Chapter 118 The Strange Teacher
After the six little ones were assigned to the first class of the freshman class of Wuhundian College, they also separated into "small groups". This is because in the class, students often work in groups of three.

As acquaintances, Mu Xin, Zhang Daling, and Ye Tianming naturally hugged each other.And Lin Mengtong and Xu Xianxian also formed a three-person team under Tian Yao's call.

Soon they arrived in the classroom, and they were about to meet their class teacher.

"Have you heard that the head teacher of our class seems to be an eight-ring Contra?" Zhang Daling told the news that she didn't know where to find it.

"Really, don't bully me. Aren't the teachers in the general primary department all soul emperors or soul saints?" Ye Tianming looked disbelieving, Contra will be their teacher?Not likely.

"It's true, I've seen my mother's file, it's a female Contra." Xu Xianxian suddenly mentioned.

"Isn't that right? I obviously saw an old man in the office? And he looks like a very difficult guy."

Tian Yao retorted immediately, the man's appearance was very dark, which left a deep impression on her.

But Xu Xianxian confirmed after repeated thinking, "I'm sure it's a woman. My mother is the dean. There should be no mistakes in her file."

"Okay, okay, the head teacher is coming soon, let's all sit down." Mu Xin asked everyone to return to their seats in due course.

Soon someone walked into the classroom. It was a black-haired sister Yu, with dark circles in her gloomy eyes, as if her eyes were dull, wrapped in a black windbreaker, with a slender and plump figure, with a dangling mouth. With a chocolate bar, there is a kind of aura that strangers should not get close to.

"Let me introduce myself. I am your homeroom teacher, Mo Yulan, the Wuhun Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor, and I am currently a level 82 Contra."

Mo Yulan's voice was full of magnetism, as if there was a magical feeling.

Wuhundian Academy has only five classes this year, each class has about 30 students, and the number of people in a class is exactly thirty.At this moment, the thirty students were sitting upright, afraid of being targeted by this seemingly inaccessible teacher.

Seeing that the students are all obedient, Mo Yulan is quite satisfied, but it is also a pity. After all, if she can catch the students who are not obedient, she can also be a showdown, but if she doesn't, she can only give up.

"I'm here to talk about my rules. My requirements will be stricter than those of the college. If you can't bear it, you can choose to change classes. Of course, I will not do those stupid things that add class rules indiscriminately. I just ask you to complete them smoothly. All that was taught, and accomplished well—

For those who can enter Wuhundian Academy, with your ability, it is too easy to pass, but anyone who can pass will be guaranteed to be a soul king in the future, and you can go to the Knights Templar to join the anti-crime and evil team. Can mix food to eat.

But only if you are comprehensive and excellent, you will have a greater probability of becoming a high-level soul master in the future.Even if it's just a soul sage, it's a great leap forward, so when the time comes to say it, my face will be bright. "

While Mo Yulan was admonishing, the chocolate bar in her mouth was also moving around, but she was not affected by her words at all.

"Of course, if I find out that someone has failed, then don't blame me for punishing him. The punishment is not too big, that is, he will be assigned to the mine and come back after digging for a month! If he fails to meet the standards for a long time, I will ask for a shift.

As the saying goes, when heaven is about to send a great mission to people, they must first suffer from their will, exhaust their muscles and bones, starve their bodies, empty their bodies, and mess up their actions. Therefore, the heart and patience have benefited what they can't do! "

The side of the chocolate bar in his mouth was changed. It was a scorching summer day, but Mo Yulan's words made the students feel as cold as the midwinter.

Distribute the mine, listen!Is this a human language!How can there be such a punishment method! ?Is this really what the teacher should say to the students!This is obviously abnormal corporal punishment!

"I heard that this teacher is a guy who likes mining, and he is quite famous in the Wuhun Hall. It is said that she has found three rare metal veins with the help of the Fifteen Ton Ant Emperor Wuhun, and she is also a member of the Wuhun Chamber of Commerce. One of the shareholders, has a good relationship with Hai Guimian and is a well-known rich woman in the Wuhun Temple. She would make such a strict request, I guess..."

Tian Yao recalled the information he knew, and talked to Ye Tianming beside him, but was soon interrupted by Mo Yulan.

"Cough, be quiet, whispering is forbidden in class. But you guessed it right, our class is a special class. The reason why I have higher requirements for my class is because I will invest in our class. I will use my small treasury to purchase the best quality cultivation resources for you, but——

You must perform strong enough to ensure that you are worthy of this resource, so that I can help you with confidence. I hope you can understand and don't live up to your potential.

In addition, this is the teacher's private behavior, so it does not violate the school rules. The reason why our class is special is not because the class is special, but because I am special. "

Mo Yulan pressed her hand and announced a mixed news.Resource investment, what does that mean?It means that their class will have the opportunity to obtain more meal soul beast meat, more possibilities to obtain rare treasures, and even the opportunity to learn advanced and profound skills!
At this time, everyone in the class also had a basic understanding of this rich lady-like teacher.

As expected of a mine at home!

At this moment, Tian Yao raised his hand, and Teacher Mo Yulan nodded in agreement to speak.

"That mine sister...ah no, it's Teacher Mo. We only need to be good at the standard? There should be other additional conditions."

Mo Yulan smiled slightly and said: "You guessed right, my investment must be rewarded. A student who can get excellent grades must be a soul who is excellent in foundation, cultivation, theory, and actual combat." Master, and has a considerable advantage in fighting spirits of the same level.

This natural advantage is particularly profitable in one place, and that is the Soul Arena.As long as you can maintain your winning percentage, you can use the Soul Arena as your money-making machine, easily support yourself, and buy a lot of resources.

Do you think I lost money investing in you?As long as you can maintain a good level, then you can easily help me get back my money in the Soul Arena.That's right, participating in soul fighting in the form of a class is one of our future practical courses, and the income will be counted on me.

Two-way rush, win-win! "

After hearing this, everyone understood that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and they also understood the cruelty and fierceness of competition. If they could not maintain their excellent results, they would lose this resource. This is undoubtedly a battle of survival of the fittest.Realistic, but beyond reproach.

Teacher Mo Yulan's handling method was not too much, she just asked for a change of shift, and would not order her to drop out of school for no reason.In her words, this is two-way running, a win-win situation.

 The prototype is the quasi-title who fell in the setting sun forest. This place was nearly 20 years ago, so even with the resources brought about by the reform of the Wuhun Temple, it has only reached level 82.

  In addition, it was originally set to be the old man, but due to the strong request of a certain book friend, it was changed to a female character, and the image of the old man was set as the result of the disguise of a transformation-like soul skill. (Shouldn't be a big deal...)
  [At this time, among the seven people, only Contra has not obtained the soul ring he needs. Although he is still wearing a Contra costume, his soul power has actually successfully broken through level ninety , only one soul ring is short of being able to rise to the Title Douluo level, so he naturally attaches great importance to his last soul ring, so he couldn't find it for a long time]

  [Puffed out a mouthful of reverse blood, the eyes of the black-clothed old man nearly popped out of his sockets, and he fell down straight, a quasi-titled Douluo level powerhouse, just like that, died in Tang San's hands, Lian Wu The soul has not been released, how wronged. 】

  [The eyes of the black-clothed old man lit up when he heard the words Crypt Spider Emperor. The ninth spirit ring needed to upgrade the Title Douluo should preferably be produced by spirit beasts over five years old, with a cultivation base of over 5 years Although there are many more soul beasts than 10-year soul beasts, those that match their own attributes are rare, and a soul beast like the Crypt Spider Emperor is just useful to him. 】

  Considering that the Crypt Spider Emperor fits with its attributes, its martial soul is set as Qianjun Ant Emperor, an ant of the soil type, and in the Biology of Douluo Qihua, it belongs to the same "insect" as the Spider Emperor, which is opposite to Heli.

(End of this chapter)

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