Chapter 163 The Eye of Destiny
Qian Renxue only felt that the center of her eyebrows was about to be torn apart, and it was extremely painful, as if something was about to grow. Even if she used the angel's holy power to dispel the abnormality, it could only relieve the pain, but could not exempt this strange feeling.

Bibi Dong took a look at Qian Renxue's situation, and was basically sure that Qian Renxue was fine. At the same time, she could feel that Qian Renxue's original attributes had been condensed and refined, and there seemed to be a trace of pain between her brows. Strange power, that power seems to be about to germinate at this moment.

Today's Qian Renxue, under the guidance of that attribute, has also completely stabilized her spiritual power at the level of Title Douluo, and she has absorbed that magical power very quickly.Not long after, a gap opened between her eyebrows, turning into a third eye filled with brilliance.

When she was completely relieved, Qian Renxue panted heavily, and she found strangely that her vision seemed to be different.

Qian Renxue rubbed her eyes, "This is...?"

Bibi Dong used her own perception to spy on Qian Renxue, but she couldn't figure it out for a while, it seemed that mental strength below the god level couldn't reach that level.

"I don't know, but it seems to be beneficial and harmless to you. Try to see if you can actively control its opening and closing. That eye seems to have some kind of strange power. Maybe I can help you see some clues later. " Bibi Dong said thoughtfully.

Now Bibidong's deduction of the second soul core has almost been completed. During this period of time, she has been storing the soul power she cultivated in the external soul bone, and will only release it when she is about to break through the realm of the gods next time. Gather the second soul core.At that time, her mental power will break through to the level of consciousness, and she should be able to see through the mystery.

【That power is the power of fate. 】Three-eyed Jinyi spoke with spiritual communication.

It slowly got up, recovered from the dizziness just now, and looked at the few people with a more relaxed gaze.Although she herself didn't know why, she was able to treat them so calmly when they were clearly supposed to be on both sides of the opposing camp.

"The power of destiny?" Qian Renxue was a little puzzled.

Bibi Dong, who heard this, fell into deep thought. She didn't really believe in such things as fate, but she had a little experience of breaking through to the god level before, and she also had a glimpse of some clues.

If it was that kind of power, then she really had to go to the realm of divine consciousness to understand its form of existence.

[The power of fate is the power that can affect fate.Once you have been guided by my attributes, you will naturally also get a sliver of my power of destiny, and be able to open this eye of destiny. 】Three-eyed Jin Yan said solemnly.

"Then what's the use of the Eye of Destiny?" Qian Renxue still didn't quite understand. From her previous experience, it seemed that this strange eye only had some power that she didn't understand besides expanding her vision.

The three-eyed Jin Yi glanced at Qian Renxue, and said slowly: [The Eye of Destiny gives you the ability to change a person's fate within a certain period of time.To put it simply, the luck of those who have been stared at by your eyes of fate will change according to your wishes.It can be great, it can be bad.However, this Eye of Destiny will also take up a lot of your mental power. 】

When Qian Renxue heard this, she also nodded thoughtfully.Suddenly chatting with a soul beast so naturally, Qian Renxue was still a little uncomfortable.

" that so?" But after thinking for a moment, she still opened her eyes of fate and looked at Jin Ni three times.

【Um?You, what are you doing?Oops! 】Three-eyed Jin Yan didn't realize what happened, and suddenly fell on the ground, looking a little bad.

The three-eyed golden lion was protected by auspicious aura, so Qian Renxue's spiritual power was so strong that it completely surpassed it, so she could easily influence it.

【you!You are repaying kindness with revenge!Do you know... I was introduced to your attributes earlier, and you seem to have run out of luck, how much luck has been mobilized from me!If it weren't for the signs of destiny in you, you might have a chance to become a god... I wouldn't tell you this! 】Three-eyed Jin Yan rubbed against the place where she just fell, with a look of resentment on her face.

"What do you mean by lack of luck? What's the matter with fate?" Bibi Dong seemed to have noticed something was wrong, just from the literal meaning, it doesn't seem like these two things will be separated, right?
[That's... that's what it means.I am also very surprised, generally speaking, those who bear the destiny are the proud sons of heaven who inherit the great fortune of the times, and their luck is equally strong.But she... Qian Renxue's body seems to have been stolen by something, she is very vain, and I have lost a lot of luck... If I didn't see that she had the chance to become a god, I would I will never forgive you! 】

The three-eyed Jin Yi had just exchanged memories, so she naturally knew Qian Renxue's name.And it also knows that although it has a powerful force of luck, as a soul beast, there is no possibility of breaking through to the god level.

It didn't know about becoming a god at first, and it didn't care about becoming a god. It just vaguely heard it mentioned by several of its fierce beast uncles, but after reading Qian Renxue's memory, it had a new idea - if it can become a god, Wouldn't it be a good thing to fly up with the ferocious beast uncles?
Moreover, after staying in the Star Dou Great Forest for so long, after seeing Qian Renxue's memories, she also became interested in the human world.

"Steal luck? Is it possible..." Bibi Dong thought about it carefully, and suddenly the hairs stood on end.She remembered what the Evil God King had said to her, and had mentioned to her the hidden questions of the Rakshasa Examination. She hadn't thought much about it before, but now she felt a wave of careful thinking and fear.

It was clearly a place that had just been scorched by a raging fire, but Bibi Dong felt the coldness of severe winter.It was as if there was an invisible big hand in the dark, stretching her, her daughter, and maybe even the entire Wuhun Temple.

[Well, fortunately, the shortfall is not very serious, and there are signs of self-recovery.It's as if your luck changed suddenly, if you want to correspond to the time in Qian Renxue's should be when she was around seven years old, right? ] The three-eyed Jinyi seemed to realize that this matter was very important to several people, so he added further.

"Is that really the case..." Bibi Dong roughly understood.At that point in time, it should be exactly when he got rid of the Rakshasa test and accepted the test of the evil god king.

It seems that the Rakshasa test is indeed not clean, damn it, why didn't I notice it at the beginning?But this is his own situation, what is the reason for Xueer's situation?Could it be that there are still gods plotting against my family?

Bibi Dong had never felt such a sense of crisis and embarrassment like now, she even wished she could break through and become a god right now, and trouble those gods who plotted against her family.

But she also understands that based on her current accumulation, even if she becomes a god, she can only fight against a first-level god at most.And whether her opponents are only the Sea God who nearly killed her, and the Rakshasa God who tried to waste her potential, it is still uncertain.

【That... can I go with you?Can you... take me with you when you become a god in the future? 】Three-eyed Jin Yan asked with a little fear.

"You also want to become a god? But your cultivation base is only 5000 years old, even if you forcefully increase your cultivation base, it's still far behind." Bibi Dong looked at the three-eyed Jin Ni with a strange expression.

[This actually doesn't matter!I, I can do it. 】Three-eyed Jin Yan turned her head away, not daring to look directly into that person's eyes.

 Dou 146 Chapter [-]:
  [Electrolux said: "What the eye of fate gives you is the ability to improve a person's fate within a certain period of time. It sounds a bit mysterious, but it is actually very simple. People who have been stared at by your eye of fate will have luck according to Change your wish. It can be very good or very bad. However, this eye of fate will also occupy a lot of your spiritual power. It will awaken within three days, and then you will have a deeper understanding feeling."]

  To commemorate today's breakthrough, add a new chapter, and push more books.

(End of this chapter)

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