Douluo: enlighten the wisdom of the whole people, revive the glory of angels

Chapter 230 Tang San and Qi Bao's Hidden Weapon Transaction and Leakage

Chapter 230 Tang San and Qibao's Hidden Weapon Deal and Leak

Qian Renxue then played with the fairy grass spirits for a while, making Binghuo Liangyi's eyes full of singing and swallows, and after playing tired, she left with Bibidong happily.

When leaving, Bibi Dong still didn't forget to ask Qian Renxue: "Xiaoxue, it seems that you haven't dealt with Tiandou Empire's affairs much during this time, have you?"

Qian Renxue chuckled, and said: "I don't need to worry about these things now. At present, except for some die-hards in the Heaven Dou Empire, all the soul master families have already invested in our Spirit Hall, even the few from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy The family behind this child has also been shaken, I plan to take them down completely in the next few months. After that, I will take down the Elemental City, so that my plan in the Heaven Dou Empire can be concluded."

Bibidong nodded slowly. For a family of soul masters, the most important things are wealth, status, and various cultivation resources. Now, the wealth of the Spirit Chamber of Commerce in the Spirit Hall is almost even higher than that of the two empires. It is nothing to say that the economic lifeline controlled by the government surpasses the empire.As for the cultivation resources, it is the director of the Wuhun Palace, and no power can compare with the Wuhun Palace in this regard.

"I remember that in the ruins, I discovered that there was a form of public opinion called news in the past era. I think we can also refer to it, get a Wuhun news, control the trend of public opinion in the entire continent, and further increase its influence. Make preparations for taking over the mainland in the future." Qian Renxue suggested incidentally.

Bibi Dong nodded and replied: "I have already reported this matter to His Majesty the Pope in private, and His Majesty said that it will be discussed and carried out at the next meeting of elders."

Qian Renxue was stunned, when was it?Isn't Sister Bai Zhi always by my side?Could it be that she and her mother have been friends for a long time... Ah, this is so intense.

Bibi Dong gave Qian Renxue a strange look, what was this girl thinking, her eyes were so strange.

"Then let's go to the Prince's Mansion to stay for a while, the fish is probably about to get hooked." Qian Renxue made a gesture of silence, with a playful smile, this cunning look is simply wanting to be pinched.

"Well, I just happened to be busy for a while. Let me know where you want to go. Let's go on a trip together." Bibi Dong doesn't care. There are many plans at the moment. Now that the arrangements have been made, let's wait for the time Let's ferment.


In the past few months, some drastic changes have taken place in the mainland.

First, the appearance of Douluo news shocked everyone in the whole continent.Gathering information from all over the continent, the first edition of this Douluo news made everyone who came into contact with it feel the feeling of knowing the world without leaving home for the first time.

Wuhundian has branch halls all over the continent. It is not difficult to do this. Not only can it easily collect information, but it can also classify and archive. The newspapers have everything from newspapers to special reports on soul masters and nobles. Even Wuhun Pavilion and Wuhun Research Institute jointly published the first edition of Pravda, firmly grasping the theoretical indicators of the mainland.

The big stick of public opinion is tightly grasped by Wuhundian, even if the two empires and Qibao Liulizong issue their own news and periodicals, it will be difficult to restore the market situation, after all, the market will always be the first occupant is king.Even various emerging professions, such as paparazzi (reporters), editors, small writers, newspaper scholars, "experts", etc. have begun to emerge in endlessly. The guidance from ancient times has taught Wuhundian how to be a "title party" and "Shock Party".

Wuhundian has penetrated into civilians and soul masters more than anyone else. This is an irreplaceable advantage. Even if the two great empires and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect fully promote their own newspapers, and even provide policy support, they can only be among the nobles and businessmen. It is more popular, which is a natural gap in hard conditions.

If this only made the two empires feel nervous, then Wuhundian's breakthrough in ancient soul tool technology really made them feel threatened.

At first, it was only the appearance of the video screen soul tool, which caused a wave of excitement in the fighting field, and the subsequent communication soul tool made the two empires completely unable to sit still.They even suspect that Wuhundian has discovered the mystery of soul guidance technology from the ruins, and is trying to revive the ancient technology.

However, in fact, Wuhundian can only be regarded as half done. Although it has overcome the general basic principles of soul tools, it still has no clue about attacking soul tools, and Wuhundian can only excavate them from the current ruins. In the civilian soul guide device, the relatively simple part has been developed, and even the soul guide car cannot be reproduced. This is also a hard technical problem, which cannot be solved in a short time.

And this also made Bibi Dong more determined to go to sea again.She has always believed that there must be other civilizations on the other side of the sea, and maybe there is still the inheritance of soul guidance technology.

Even for this reason, Wuhundian also photographed some nautical soul guides unearthed from the ruins, such as the Longyuan boat auctioned by Tang San in the original timeline, and Wuhundian photographed no less than three such soul guides , and began to decipher it in reverse, even if only a very small part can be reproduced, it can bring a lot of advantages to the future new voyage fleet.

In a sense, the nautical soul guides in these ruins also proved that in the previous era, there was indeed freedom to go to sea. There was no sea god who ruled the sea and regarded it as his own territory and prohibited others from going to sea.The Seagods of that era didn't have the guts to let Seagod Island confront the Human Church under the protection of the Angel God.

And Tang San also began to discover that this world began to undergo significant changes again.

[What's wrong with this world?This is not like a reborn person. Even if there is a reborn person in Wuhundian, it is impossible to know the news, public opinion and knowledge that soul guidance technology should exist in the future out of thin air. Could it be a time traveler? 】

In Tang San's heart, he had already raised his vigilance.He didn't doubt why Tang Hao didn't come out to protect him when he went to the Star Dou Great Forest earlier, because Tang Hao didn't show up when the Titan Giant Ape came out in his previous life, so he preconceived that it was just stolen by someone, but This also made him start to seek the power of asylum more urgently.

"Rongrong, in this life, I decided to sell hidden weapons to your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect in advance, but I need to be protected by Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo. It's really not peaceful recently." Tang San frowned, and told Ning San in private Rongrong said.

Ning Rongrong was slightly displeased. In her previous life, her Qibao Glazed Tile Sect was cheated by Tang San to lose her wealth. Even if all the manpower and materials were exhausted, just letting Tang San assemble it, Baba paid dozens of times the price of the Minzhi Clan's purchase. , and at the end of the war, all of them were recovered. It is ridiculous that they are only leasehold rights.

"Sandao, I can promise you, but I have three conditions." Ning Rongrong said slowly and solemnly.

Tang San was stunned, Rongrong was negotiating terms with him?He frowned slightly, but still didn't show it, and said, "Rongrong, tell me, we are good partners, no matter what the conditions are, as long as they are not excessive, I can agree."

"That's good." Ning Rongrong said, "The first condition is that my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect must be purchased at the same price as the previous Shi Min's clan. The second condition is that after the sale, it will become the property of my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and cannot be traded afterwards. Recall for any reason. The third condition is that after the order is accepted, if you regret the order, you will be compensated ten times.”

Tang San's face twitched when he heard this: "Rongrong, we..."

Ning Rongrong didn't give Tang San a chance to develop a relationship at all, and preemptively said: "Sangua, if you really treat me as a partner, you will definitely not disagree with this little problem."

Tang San was speechless for a moment, he squeezed his fists, secretly cursing the way to die, but thinking of his current situation, he finally complied.In order to maintain his pure personality, it is impossible for him to threaten Ning Rongrong.Ning Rongrong's move was really a manipulation of Tang San's character.

What they don't know is that their every move is under the attention of others.Tang San also didn't know that his hidden weapon making method would be revealed by himself.

 Douyi Chapter 79:
  [At the moment, Ning Fengzhi retreated to the next best thing, and said to Tang San: "We have seen all the hidden weapons on Rongrong. According to the equipment on her body, I want five hundred sets. I will give you [-] gold soul coins for each set." What do you think of the price?"]

  Douyi Chapter 175:
  [Tang Sanyun smiled lightly, "This junior didn't even think about winning. I just hoped to try, just like the possibility of Min Zhi clan joining our Tang Sect is very small. Senior Baihe, if I lose, I am willing." A full set of hidden weapon equipment is provided for Guizong free of charge. The standard equipment for each person is [-] gold soul coins. It includes a Godly Zhuge Crossbow, two sets of silent sleeve arrows, a tight-back bowed crossbow, an innuendo, and two leg crossbows. "]

  Twenty times, it's really a newborn who plots against Ning Rongrong's sect like this, I'm afraid it's not because he plots against Ning Fengzhi in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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