extremely aggressive. This kind of coercion is not something ordinary people can bear. It is the soul and body. double oppression.

Even with Qian Renxue's ultimate sacred attribute, she was inevitably oppressed and restrained, and good and evil restrained each other, and this became more obvious when the difference in cultivation base was huge.

"If you can't bear it, remember to speak up."

Bibi Dong did not reduce the pressure, in her opinion, it is far from reaching Qian Renxue's limit.Maintaining the current state is the best reverse mimetic cultivation environment for Qian Renxue.

"I... can bear it!"

Qian Renxue clenched her teeth, her whole body's soul power circulated, and the sacred light gushed out desperately, trying to resist this terrifying oppression like abyss like a prison, but that cold breath seemed to seep into the bone marrow, completely piercing her body. Through her resistance, it was like feeling the severe cold of midwinter in the scorching summer.

It's still too reluctant, Bibi Dong's current coercion, even if it is limited to Super Douluo's level, is enough to forcibly restrain Contra, probably only Title Douluo can do better than Qian Renxue now .

"Stick to one's heart, guard the altar, mediocre people seek strength from outside, and sages seek strength from within."

Qian Renxue, who was mentioned by Bibi Dong, said that the evil attribute is a very special power. Although it can be resisted by relying on the god-level sacred attribute, the real way to deal with it is to be holy from the heart.

If you want to activate Qian Renxue's own physical potential, you must start from the heart. Only a pure and bright heart can radiate the true source of holiness.

"Feel the mind, the unity of body and mind..."

Qian Renxue seemed to have grasped the essence, and no longer resisted externally, but felt the divine power from the depths of her heart. It was very weak and insignificant at first, but under Qian Renxue's internal observation, it gradually began to germinate.

"Up to the Lingtai, down to the Sea of ​​Qi..."

The soul power flows through the whole body along with the blood, and she digs it in her heart. She thinks of the Wuhun Temple, the glory of the angels, the original story of the soul master, the bottom-level soul masters who have lost countless martial souls, and those who rely on martial arts. A commoner who has awakened a martial soul in the Soul Palace.In the end, she thought of her grandfather and mother, as well as herself who was entrusted with expectations.

The light in his heart gradually bloomed, and that radiant brilliance glowed with brilliant colors. Although it was still extremely difficult to resist the infestation of that evil aura, it protected his consciousness.

"Piercing through the heart - stick to one heart!"

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly burst out with a strong holy light, and the pure white feathers in the sea of ​​spirit seemed to be attracted, separating out bits and pieces of milky white essence into the source, at that moment, a layer of pure white and holy power burst out, unexpectedly It was a brief resistance to the coercion filled with evil aura.

It was brief, but it did.

Bibi Dong's mental power has captured this change very keenly, and the effect of inverse mimicry training has indeed played a role, but she never thought that her daughter could actually activate that attribute, which is equivalent to her evil attribute, but it is completely different. opposite force.

Could it be that not only was he being watched by the God King, but Xiaoxue was also being watched?The eyes of the two god kings, what does this mean.

Moreover, in the shadows of this continent, there is an Asura God with unknown intentions, who is watching this world... Is the Douluo Continent about to change?

However, she did not maliciously speculate about the God King behind Xiaoxue, that kind of positive, harmonious and friendly power, as well as Xiaoxue's usual performance of hard work and cherishing emotions, she saw them all, and she was definitely not a hypocritical and cunning person. The result that the gods can guide.

But for the descendant of the angel family, who actually has the power of different gods, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

 The relationship must be broken through the revealing of secrets bit by bit.

  To express encouragement, hereby add more.Please help push the book!Our family is here to thank everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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