Chapter 127 Shangguan Liyue's Prosperity

A black-haired royal lady was sitting in the interview room, holding a chocolate bar in her mouth, rubbing her head, her eyes with dark circles were full of annoyance.

She is the interviewer of the Martial Soul Chamber of Commerce, Mo Yulan.That's right, the head teacher of the first class of freshmen.

But don't see that she usually has to attend classes. Her status in the Wuhun Chamber of Commerce is not low. The few rare metal veins she dug out alone provided one-twentieth of the output value for Wuhun Hall. It's just the expectations she sets for her children.

Among those who know her well, she is called "Sister Mine".

Although the metal industry is not important in this era, in this era, currency is issued with precious metals, not to mention the industry of using rare metals and soul animal materials to make weapons and equipment is also on the rise since the Awakening Day.

And the reason why she was really selected as the interviewer was because she brought a capable person.

Nightmare Elder Mengyun.

It was also a deal she made to let the children participate in the Illusory Battlefield project. The children need better training, and the Nightmare Elder’s project needs people, and she just makes money twice—the children become stronger and can bring her a lot of money. To benefit, and as a reward for providing candidates, Elder Nightmare will accompany her to participate in this interview.

The spirit sharing of Elder Nightmare can be blocked directly and unilaterally for people with low mental power.Possessing the mind-reading ability provided by Elder Nightmare, this is the reason why she finally stood out among the interviewer candidates.

Then use this interviewer's identity in exchange for the relationship with the future chairman of the Wuhun Chamber of Commerce, then this is another profit.However, there are some investment risks, but that doesn't matter, anyway, she is not losing money.

And as expected, these people who came to interview, even after going through multiple screenings, there were still a few rat shit, from Tiandou, Xingluo, and even commercial spies sent by Qibao.Most of the rest are mediocre people, not because of lack of ability, but because they have almost no suggestions for the improvement of the Wuhun Chamber of Commerce today.

When Elder Haigui knocked on the door, Mo Yulan suddenly straightened her back, and her soul skill was activated quietly, making her look like an old man with dark eyes and dark skin.

When going out, a girl must protect herself, so she often does not show her true face to others, and the elders and trustworthy people of Wuhun Temple will let her treat each other with her true face.

Elder Nightmare sitting beside saw this scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched unavoidably.

The door of the interview room was pushed open, Elder Sea Turtle walked in with Shangguan Liyue, the last businessman interviewed, and under Elder Sea Turtle's guidance, Shangguan Liyue came to Mo Yulan's table and sat down.

"Shangguan Liyue has met the interviewer."

While Mo Yulan was observing Shangguan Liyue, Shangguan Liyue was also observing Mo Yulan.Under the spiritual sharing of Elder Nightmare, she was able to glimpse some interesting details.

[This person... is quite interesting. 】

She could see that this person's heart was indeed for the Hall of Spirits, but whether he could be hired or not ultimately depended on his ability.

"Tell me, what can you bring to Wuhundian? Wuhundian recruits royal merchants and needs talents. What skills do you have? Let us recruit you."

Mo Yulan now looks like an old grandfather, her voice is old and hoarse, but there is a faint sense of oppression.

Shangguan Liyue said unhurriedly: "It depends on what kind of business Wuhundian wants to do, how big the business is, as long as it is the business that Wuhundian wants to do, I can make money for Wuhundian. "

"What if my Wuhundian wants immeasurable wealth, enough to buy the wealth of the whole world?" Mo Yulan's words obviously meant something difficult, but this is exactly what Wuhundian wants most at present. To do it, countless businessmen before faced with this test question, it was difficult to give an answer.

"It can also be done." Shangguan Liyue said quite confidently, "As long as you can get the full support of the Wuhun Palace, it is not difficult to do this."

"Oh? How can you tell? We don't need someone who can only talk big." Mo Yulan raised her eyebrows slightly.

Shangguan Liyue continued: "Master interviewer, do you know the three-level classification of businessmen?"

"How?" Mo Yulan asked.

Shangguan Liyue said: "Businessmen, using supply and demand as the link, earn profits through supply and demand, are essentially redistributing social resources.

The merchants on the first floor sell unprocessed raw materials, whether they are crops, timber, ore.

The merchants on the second level sell processed products, making more profits by using the scissors difference between handicrafts and agriculture.

The merchants on the third floor use time and space as the capital of their sales.

Presumably, you should have heard that merchants buy food in a big way during the harvest season, and then sell it when there is a famine.Buy where the price is low and resell where the price is high...

Even before Wuhundian established the world granary, there were still cases of civilians selling children. At that time, what they sold their children in exchange for was neither one million nor one hundred thousand.

Just a burnt biscuit.A piece of cake can make a person sell his own children for a living.The slave trade at that time was ten times larger than it is now. "

When Mo Yulan heard this, she also fell into deep thought.Although she is in a high position now, she was also a commoner soul master in the past, and naturally she has seen those scenes like purgatory on earth.

She has seen and heard about that era, the era when wars, plagues, famines, and death were rampant.In the past, it was the Hall of Spirits that prevented wars between countries, and now it is the Hall of Spirits that has solved the problems of plague and famine to the greatest extent.

"Of course, besides these three floors, there are merchants on the fourth floor." Shangguan Liyue continued, "The merchants on this fourth floor are to formulate rules, control the lifeline, and let the merchants of the first three floors rely on the businessmen established by themselves. Businessmen under the rules.

And to do this, you need the power of the state.Formulate currency, control the market, adjust prices, change the supply and demand structure, and easily grasp the economic lifeline of commerce and trade in your own hands. "

Mo Yulan's eyes flashed, and she felt that she finally heard what she wanted to hear.

She is also aware of the reforms of the Spirit Hall in recent years. Since the establishment of the Holy Healing Center and the World Granary in the Spirit Hall, the living conditions of the people have been greatly improved. It is rare to see plagues and famines. The slave trade shrunk dramatically.

Of course, the conspiracy behind this is not only to promote and improve people's livelihood, but also to quietly seize the public power of the two empires.

Just imagine, if all the functions of a country depend on other forces to complete, does the ruling class of this country still have de facto power?

If the two empires really treat Wuhundian as a fool who gives away benefits for nothing, then what they really lose will only be more.After all, an empire is built on the people. Without the support of people, the empire will no longer be an empire.

"Then tell me, how to control the economic lifeline of a country." Mo Yulan asked her the most critical question.

"Actually, the method is also very simple. Our Spirit Hall has an advantage that no other force in the whole continent has, that is, there are branches all over the continent, even down to the villages.

If we can rely on the existing Wuhundian institutions, including the Wuhun Chamber of Commerce, the Holy Healing Institute, and the World Granary, we can establish a complete channel for information, materials, and personnel circulation, and establish a further business system based on the money bank, including the equity system , payment intermediary system and credit lending system.

In this way, we can use this to easily regulate the power of various countries and decide who is strong and who is weak.Then if things go on like this, the wealth of all countries in the world will naturally come under the control of the Spirit Hall.

This is the rule maker. "

Afterwards, Shangguan Liyue explained these concepts in detail, and Mo Yulan was also shocked when he heard it, not because of anything else, but because this idea really completely surpassed the current era.

"Okay, what a rule maker!"

Being both a referee and a player, can this wealth not go into your trouser pocket?Not to mention anything else, according to this kind of operation, Wuhundian can even easily define what "wealth" is.The two empires do not have the ability to unify the commercial order of the mainland, but Wuhundian can easily achieve this by relying on the Wuhun Chamber of Commerce.

Not to mention anything else, the main consumer in mainland China is soul masters, and the distribution of subsidies for soul masters is in the hands of Wuhundian, because all countries are highly dependent on Wuhundian for public powers such as the awakening of spirits and the registration of soul masters. Therefore, it is impossible for any country to easily break away from the Wuhun Temple, otherwise the social order will soon collapse under internal and external attacks.

Moreover, the balance between the two empires also depends on the Spirit Hall to maintain it. Once one side tries to abandon the Spirit Hall, the other side will take the opportunity to break the balance and crush it with absolute advantage.This also determines that Wuhundian can pinch the fate of the two great empires and gradually expand its influence.

Mo Yulan clapped her hands and applauded, already approving this person in her heart.

 The interviewer is Mo Yulan, isn't it a surprise?

  Passerby A: Teacher Mo, how can I make money the fastest.

  Mo Yulan: As long as you have more money, you will make money faster. (cough cough)

(End of this chapter)

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