Chapter 114 The Hungry Crocodile Sky Key
After Qian Renxue stipulated a time and place for gathering, everyone scattered like wild animals and rushed to the cafeteria one by one. If Zhang Daling and Mu Xin hadn't maintained order, they might have had a bad influence.

It should be said that it is them... or these few make me feel at ease.

Qian Renxue sighed, and walked towards the cafeteria by herself. Speaking of which, she hadn't tasted the food here yet.People with elders and other status in the Wuhundian can enjoy the benefits of eating at the Wuhundian Academy.

Hmm... Those elders probably came here just to get some food, right?

She had reason to suspect that the benefit was to ensure that there were enough titled elders to attend the opening ceremony every year when the school started... Should it really be a good idea?

Soon she came to the cafeteria, came to the cafeteria, showed her angel order, and ordered a lunch.

The meat of the Wannian Dark Golden Bear, the tendons of the Wannian Iron Armored Dragon, and the fruit of the Wannian Golden Apple Tree, served with quick pigeon eggs, ruby ​​lobster soup, and rice are also specially selected treasures.

This is a benefit only available to freshmen every year. There is only one meal like this a year, and seniors can't get along like this once.

The resources of Wuhundian Academy are very abundant, but this is not without cost. To formally enter Wuhundian Academy, not only need enough talent and performance, but also need to swear loyalty to Wuhundian.This oath must be sworn by Wuhun, and it will take effect under the influence of the Holy Spirit Jue, just to prevent those half-hearted people from betraying Wuhun Temple.

Qian Renxue naturally also heard about the revisions Grandpa and the others made to her Holy Spirit Art, but she has no objections, because this will indeed have a better stabilizing effect on the order of the soul master world.

But when she was eating, she saw a familiar figure, she was not sure, after all, when she met before, that person was not even six years old.

The man directly ate the food for five people, and seemed to want to add more, but he was driven back on the grounds that he would not feed the big eater.

Then the man saw himself.

【Um?Why is she staring at me all the time?Have we met?Wait, this golden hair color and eye color... Could it be her? 】

Before she could tell her guess, the man put down the food in his hand and rushed over like a wild run, crying and rubbing everywhere.

"Sister Xue! I miss you so much! I miss you so much! Sister Xue grows so fast, so soft, let me rub it..."

"Let go! Let me go! You little crocodile, how did you become this virtuous after you haven't seen him for a few years! Let go! Don't grab me!"

Qian Renxue recognized it immediately, this was clearly Tianyao, the second enshrined Golden Crocodile Douluo's granddaughter!Unexpectedly, she was also among the freshmen this year.That said, she also remembered that since the reorganization of the Wuhundian Academy, the resources have been skewed, and the elders have gradually sent their children to the Wuhundian Academy, which has formed some interesting competitions.

"Sister Xue, save me! Hurry up and save me! Grandpa is crazy! He's going to kill me!"

Tianyao refused to let go, as if she had been abused by domestic violence, seeing her so pitiful, even Qian Renxue couldn't bear to push her away.

"Okay, let me go first, tell me what happened, and I'll help you sort it out."

Qian Renxue sighed, probably this little crocodile provoked something again.

"I... I was just going to take a bath every day, but grandpa suddenly brought a bottle of something that I don't know, poured it into my bathing pool, and said something in his mouth. Finally, it was diluted to an appropriate ratio. That thing...was obviously hot. Come on! He actually wanted me to soak in it!
I was soaked in it by my grandpa for a whole hour!The water is hot and cold for some reason, no, hot and cold coexist!I just feel like I'm about to be cooked, and I'm about to freeze. You said my grandpa didn't want to murder me, but what he wanted to do!
And this kind of thing has been going on for several days! "

Tianyao let go of Qian Renxue slowly, but she was still afraid for a while, she looked left and right, afraid that grandpa would find him.

But after hearing what Tianyao said, Qian Renxue also understood, what kind of murder is this? It is clear that her grandfather brought back the spring water from the Binghuo Yangyan Eye, intending to temper Tianyao's body!
Probably the Elder Golden Crocodile saw his martial soul awakened, so he thought of giving it a try to his granddaughter... I have to say, she understands this kind of wishing for a daughter to become a phoenix.

"You... your grandpa is helping you. He won't murder you. It will be fine after a while."

Qian Renxue chuckled, this little crocodile doesn't like taking baths, this problem needs to be cured.

"Ah—? My grandpa told me to soak at least 49 times! I will definitely die! Sister Xue! You can't just ignore death!"

After finishing speaking, Tianyao came up again, refusing to let go like an octopus, as if he would not give up until he got help.

"Stop, stop, let go! Good! I'll help you!"

Qian Renxue had no choice but to agree first, take the key and let it go, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Qian Renxue tapped Tianyao's forehead lightly, and introduced a white spot of light into it. On the way back to Wuhun City, after many times of coercion and tempering, the kindness attribute has been integrated into her Wuhun. Now she can use this The Force of Good does some simple things.

For example, pain relief.

"Okay, now you don't have to worry about dying when you go back."

Of course not, your grandpa is watching, if something goes wrong, a class of healing soul masters will come to save you!

"Thank you, Sister Xue! I will never forget your kindness and virtue! By the way, Sister Xue, let me tell you something. Recently, a freshman came. She is ridiculously strong. You'd better pay attention."

Tianyao expressed his thanks, and said after thinking about it.

"Oh? Is it someone from the Hall of Elders?" Qian Renxue was puzzled.

"No, she's a commoner soul master, but her's not human at all! Even I was beaten so weakly by her..."

Thinking back on what happened at that time, Tianyao still feels terrified.

"You were defeated by that man?"

Qian Renxue had an unbelievable expression on her face, but she knew how strong the defense power of a martial soul like Golden Crocodile was. Take Golden Crocodile Douluo as an example, even her grandfather Qian Daoliu didn't have the power of divine purification and could It is very difficult to win the melting soul power.

"That's not true, I'm very resistant to beatings, and that person can't do anything about me, hehe..." Tian Yao rubbed his nose and said with a smile.

Well, the case has been solved. Sure enough, it is much easier to suppress the Golden Crocodile Soul Master than to defeat him.This kind of martial spirit... is too fleshy!
"Hey, how much do you know about her?" Qian Renxue rubbed her temples while holding her forehead.

"She has a very strong martial soul, I can be sure that it is a real dragon martial soul, and then..."

Tian Yao moved his eyes to one place, and suddenly his pupils constricted.

"It's her!"

 [Lingyuanjing, the beginning of one yuan, the renewal of everything, everyone has the spiritual power of Lingyuanjing from birth, which is also the most basic spiritual power.

  Spiritual state, psychic psychic, intentional and thoughtful, reaching the psychic state, the beginning of spiritual power control, and truly controlling one's own spiritual power for one's own use.

  In the spiritual sea realm, the mind is like an ocean, vast and boundless, and the spiritual power has truly reached a high level, which is the foundation for becoming a strong person.

  The spiritual abyss realm is like an abyss like a prison, the blue falls to the yellow spring, and the blue falls to the yellow spring, and all things return to the heart when the mind reaches it.

  The spiritual realm, the realm of spiritual consciousness, is a realm of its own.With the soul as the source and the spiritual consciousness as the region, it forms a world of its own, a realm of mind and spirit.

  In the realm of divine origin, spiritual consciousness transforms into a god, and the beginning of the beginning is completed.The spiritual consciousness is transformed into the primordial spirit, and the spiritual power is transformed into the power of the primordial spirit. This is the world of the gods, and wherever the thoughts go, they reach the heavens and the earth.At this level, one can peep into the world of gods, and when one's spiritual power reaches the level of divine origin, one can already be called a demigod. 】

  Excerpted from Chapter 134 of The Legend of the Dragon King, minus the part about the soul.

  At least according to this point of view, one can only be considered a true demigod if one possesses one of the divine body, divine power and consciousness, which should be in line with the presupposition.Most of the so-called quasi-gods in the back did not meet this true demigod standard.

(End of this chapter)

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