Chapter 280 Feeling the Soul of the Sword
Facing Sword Douluo, especially Sword Douluo with Ning Fengzhi's assistance, Qian Renxue was not at all sure, and now she couldn't display more than half of her abilities.If she breaks through the seventh ring, she may still have the confidence to be able to fight against her, but she definitely can't do it now.

"Sect Master Ning, are you going to make an enemy of my holy palace?" Qian Renxue said lightly.

Ning Fengzhi had cold sweat on his face, but he still maintained that standard smile that showed others: "Saint Bai Xue, what happened? We just don't want the Holy Palace to go its own way and make a big mistake! Our common enemy is the Spirit Hall, How can you waste your energy on meaningless internal friction?"

[The horoscope has not been written yet, it has become an internal friction, and a common enemy.It is really worthy of you, with the same spirit and Ning Fengzhi. 】Qian Renxue couldn't help thinking to herself.

"My Sacred Palace has its own peerless powerhouses, even the Wuhun Palace has to respect my Sacred Palace three points. Besides, when my Sacred Palace is doing things, when do you need an outsider to intervene?" Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes slightly, There was a fierce light.

Ning Fengzhi hurriedly waved his hand: "That's not the case, it's just that the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect is an ally of my sect after all, I can't... I can't just sit back and watch them have trouble!"

Qian Renxue sneered, and said, "Since you say that, is Sect Master Ning willing to be an enemy of my Holy Palace?"

Ning Fengzhi didn't know how to explain for a moment, so he had no choice but to force his voice to Chen Xin and said: 【You find a way, put aside the sect relationship, and invite the holy maiden of the Holy Palace to leave the stage in a private way. 】

Chen Xin also nodded when she heard the words, and walked slowly: "Saint Bai Xue, I want to compete with you alone. Besides, this is just my personal behavior and has nothing to do with the sect."

Chen Xin could also faintly see that Qian Renxue had the aura of a sword, such an opponent deserved to be taken seriously by him.However, this also means that he will not receive the boost assistance from Ning Fengzhi.

However, it is enough to achieve the purpose of the suzerain, and by the way, let yourself see what kind of strength this junior has.

The Seven Kills Sword of his Wuhun emerged in his hand, a solemn killing intent erupted instantly, and the Seven Kills Domain unfolded, as if turning into a sword domain.In this sword domain completely composed of seven killing sword intents, he can kill all the targets he perceives in an instant with imperceptible speed!
When Qian Renxue saw this, she also responded: "Yes, but we will only discuss the sword later, regardless of soul skills, how about it?"

Qian Renxue was also out of curiosity this time, because she clearly felt a purer feeling than sword intent in Chen Xin, which surprised her, so she wanted to give it a try and see if she could make a difference for her. The direction of his future kendo points out the way.

But since she wants to make a move, she has to cover up the characteristics of her sword skills and not let the opponent read her sword intent, otherwise it will be a big trouble for the future, which means that she must abandon her skills and try her best Simplify the complicated.

"Hmm... yes. It just so happens that I also need to sharpen my Seven Kills Sword Soul." Chen Xin seemed to ponder for a moment, and then nodded, because he had just entered the level of Sword Soul, and he hadn't had time to consolidate it in the future. , just take this opportunity to polish it.

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue didn't hesitate anymore, she wrapped herself in a circle of light, and with the help of the cover of the light, she summoned the Holy Spirit Sword from between her brows.Afterwards, Qian Renxue used the Eye of Destiny to activate the Angel Saint Illusion, causing the Holy Spirit Sword to be covered by an invisible layer of distortion, as if holding a non-existent sword.

When the light dissipated, Qian Renxue was ready, and Chen Xin was also ready for battle.

No one raised the slogan of the beginning, the two sides suddenly drew their swords, and they crossed each other in an instant. The light of the swords shattered the space and also left bloodstains.

Qian Renxue looked at the cut marks on her arm in amazement, a little unbelievable.His slashing like light is not as fast as him?How is this possible!

Chen Xin was also chopped off a strand of hair. He was slightly surprised, but then regretted, "Your sword seems a little dull. You are still a long way from that level."

The opportunity waits for no one, Chen Xin strikes again with the sword, and Qian Renxue also fights with the sword, relying on the hardness of the Holy Sword of Life, she is confident that she can resist Chen Xin's slash.

However, things went against her expectations, Qian Renxue's sword skills failed again, this time her arm was attacked, her sword skills just prevented Chen Xin's sword from daring to attack the vital points, that's all!

But this time, Qian Renxue finally understood that it wasn't that Chen Xin's sword was faster than her, but that Chen Xin's people were faster than her!Yes, even though she can use a sword as fast as light, her own thinking takes time!Every change of reaction is a loss of time!And Chen Xin seized that millisecond gap and hurt her!
In terms of strength alone, Chen Xin is definitely not as good as the Tang Hao she met before, but in terms of skills only, Chen Xin is definitely far above that Tang Hao!
Is this the level of Sword Soul?
Chen Xin said indifferently: "Don't you understand? There is an insurmountable gap between you and me. Anyone in battle is like manipulating a machine. Some people are proficient, while others are not. But in any case, the delay of the machine itself exists.

The same is true for combat. People's perception speed, thinking speed, and muscle reaction speed are like natural shackles.They restrain people, so that people will not easily break through their limits.And I, with my body and sword, have broken through this limit! "

Chen Xin didn't mind explaining one or two things, because in his opinion, if he was a mediocre person, he might not reach this level in his whole life.And if it's a real swordsman, even if he doesn't explain it, he will understand this sooner or later, so he feels that doing so is insignificant.

Afterwards, Chen Xin struck again, and this time his sword skills became extremely fierce again, and every attack was aimed at killing.

Even Qian Renxue's sword skills can be said to be chaotic, without any flaws.Under the advantage of Chen Xin's absolute accomplishments, he was also forcibly caught in the gap, and used his own sword to shake Qian Renxue's sword path, creating a flaw and causing damage!
While resisting, Qian Renxue also began to think about strategies against the enemy.But she found that the more she thought about it, the more she fell into a disadvantage!
【etc!Is the delay caused by thinking?Could it be that? 】Qian Renxue, who is as smart as snow, has already noticed some of the essential mysteries of Soul Sword.

If the sword intent is to let the sword carry out one's own will, use the sword to understand and communicate.Then the soul of the sword is to let the sword dominate everything about oneself, to abandon one's own thinking and experience, and to achieve a kind of instinct of the sword.

That has gone beyond the level of skill, sublimation from the inside out.That is not a level that can be touched only by perception. It is more about the need to train sword skills into muscle memory, and what is needed is instinct.

It is naturally impossible for Qian Renxue to achieve this in a short time, but she can set up a perfect imaginary enemy in her mind, fight with the ideal opponent, do the opposite, and also get rid of the physical delay.Since you can't achieve the extreme intention of freedom for the time being, then first achieve the extreme intention of yourself!

At the moment of the third confrontation, Qian Renxue caught the sword. Although it was not perfect, she did block it.

"You? No, this is not Sword Soul. How did you do it?" Chen Xin was puzzled. The development of this kind of thing was beyond his comprehension. He had never seen someone improve so fast in battle.

"Secret." Qian Renxue smiled slyly, "I have fully understood your sharp swordsmanship!"

The closer the simulated opponent in the mind is to the real opponent, the more you can abandon the correction of perception and the coordination of the body to a greater extent, and concentrate entirely on yourself.This is extremely dangerous, because once the self's "fantasy" cannot be connected with reality, it will inevitably lead to fatal results.

But fortunately, Qian Renxue has the Eye of Destiny, her level of simulation can be called ghost brain!
"I have already understood the mystery of the sword soul, I will charge in the future, let's stop here for now." After the last crossing of sword lights, Qian Renxue felt that it was time to end the fight.

In the last confrontation just now, Chen Xin actually felt that he was evenly matched. He couldn't imagine that a girl who hadn't stepped into the sword soul could actually do this.What he didn't know was how much Qian Renxue's mental power was consumed by the Eye of Destiny in order to simulate the two sword moves just now.

"In that case, then..." Jian Douluo was about to say something, but at this moment, a heart-wrenching roar suddenly came, interrupting his words.

Thunder Douluo, who had just rushed towards the lord of the Holy Palace, had his chest collapsed and hit the ground heavily, leaving a huge crater behind!
(End of this chapter)

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