Chapter 226 An Ancient Message
The sky is spinning, this is a normal feeling of space transfer, and Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have already experienced this countless times, so they quickly got used to this feeling.

When the eyes opened up again, looking around, it was a relatively well-preserved room.There are metal traces everywhere, and countless crystals, it looks like a place completely made of soul guides.

The two walked forward slowly, and could feel that most of the surrounding soul guides were releasing soul power fluctuations, which was the characteristic of Wuzhu.But there are also some soul guides, which seem to have very good sealing of soul power, and there is no such reaction.It can be seen that the quality of the soul guides here is much higher than those low-level soul guides.

"Where have we come?" Qian Renxue asked.

Bibidong felt the surroundings with the power of her consciousness, and her expression gradually became a little dignified. She murmured: "This is indeed an independent space. There is nothing outside the room, only the turbulent flow of space. Independence should be limited. Move on."

The two continued to move forward, surrounded by soul guides of unknown use, which seemed to be some research equipment, some platforms with unknown functions, and some glass vessels several meters high.

Under the guidance of Bibi Dong's divine sense, the two of them walked through several corridors and finally found the largest room here.Bibi Dong didn't dare to easily break in. In this kind of well-preserved ruins, some soul guides are probably still in operation.She used the net of space to lead Qian Renxue through the closed alloy door, and finally came to the room.

It is said to be a room, but it actually looks as big as a palace. It seems that there are some crystal-like "boards", which are very thin and appear black as a whole. They should also be a kind of soul guide.

Bibidong tried to use her soul power to activate it, but then she was startled by a buzzing sound, those sounds seemed to come from the surrounding amplified soul guide, and then the crystal-like "board" began to rustle, A picture appeared, and finally a figure emerged.

"Is there someone there?" Qian Renxue was shocked. The ruins have been covered in dust for at least 600 years. How could there be people?

"Ahem. Let me introduce myself. I am Roland, the dean of the Church's Academy of Soul Guidance Science. When you see this video, there may not be anyone alive here, and it has been completely reduced to a relic." The man who called himself Roland said on the screen.He was wearing a costume that looked a bit like that of the staff of Wuhun Hall today, but it was a bit of a military uniform, more like a soldier.

Bibi Dong stared intently, and confirmed: "He's not a real person, he's just a picture left by the soul guide, and the soul guide seems to have recorded the picture in a special way... It's really amazing."

"I won't talk about the pleasantries, let me just talk about the main points. Our Douluo World is actually a sphere. In this world, there are five continents including the land of the extreme north. In our era, with the help of the soul guide We have conquered the sky, the land, and the sea. But there is always one thing that restricts us." Roland said, and called up the map, which was a model of a planet, and it was Douluo depicted on it. star.

Bibidong noticed that picture, quickly compared it with the Douluo Continent map she knew, and found that there were basically no mistakes. Although she was puzzled that the world was a ball, she still wrote down this scene.

"That kind of thing is the soul master system we rely on for survival. The cultivation of soul masters must rely on soul rings, and the acquisition of soul rings must rely on hunting soul beasts. So - what if the soul beasts are extinct?" Roland said so.

Extinct soul beast?Bibi Dong had also considered this issue, but she always felt that it was just unfounded worry. It would take at least tens of thousands of years for this kind of thing to show signs, right?

"I'm not worrying unnecessarily. In fact, since the establishment of the church, the living space of human beings has been expanding, while the living space of spirit beasts has been shrinking. If this trend continues, it is estimated that within 3 years , the soul beast will be completely extinct." Roland said seriously.

3 years is a very long number for Qian Renxue, and she also feels that it is too early to worry about it.

"You may think this is very long? Wake up, with the re-emergence of soul masters, this time will only be shortened infinitely. In order to avoid this problem, this research site hidden in an independent space is here. Although we do not It has not been solved how to unbind the soul master system and the soul beast, but the problem that human beings must hunt the soul beast to obtain the soul ring has been solved halfway." Roland said again in shocking words.

Can humans obtain soul rings without hunting soul beasts?If this is the case, does it mean that humans and spirit beasts are no longer natural rivals, but will coexist in other ways?Or... all soul beasts that have no use value will be wiped out?
Roland continued: "What I'm talking about is in room 2-B, where our only remaining achievements are preserved. The disaster came too fast, the church lost the protection of the angel god, and the ocean suddenly rioted, cutting off all our lives. This continent, the evil gods who covet our inheritance have never given up on invading the continent, they want to turn the continent into a breeding ground for belief."

[Separate the mainland?Isn't that the Seagod!Sea God claims that the ocean is his territory, and he doesn't allow anyone to go out to sea at will. Doesn't this mean that he deliberately prevents navigation between continents?And their purpose is actually to use my Spirit Hall as a sacrifice to accomplish their own "great achievements", and use the disaster to reap everyone's faith by the way? 】Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were shocked at the same time, what a sinister plan this is.

"The Angel God is merciful. Although she accepts our beliefs, she has also brought us shelter and glory. Under her guidance, the church is thriving, avoiding the intrusion of soul beasts and fallen soul masters, and even embarking on the journey of souls. Faith means responsibility, and those who take up this responsibility can be called righteous gods, and those who abandon responsibility are called evil gods.

Originally, people in the church thought that the sea god believed by the sea soul masters in the outer sea was also a righteous god, but they didn't expect that the black hand who launched the disaster in the end was actually the sea god.I don't know what the church looks like now, but you must be careful, the sea god is always watching you from the dark, and there may be other gods behind him. "Roland continued.

Even in that era, has anyone already noticed the shady behind it?Qian Renxue was a little startled. She could know because of the information she got from communicating with the Kind God King. Then how did this person named Roland know?Or did the Sea God show his fangs a long time ago, but they didn't even know about it?
"I will mark some of the same research institutes, and I hope you can find the remains of these places. I don't have much time, and please remember that the fate of human beings must be in your own hands. Remember, stay away from Sea God !” At this point, the video ends.

The scene was silent, as if shrouded in silence.

 The whole point of daily research.

  About Douluo's currency changes.

  Dou Er [After a brief surprise, Huo Yuhao went to the far right and cheapest window to buy a meal.Stir-fried vegetables and white rice.He eats the cheapest meals, but they are very sweet, and some of them are already very good.And the price is cheap, only two copper coins.According to the income of one gold coin a month, save a little, and it is enough to eat. 】

  Dou Yi ["Little girl, my lunch box is definitely delicious. Today's business is good, and there are not many left. It's cheaper for you, two copper soul coins, one is enough, how about it?"

  The old man lifted the lids of several pots, punched two vegetables, and matched them very well. The big snow-white steamed buns were placed in the bamboo strips. Although they were not very hot, they were still warm. 】

  Pity that Huo Yuhao, who eats two coppers and one vegetarian meal, and is still grateful to Shrek, but he doesn't know that in the era of Wuhundian, the same money is enough to eat two meats and two vegetables anywhere.

  Dou Er [With the changes of the times, the purchasing power of gold soul coins is actually constantly rising, and the annual expenditure of a family of three is only a few dozen gold soul coins. What can 950 million gold soul coins do?It can arm a ten thousand heavy cavalry to the teeth.including horses. 】

  Dou Yi [One gold soul coin is enough for an ordinary family of three to live for a few months.It is also equivalent to Tang San's three-year working income at Notting College. 】

  The empire preached the progress of the times, and the purchasing power of currency increased, but in fact it declined severely, even by nearly ten times.

  It's still better in the era of Wuhundian, except for the soul guide, almost everything is missing.

(End of this chapter)

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