Chapter 223 The Sea God Is Not Happy (Reissue)
In the past few days, Bibi Dong has been trying every means to torture the Seagod's Divine Sense that she captured. After draining its divine power and almost emptying out the power of Divine Consciousness, the Seagod's Divine Sense is actually the same as an ordinary strand of soul. There is no difference, except that being a spirit will not dissipate easily, you can let yourself toss.

And as a ray of divine sense of the sea god, he naturally has the ability to absorb the power of the water element, so it is easy to feed and can be tossed around at will.After Bibi Dong deliberately sealed it, the Seagod's Divine Sense completely lost the ability to communicate with the main body.

So during this period of time, Bibi Dong can be said to have tormented her with various methods, from tearing the soul to the soul, and the most prominent thing is that she won the true biography of a certain god king, but she always felt that this was not fun, so she thought of it. a good idea.

"You're called Poseidon, right? Then I'll call you Xiaodongzi, right?" Bibi Dong recalled the way Xiao Wu addressed Tang San some time ago, and felt that it was quite fluent.

"Bah! Who are you scolding! I...I won't give in! You'll be punished sooner or later for blasphemy!" The Seagod's Divine Sense is now like a ray of tortured remnant soul, captured by Bibidong hands, but did not forget to say harsh words.

"Huh, I don't know how to live or die. I'm tired of playing, and I will slowly experiment with you when I have time. Anyway, this kind of rubbish is not a human being. I have a clear conscience for ravaging you! Let me show you your new home first. " Bibi Dong snorted coldly.

At present, Qian Ningqiu has been brought to Wuhun City, accompanied by Qian Renxue, who is going through the formalities of joining Wuhundian Academy, and Meng Yiran has also entered Wuhundian Academy, so she doesn't need to worry about anything .

It just so happens that the Seagod Divine Sense is brought directly to the underground prison of Wuhun City, where some people "serve" the great Seagod.

Imprisonment is the god of the sea, who doesn't love it?

"Mortal, where are you taking me? I can warn you, I am a body of divine sense now, and what you think will not come true!" Sea God's divine sense panicked.

Bibi Dong smiled charmingly: "Since you like to let priests serve you so much, then I will find you a few more people who are good at entertaining and serve you well. Just a while ago, my Spirit Hall arrested a Interesting prisoner, let you experience it for yourself."

The prisoner that Bibi Dong mentioned was naturally unhappy because he had clashed with the Shrek Seven Monsters not long ago. That guy is also a poor guy, but he was roasted by the vicious Ma Hongjun because he was caught. When he committed a crime, Bibi Dong specially took him to the underground prison in Wuhun City.

It has to be said that the wretched traits of this sea god coincides with this unhappy, maybe the two are very compatible!

After seeing Bule who passed out in the prison, Bibi Dong immediately showed a disgusted expression, and then grabbed the Seagod's Divine Sense tightly, which made the Seagod's Divine Sense feel uneasy, and even spoke incoherently: "Mortal, you, what do you want to do? What? I warn you not to mess around! If you dare to mess around, my body will definitely avenge me!"

"Give your soul a new home!" Bibi Dong grabbed the Seagod's divine sense, and shot it directly into the unhappy body, a burst of deep light burst forth, and under Bibi Dong's soul law, the two merged seamlessly Come together!
"Bu Le" woke up leisurely at this time, he looked at his body, touched his face, he couldn't help being horrified, and let out a sharp and piercing male duck voice: "You are not only blaspheming the gods, but you are also blaspheming the soul! You evil soul master! Playing with the soul will not end well! And you dare to put me in the body of this wretched person! Release me quickly, or I..."

Bibi Dong also felt that he was noisy, so she directly used her soul power to make him shut up, and then said: "It seems that your relationship with this wretched person is not bad? For the next period of time, you can enjoy the time I prepared for you. service. The process of labor reform will definitely be a joy for you, the famous Sea God, the Great Heavenly Venerable."

After finishing speaking, Bibi Dong turned around and left the underground prison of Wuhun City, leaving only Poseidon—oh no, it should be called Xiao Dongzi now, in this prison.

He was about to growl and reprimand, but found someone stopped him.

"Hey, are you new here?" A fat-looking man said, and beside him were several burly men who were similar to him.

"Who are you?" Xiaodongzi didn't think that mortals were qualified to let him register his own account, but these people were probably the "servants" Bibi Dong had prepared for him, and he hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet.

"That's how it is. I'm Brother Jie, this is Big Brother Dao Scar, and this is Second Brother Long Brother. We Dao Scar sincerely welcome newcomers to join us. According to the usual practice, newcomers have to present their own little flowers." Then Said a slightly fat strong man.

"Xiaohua? What is that?" Xiaodongzi looked confused, not knowing that the danger was approaching, and the strong men had already silently surrounded him.

Hearing this, Brother Jie smiled evilly and said, "Oh, I think you don't understand at all."

"It's a joke, I understand it very well, okay!" Xiao Dongzi replied confidently and proudly.

"Quick! Let me see!" As soon as Brother Jie finished speaking, Brother Dao Scar and Brother Long immediately detained Xiao Dongzi. Now Xiao Dongzi is using an unhappy body, and he is still sealed in this Wuhundian Prison Without soul power, how can he be the opponent of several prison chiefs?It was quickly held down completely.

"Brother Jie, don't want it!" Xiaodongzi struggled resistingly, but in the end he couldn't avoid being held down. At this time, Brother Scar had a wretched smile on his face, but the wretchedness was not half as wretched as Xiaodongzi. "Mortal! I am..."

Thus, Xiaodongzi's little flower was excavated and watered in this way, and it completely bloomed into a brilliant flower.And all of this is monitored by Bibi Dong's spiritual consciousness. If she goes to Sea God Island one day, she will definitely broadcast this scene to all sea soul masters!

Coincidentally, after contemplating with Nightmare Douluo, I really discovered a way to visualize memories through spiritual power. This kind of concreteness cannot be faked, and it is just suitable for my playback.

And during this period of time, in addition to letting the inmates treat Xiaodongzi well, Bibidong himself would use his divine sense to do some soul experiments from time to time, which also allowed Bibidong's soul attainments to improve rapidly, and he was quite apt to become a necromancer. the trend of.If we can meet Electrolux who will appear ten thousand years later, maybe the two sides will have a lot of common topics at this moment.

"Is this going too far?"

"Is it too much? I think that wretched guy seems to have found a soulmate and is enjoying it." Bibi Dong said indifferently.

 See Chapter 313 of Douyi:
  [The anger burned instantly, and the intense anger caused Tang San to raise his right hand again, and at this moment, an extremely wretched voice, similar to the unhappy voice of that wretched soul master that Tang San had seen before It sounded, "Sorry, the transformation failed."]

  The compatibility between Poseidon and Bule is naturally unexpected~

  Speaking of Tang San's ability to pass this test, the examiner relied on the examiner's thoroughness of the questions, and this is also worthy of inheriting the position of god, and there is no one else.

  See Chapter 1348 of Dou San:
  [What's even more frightening is that when he pushed Tang Wulin away, light and shadows began to appear around his body.The light and shadows are very clear, as if reflecting light curtains, showing stories one by one.This is... concretization of thinking!Features of Limit Douluo!Ordinary people don't know what it means to think concretely, and there are so many high-level soul masters present, how could they not know? 】

  The default here is the usage discovered by later generations, and it is excavated here in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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