Chapter 238 Jet Fighter Tang San
The battle situation seemed to be balanced again, Oscar and Ning Rongrong of the Seven Devils were eliminated, and Oslo of the Emperor Dou also temporarily lost his fighting power, but this was only the appearance.

Dai Mubai wanted to get away and fuse with Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul, but the Shi family brothers and Yu Tianheng together did not give him any chance to escape, and directly played brother wrestling with him!He was impatient, but it didn't help!
Seemingly seeing Tang San's purpose, one of the Shi family brothers even freed his hand to directly perform Tortoise Shell Explosion and Tortoise Shell Whirl Dance. Just when Tang San was about to use the Blue Silver Grass to rescue the fainted Xiao Wu, that The nightmarish tortoise shell covered it again, completely injuring it like a meat grinder.

A brace!

When Tang San finally came in front of Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu was almost like a rabbit skewer.

"No!! Damn it, you all deserve to die! There is a way to kill you!" Tang San was furious. He wanted to use his invincible Eight Spider Lances, but found that he had lost this sharp weapon. Yu Xiaogang warned him again The hidden weapon cannot be used, and he supervised him to remove the hidden weapon.At this time, he seemed to have no choice but to use that!
But at this time Dai Mubai was still caught in the pincers of the three brothers, unable to extricate himself.Now he only feels the distance between himself and Zhu Zhuqing, as if it is the farthest distance in the world.He erupted into the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, and Yu Tianheng also erupted in Thunder Wrath. The two fought together, but under the constant flank attacks of the Shi brothers, Dai Mubai was already covered in wounds.

At this time, Yufeng also returned to the rear to take over Oslo's position, and wanted to take the opportunity to eliminate Zhu Zhuqing who had not yet recovered his mobility.But Tang San's abilities are too weird, not only he himself was almost dragged down by the accusation of crane catching dragon, but also he can hardly hit and drive away Tang San who is following the ghost shadow fan with strange steps.

The purple mist had enveloped the surroundings at some point, isolating the front and back half where Dai Mubai and Tang San were.Tang San also noticed this, it seemed that Dugu Yan used the green phosphorus and purple poison in his previous life again.He immediately took out the realgar wine, greeted Ma Hongjun who had woken up leisurely, and prepared to burn the green phosphorous snake venom.

It's a pity that the blue silver grass he was trying to pull back to Zhu Zhuqing was cut off by Yufeng's wings, and in the end he could only witness Zhu Zhuqing being swallowed into the green phosphorus and purple poison.

"Fatty, light the fire!" Tang San couldn't bear to say, waved the realgar wine, and shouted to Ma Hongjun.

Then they ignited the purple mist amid Dugu Yan's sneer, and the green phosphorous and purple poison began to burn as they expected, but they noticed something was wrong, the snake poison did not subside as they thought, but remained Burning, Dugu Yan is trying to trap them to death!

"Why do you think I made the poisonous mist into this shape? Tang San, I have studied you, and you are very good at breaking poison. My grandfather also told me about the weakness of the Jade Phosphorous Snake spirit. Therefore, what I did was Did you choose to be poisoned or roasted by your own flame?" Dugu Yan said coldly, without feeling any warmth in his words.

"You!" Tang San suddenly understood, now is the era after the Awakening Day, how could Dugu Yan only foolishly release poison, this skill of controlling poison and igniting fire with his hands unexpectedly defeated him!
In the ignited poisonous mist, Zhu Zhuqing's screams could be heard.Dai Mubai was in a state of anxiety, but he was slapped on his abdomen by several brothers, he was able to persevere in fighting the three of them until now, it is already considered rare, his heart has never felt so tired, so torment!
In the end, he was held down by the three of them together, twisting his arms forcibly and pressing them to the ground. The Shi family brothers pressed one arm to death, and finally Yu Tianheng's fourth soul skill, Landian Shenlong, completely terminated him Dai Mubai, who had only the ability to resist, was paralyzed and kicked out of the ring just like that.

At this moment, only Tang San and Ma Hongjun were left among the Shrek Seven Monsters, and they were trapped in the blazing poisonous mist. Dugu Yan kept releasing the poisonous mist, which made the burning show no sign of stopping, depending on the air Both became thin, and the two of them were about to suffocate.

"It looks like I can't hide anymore." Tang San said resolutely.

"What? Little San, you..." Ma Hongjun was about to say something, but what met him was Tang San's eyes full of murderous intent, like Shura from hell.

A small black bamboo shoot... The small hammer fell into Tang San's hands. He used the chaotic wind hammer method to clear the way, forced a way, and went straight to kill Duguyan and Ye Lingling. The tortoise shells of the Shi family brothers and the wind blade of Yufeng were all smashed and sent flying by him one after another. Even if he didn't have the Killing God Domain, he seemed to be possessed by the Killing God at this moment.

Nothing can block his way of revenge, if there is, then only Xiao Wu can block it in person!
He finally rushed in front of Dugu Yan, picked up the Haotian bamboo shoots that had been fully charged (correct), and planned to directly inflict severe damage on Dugu Yan, but what he didn't expect was that a figure suddenly rushed up, it was Ye Lingling .

What is she rushing to do?Are you courting death?
Because Tang San originally wanted Ye Lingling to heal himself and Xiao Wu, and he didn't think a healing soul master would have any fighting power—not everyone belongs to Oscar, so he hesitated for a while.If Ye Lingling was seriously injured, who would heal him and Xiao Wu?
But this hesitation cost him a fatal price.

"Break the spiral!" Ye Lingling finally released the unique skill that Qian Renxue entrusted to her!
The power of this unique skill is so terrifying that she would even cut her hands to the point of bleeding when she practiced. Only Ye Lingling possessed the Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Soul and the paralyzing effect of Dugu Yan's Jade Phosphorous Blue Poison, so she could persist until now, and finally Practice this powerful and frightening stunt!

There was no fluctuation of soul power at all, and Ye Lingling pressed the super-high-speed spinning soul power to Tang San's chest instantly. The spinning soul power was like the sharpest blade, which instantly bruised Tang San's chest, and even Before he could drop the hammer, his whole body was blown upside down and flew out!
"I come--!"

And then Yufeng took advantage of Tang San's stagnation in the air, and made up a flying kick that fatally hit him in the lower body. In the end, Tang San fell on the ring, his whole body curled up in pain, lost in pain. Combat power!

Pass!It hurts so much!
Still failed to pretend to be coercive, Tang San ended his violent blackening in this way!He never imagined that he would end the battle in such an aggrieved way!

Finally, the poisonous fog dissipated, leaving Ma Hongjun alone.Oslo regained his combat strength under Ye Lingling's healing, and the seven of them surrounded Ma Hongjun together.

"I...I won't surrender! The Shrek Seven Devils never surrender!" Ma Hongjun said stubbornly.

Dugu Yan frowned. She had heard her grandfather mention this kind of person. There are always some soul masters. He was not sent off until he was finally severely injured and rendered useless, and afterwards he had to accuse others of being cruel.This kind of person completely ruined the ethos of fighting souls, which led to countless soul masters being ruthless in fighting souls.

So when she saw Ma Hongjun, she felt no admiration, only disgust.

In the end, in Yu Tianheng's joint attack with the three brothers of the Shi family, Ma Hongjun successfully experienced the pleasure of vomiting ascites, and then he was thrown out of the ring like trash.

And at this moment Tang San couldn't stand it any longer. He took out the rainbow sprayed mushroom sausage that Oscar threw to him before the end of the stage, and there was no hesitation in his eyes anymore.

"If you don't eat it, I can't protect you. If you eat it, I will be fooled by fate. But..."

He swallowed the rainbow jet mushroom sausage that Oscar handed him in one gulp, endured the unique flavor of the nine-turn large intestine, all the abnormalities in his body were concentrated in the abdomen, and finally spurted out!

Raging rainbow farts sprayed out from Tang San's ass, at the same time Tang San also eliminated all negative states including severe pain, and his whole body almost returned to its full glory.But at the same time, the entire Soul Arena was also shocked, because Tang San - he didn't wear pants!His pants are completely ruined!
(End of this chapter)

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